Because they can't accept that someone is "better" than them so they make up things to justify it.
Not to mention to me one must be insane to kill 1600 metins within a span of 6 days.
Because they can't accept that someone is "better" than them so they make up things to justify it.
Not to mention to me one must be insane to kill 1600 metins within a span of 6 days.
well then how on my 35 farmer im doing like3k point a day with lots of hours of farming,and others only farmed 2 times and reached the 1st place so easily.
well then how on my 35 farmer im doing like3k point a day with lots of hours of farming,and others only farmed 2 times and reached the 1st place so easily.
It depends, if you write down the names of both you and these "others" we can see the difference. Hours of farming doesn't count much, I mean it only depends on how many metins you break. If they break much more they get more points. Maybe in 1 hour you can only find 10 metins, while another player can find 20 in 30 minutes.
killergirl1 vs xandrofarm
1160 metins vs 437
I think the point is that no lifers like HeavyPain win , this is what i understund from shadow words xd.
I think the point is that no lifers like HeavyPain win , this is what i understund from shadow words xd.
I would never dare to be so disrespectful to call someone no lifer. Expecially because the number of metins broken is not equal to the time spent, he could break 2000 stones in 2000 minutes and it would be roughly 6 hours every 6 days.
The point is, who breaks more, get more points, and this is the case for the Golden, but not for the Silver, and from the next week I will balance that one better.
I think the point is that no lifers like HeavyPain win , this is what i understund from shadow words xd.
The more time you invest in something the more you got, that's the life
The more time you invest in something the more you got, that's the life
Or more money xD.
To get money you need time right? Of course, you can be born milionere but that's rare xD
To get money you need time right? Of course, you can be born milionere but that's rare xD
You know what i mean xD.
Mugetsu please dont forget you kill 33% Metin Stones 10 Level under you & 33% 5 Level.
Mugetsu please dont forget you kill 66% Metin Stones 10 Level under you ( LvL 25 Metin of Black).
How did you come to number 66%? :O There are on map2 lvl 25,30,35 metins, how did you find from that 66%..
~1500 metins destroyed while the 1st place had like ~500, in the end,and he still won,so int's not about the numbers shadow..that's why im asking for a bronze cup,so you don't need to farm like crazy 5-6 days in a row,and a guy that farms only 10h can get over your rank just like that,leaving you far behind.
There is no need for the bronze cup, expecially since the event starts from level 30. It will be adjusted better, but bare in mind that you are breaking 1500 level 30/35 metins, which lets speak honestly, are the easiest metin.
A level 70 is one of the hardest metin ingame you can't expect to break the same number of level 30/35 and be on pair with one who breaks level 70. You should break more. Ok 3 times more is not good, but still, I don't see the need for a bronze cup when the points can be adjusted easily.
I am 75 lvl and i like to farm 90 lvl metins. It's kinda disappointing that i don't get any points for destroying them
I wish it worked in such a way:
My character level: 75lvl
Let's say 100 points for each metin stone.
65lvl = 50% points
70lvl = 75% points
75lvl = 100% points
80 lvl = 125% points
85 lvl = 150% points
90 lvl = 125% points
95 lvl = 100% points
and so on ;p
No because there are players who can break a level 90 metin using a level 35. In this way they would farm those and the level 90 won't have anything to farm.
~1500 metins destroyed while the 1st place had like ~500, in the end,and he still won,so int's not about the numbers shadow..that's why im asking for a bronze cup,so you don't need to farm like crazy 5-6 days in a row,and a guy that farms only 10h can get over your rank just like that,leaving you far behind.
It seems to me that it should be more categories, but with worse prizes.
It seems to me that it should be more categories, but with worse prizes.
I suggest you not to bother with these things anymore,let it be,you'll feel better
As already said, the level starts from 30, because going any lower is pointless. From 30 to 69, 39 levels, from 70 to 105, 35 levels. It is equal. We don't need to create 20 categories just because more people wants to win. Because this is all about.