[UPDATE] Refine Plus & Novice Channel 24/08/2016

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  • 1. I don't complain. Trust me there are many metin2 server and there is a reason I play this one. To be honest more than one but this one is enough - I like this server.

    2. I'm not sure if you caught the part when I said back then times were different. People now have different expectations. I know rewards were the same but I'll be back to that at the end.

    3. You're probably saying it at general but I just want to say sadly I missed the transfer. To be honest I still to this day don't know how it was really possible unless you just copied 1:1 items and accounts because I doubt you bought / got the data base from metin2us anyway not like it matters, just saying.

    4. In my opinion dungeons shouldn't be even possible to solo. They should be designed to MECHANICALLY require 8 people. At the moment you still can solo for instance DC run you just need really, really good items. My point is the dungeons let's say DC in this particular example should be made in such a way you would NEED 8 people (not 8 accounts) to do it. Many mmo games do that and they make "raids" in such a way you just can't do them in less than the group capacity is at max. Everyone gets rewards because everyone must contribute to doing the raid. On metin2 as a whole game this doesn't exist. You can get 8 people with not so good items and do it for 1 box or you need 1 person with god items and solo it. It's obvious these 8 people won't do it for 1 box because it's waste of their time UNLESS we're speaking of guilds and I mean REAL guilds that share and do everything which doesn't really exist anymore on metin2.

    With all due respect since you announced the new updates I began to trust more in your actions and I'm convinced you know what's better for us - players at general.

    There will be always people that are unhappy with a change but you must think in a long term run - I admit I used not to and I was rather selfish but what's the point of playing mmo to solo everything?

    • Official Post

    that was directed to you forgetMe , i am sg player ;) :D

    Well regarding your post i can only tell you this. The previous team, made up by some players slash "devs"(LOL) screwed up the game badly and all these changes are to fix these mistakes. For example is not a surprise that one of these "devs" was a healer and the heal skill is stupidly unbalanced healing even 15k HP.

    As for the rest, we are in charge of the game and we change it as we think is for the best. If you don't like it, you are not forced to play, we can't please everybody of course. Some will like the changes, some won't. The current way is not good, so obviously a change is needed :)

    • Official Post

    You got it wrong. What I am saying is that most of the people who complains about the reward on the dungeons comes from a server who was harder than this and had the same mechanic, because it is how the game is, and they never complained about doing a run to get a box and get maybe a potion from it. But after they came here, they expect more because they already see the server itself gave them more than their old one.

    It is funny and sad at the same time, it seems the more we give you the more you want.

  • listen up you mr. smart guy forhetme, stop talking much around really, you are so annoying for all our eyes with your long and useless and irrelevant posts. We are tired man. You wanted a sin and you cant handle monocles quest potions for all bios so you are now happy for this update. But with this mentality you will be loser always. Just info

    You say you leveled at d.tower and i know your mage too. So imagine if this nerf happened the day before you level, im goddamn sure you would come here and CRY PACIFIC OCEAN here. Like "ohhh i f***ing paid so much to complete bios for 700 def and now all deleted omggg i hate this life :S"

    Well why i tell you im 105 already but there might be some players in this situation. So stop actin like a saint now and play the game dont spam forum.pls, mr.i know everything. not only you, there are much ppl who try to defend the class that he plays.

    And i believe there will be more bio quests or whatever needed here because there must be some differrence between players level 90 and 120. You can make it by items or bio etc but there must be

    its early to speak about new dungeons maps we dont even have em now. We only know there will be better exp spots than the tower floor eleven. Here i advice make it so damn hard. Make it almost impossible to reach max level so there will be real competition like who will go 120 first and since the maps are not like dungeons that every player can bother you there will be pvp on these maps.seems we ll have fun

  • Amazing update so far, grats to the team...I don't know if these odds are the same that in other official servers, but i think they're pretty close or even equal, was always curious to see them.

    The thing is this update will really bring dynamic to the refining system market and utility to many normally unexplored parts of the game, which is amazing, great job !

  • I didn't even bother to talk to you because compared to you I know when to quit a conversation but since you really want to get rekt again here you are:

    1. I didn't "give up" on anything and especially not because "I couldn't handle a red monocle quests". I don't know if you knew but I'm not playing for you, I play how I want and I wanted a sin, later on I didn't I made a warrior. What's the big deal? Now you'll come to tell me what I can or can't?

    2. Yes, I lvled at DT. As a sura you still can level in DT even as a sura. If you're too weak to level there without bio it's not my problem. I never in my life "cried" on forums about a change in the game but you can't even tell a difference between statement / irony / fact and so on so why I even bother?

    3. I play the game and for certain I know way more than you. :)

    4. I don't even play on my sura anymore, but again you can't see a difference between statement / fact / irony and a few others that I can't be bothered to mention.

    5. Just FYI on metin2us I lvled to 92 in HL and the only thing that stopped me there was just quitting the game. Not my fault some people are lazy. I lvled even here to 92 in HL. I lvled my mage and myself in DT because I could. If I couldn't I would just level in HL.

    6. I believe that Shadow knows what he is doing and you won't be able to exploit dungeons for leveling like you could in DT since the game was created which I never could understand.

    7. If you don't like reading my posts I have a great advice for you - don't read them. I know you're illiterate but let me explain in terms you can understand.

