[UPDATE] Refine Plus & Novice Channel 24/08/2016

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  • Like always... Bad sura wp cuz have remove...
    Next what body cuz have berserk? Or maybe BM cuz have rod or dragon cuz have crit?
    If u dont like remove make sin... If u like remove some1 make wp...

    • Official Post

    im sayin that ..if you rise the drop rates for all mobs/bosses/metins..you can remove thief gloves 4ever..we will not need anymore thief gloves to mount ..and can be removed from game..

    And where did you read that the drop rate of all mobs bosses and metins is raised?

    • Official Post

    I don't know about this....Should make like only P healer or a new P leadership skill, that you give the healer the power to heal the remove magic....Cuz then I will make a lvl 17 healer with M1 just to remove the remove magic on my head or a lvl 5 just to get the heal skill .... lol
    But the rest, good job

    The point of remove is to remove, once you are without your buffs you are pretty much dead, and if you are dead you are cured. The point of this change is the logic, the cure is supposed to remove all bad status, it cures poison, stun, slow, it must cure remove too.

    Level 50 Bio > Level 94 GG WP :thumbup: #FF20 :love:

    The game does not allow you to give the same reward twice, these values are good, not too low, not too high.


    i didnt..was a suggestion just..

    It makes no sense to remove the thief gloves by raising the drop rate. The drop rate is already high. If we do what will it be next? Remove all monsters and get for free all the items?

  • still the weapon sura stays in top with 65% chance to remove and infinity duration while in party.
    - anyway nice updates apriciate the work keep on!

    lol usta they made heal skill to remove remove skill and you still not glad bcs of 62% chance?

    The point of remove is to remove, once you are without your buffs you are pretty much dead, and if you are dead you are cured. The point of this change is the logic, the cure is supposed to remove all bad status, it cures poison, stun, slow, it must cure remove too.

    i agree with unko jp the p remove skill should only be cured by p heal skill otherwise it will be the same as level 20 chars removing 105ers

  • Nice update, and I agree with the bio nerfs, but wouldnt 60-80-100 AP/AC be better? I feel like this is a bit too low.

    Apparently they tested it and it seems to be the right choice of numbers. I believe it will prevent people from leveling in DT or doing BD runs solo. Of course there will be some that will still be able to solo it but they have very good items.

    PvP wise it was the only right choice, I'm very convinced now the top choice is going to be 2000HP not 300AP like it used to be now.

    The nerf shouldn't hurt much in PvM anywhere else but DT. To be honest on new map and HL it's better to have not that much AC since pierce works strange in this game instead of being a logical pierce hit.

  • With this bio stuff i dont agree so much ,i dont like so much when someone is changing concept of game on which one we got used ,Its like you start game on NORMAL MODE , and on half u remmber ,,, ooohhh i could switch to hard or easy , and not for first time.
    Same was with dragon run , devil catacomb, rarity items , as long player is possible to do solo its not good
    by you guys cuz u want force players on team game,its all about taste how someone like to play and what he
    find amusing and statisfying in this game ,bio rates are to low if u ask me, in my case i dont event care so much
    but thing is to make diference between someone who has great items and someone who has average... So at the end i think bio change will bring this to test...so my final conclusion is , I dont like it but i am curious to see
    how it will end up...

  • I'm genuinely curious too. People with great items will be able to level in DT but what's the point of leveling in DT since they're probably level 100+ already.

    When I used to play on metin2us everyone was leveling in HL getting 00,10 per big hunter's room and nobody had any objections. I believe DT should low exp like Orc Maze for instance and in my opinion it was NEVER supposed to be a leveling spot (even if I leveled there :P).

    Also while I understand the concept behind making thing harder I don't understand why the drop rate is the same.

    Yes, I know you're supposed to play with guild and by guild I mean friends not people with same logo over their heads but drops are just too bad to make runs in 8 people. Can anyone honestly imagine someone doing blue death run with 8 people for 1 box? Nobody is going to do it because it's not worth the time. Hell imho even doing it solo is not worth my time because this run depends too much on my connection and luck. I get DC? Bad luck, start over again no matter what floor I was on. Luck elment kicks in with upgrade because that's the whole point of doing that run since box usually drops bad stuff. I got 10 green pots once for example.

    When people couldn't kill death reaper solo or in fact even in 2-3 people indeed people used to do it with the whole guild but the concept of guilds is long ago gone for some reason.

    Tell me honestly how many real guilds we have on metin2sg or in fact metin2 as a whole? Not many because the new generation of players came over and since people know more about the game they can min-max their characters and do things solo which is obvious because why would they share loot with strangers?

    Anyway getting to the point I consider that change to be a good thing. Having a quest that gives 700 AC is a joke. I know there will be people full of hate because of that change but there will be also people that support that.

    The only thing I know is that time will show if it was beneficial for the server.

    • Official Post

    Well since you mentioned your dead Metin2 US, you should know that the reward of their dungeon was exactly the same as ours. 1 Box. With the exception that you couldn't solo anything there, because the mall was not tradable, the drop was not as generous as in our server, the exp rate was worse. Did any of you complained? Nope, oh well yes when you came here asking a free account because the server was closing, but you kept playing there with that style for how long? 6 years?

    And then you came here, a heaven compared to the hell you got used to, because let's remember that for almost 2 years you had no updates, no informations and then they told you simply that all you did on those 6 years was going to the trash bin.

    But yet here, with better balance between maller and non maller, better drop rate, better exp, you still demand a double or triple box reward even if you guys used to do DT runs to drop a 75 weapon that you can find here for "free" on HL.

    It doesn't make sense to me really.

  • every metin is more then same so i guess just checking wikipedia of other server can give clues ,where
    and since i play only here for me too is new ,but i know there are alot of players who play private and other
    servers so they are kinda in advance by this ... :@