    This is a forum. I can write anything I like and posts I write can be even 1,000,000 words. You are the LAST person to care or even tell me what to do or not to do.

    I'm not speaking to you on a purpose. First of all I want to save you embarrassment because since some time you've fallen so low I'm even ashamed I considered you intelligent at some point.

    I don't even want to bother myself to explain any further so I will solve this issue once and for all. If you hate reading long posts so much you can get a plug-in for Google Chrome that will make my posts invisible. I can't understand why you haven't done it yet if you hate my posts so much.

    Concluding you were my friend. Your backstabbing, immature behaviour along with plain illiteracy had caused that I have 0 respect for you anymore. You pick up on fights with everyone that has different opinion than you. You're a hypocrite as well. You're inward-looking person that thinks all opinions different from yours are wrong moreover, you think that ANY word of criticism or disagreement is how you like to call it "crying".

    I don't want to sound racist but it seems all nations have something in common. You just prove me right with each word you say and I really didn't want to think that about you.

    I'm really sorry that our friendship had to end this way but at least try to grasp the basic concept of respect towards other people including me because excluding me you'll need it in your life later on and don't ever speak to me again and I promise I shall do the same.

  • Ok just found a bug...after the 1st boss in Orc Maze the upgrading window in the Green Ghost NPC is bugged, it appears like infinite number of galls as required items, so much that you can not even see the button to accept, so you cannot use the NPC no more. I tried with both a +6 weapon where the refine plus system could kick in, and with a +0 and +2, so it happens in all + . Forgot to take a screenshot but yeah xD

  • @Shadow What happened with the ppl who already had all the bio done? if i chose at 92 1k hp, at 94 200 AP and at 96 700 AC now, after update, i will have (automatically) at bio 92 1k hp (same), at 94 bio 55 AP and at 96 bio 65 AC ?? or we will have the oportunity for choose again?

  • I tried to scroll the most i could and still didn't find the accept button, i'll try again...But now i realised it's impossible to get 2 or 3 hits with spinning dagger, only possible if the opponent is running away and you "get along" with his running lol. That's really disappointing really, because ok i get that sins get better due to lack of stun lock, but not being able to do one of its main features, which is not that op, is really dumb for me. That's a big big part of pvp and the skill is adapted to the fact that you can get 3 hits. Dmgwise is now the worst sin skill besides the 6th one

    • Official Post

    @megasaxo they are changed automatically and you can choose them again of course like it was always been.

    @Skyquake is silly to make a fuss for only one skill when the rest of the gameplay is better. Yes that skill may be harder to trigger but what some of you players doesn't know is, that it was not supposed to do 3x damage to begin with. Since I am here, so more than 3 years, I read complains about the auto attack "omg i can't move auto noob" and now that we fix it, is not good because 1 skill can't do 3x damage?

    It is quite lame in my opinion, even more because you are smart enough to know that skills can be lowered or raised as we want since it is just a formula and we are doing all this work to balance.

  • Ive been testing out the new refine plus also..... I have found a problem.

    In the original post about Refine+ you said that Dragon god blessing will add the 10% / master compass add 20% to the original percentages.

    I tested it on a level 40 bell. Blessing scroll will give it 40% to success but Dragon God Blessing gives 25%

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  • Shadow i believe you can ofc change the skill damage to balance things out, I just think that claiming that the skill was not meant to have 3x damage doesn't make sense in my opinion, the ability to do 2 or 3 hits with spinning dagger completely matches up with the last hit of a ninja and so and it was obviously meant to be when the game was created back in 2004 lol That's what I believe, as i said the stun lock correction was a really nice update and I totally approve it, i'm just disappointed that one of the main ninja features in my view cannot be used now...I mean i still can get 3 hits when for example some boss throws me back with his attack which is pretty nice lol But yeah overall amazing updates.

    The description of those scrolls is in the minimum misleading since it clearly says that it adds 10% to the equipment upgrade xD

    • Official Post

    Because the players discovered they could hit 3 times so they thought it was normal, but it doesn't mean it was supposed to deal 3x damage.

    The skill is meant to lure, run away, let the monsters be in line and roll into all of them. Actually back on 2007, when the game got released on Europe, the skill could hit 5 times (all the skills had different casting effect, like Aura of Sword being Green instead of Blue), and it was partialy fixed.

    Not saying that we removed it because it is suppose to be this way, but we prefer not being staggered than keeping the old way just for the sake of this skill.

    As for the scroll, the description is the one from Ymir, the refine items were never altered in the past and they works this way in every server. I will think about a new description since writing how the scroll works for every level of refine will take at least 10 lines of text.

  • So just made a blue death run and this appeared when i wanted to upgrade an item.
    Scrolling down doesn't help, you can't go much further than this. Can't even see the upgrade option.
    Would be nice if it would get fixed soon, cause now seems like I'm not gonna upgrade anything.

    So far bio actually seems okay, not noticing that much difference.

    Edit: found a way of scrolling down but it's like never ending list until you reach the upgrade option.

  • than change Shaolin Stance to just 1 hit !!!
    Its unfair Sin got the lowest AP and skills doing not pretty much Dmg
    Thank you for make the dagger sin useless haha Nice PvP Balence make the Lowest class completly useless