[UPDATE] Refine Plus & Novice Channel 24/08/2016

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  • than change Shaolin Stance to just 1 hit !!!Its unfair Sin got the lowest AP and skills doing not pretty much Dmg
    Thank you for make the dagger sin useless haha Nice PvP Balence make the Lowest class completly useless

    Dear Mercia,
    thank you for the feedback, but we never said that the balance of the classes is done here.
    If you have the patience to wait, you'll see that in the end everything will be perfectly balanced.

    As you can see, for example, the skill Remove Magic will only affect players within the caster's level range, the skill Heal was nerfed but now can cure Remove Magic affect. Many other gameplay balancing changes will come, you just need to have patience.

  • Because the players discovered they could hit 3 times so they thought it was normal, but it doesn't mean it was supposed to deal 3x damage.

    The skill is meant to lure, run away, let the monsters be in line and roll into all of them. Actually back on 2007, when the game got released on Europe, the skill could hit 5 times (all the skills had different casting effect, like Aura of Sword being Green instead of Blue), and it was partialy fixed.

    Not saying that we removed it because it is suppose to be this way, but we prefer not being staggered than keeping the old way just for the sake of this skill.

    If spinning dagger skill is not meant to do 3x dmg, why it has 3x lower dmg then other skills?

    I won't even mention 6th skill which is 17x lower then others.

  • So what is all this with no more push back from normal hits ? Is it bug or part of the update ?
    I hope it is only bug because this would mean to completely destroy the game.

    I'm very open minded to new things but completely destroying the game mechanics is absurd.
    I can understand nerfing bio even though it has no sense to put those values 10 times lower than it was.Better just
    remove it, but whatever, i can live with it.

    But destroying game mechanics is like turning metin2 into a fail game. I mean there is no more dynamics, how can
    you hit a player and not move at all ? It is against logic.

    I am not clairvoyant but if you really assume all these updates ruining game dynamics, i can predict 50% of the players will quit, including me.

    If i wanted to play another game than metin2, i would just go for it.
    If i play metin2, i expect to play metin2. I hope i made my point.

    In my opinion, the game is supposed to stay simple as it was, that's the main point of this game, i am sure everyone play it because of this. Why complicate things so much ? If you think bio 92 94 96 is bad for the "balance" you seek, just remove it.
    Why introduce DSS system and then trying to balance pvp ? Why introduce rarity and then trying to balance pvp ?
    It really makes no sense, it is like running in circles. PVP was highly unbalanced due to those last updates but i think it is still very balanced since NO ONE can tank 2-3 strong players in raid. Even 2 different classes is too much to tank when they have strong dmg.

    Anyway, trying to reach an utopia is a big mistake IMO and it will turn into a disaster. Game is ok as it is, with its strengths and weaknesses. Small changes might improve it but too much bravery will ruin it.

    So as a final remark, i would like to share my opinion upon new changes.

    Again, nerfing bio 92 94 96 to those values is same with removing it but i don't mind too much, it is like going back to the roots so it seems fine to me. +1

    Decreasing pierce hits is good because -ye- making so much dmg with pierce hits and so low with skills makes no sense. +1

    All the other small changes like fixing heal skill, remove skill etc. again it is fine for me. +1

    Now, if you start to mess with all the basics of metin2 like game dynamics, movement, dynamics of skills ( like spinning dagger ), i will just say a big NO and get out of here with a deep regret. -10

    I hope you guys will take into account all the feedback from players.


    • Official Post

    All the changes done are going to stay. If you players feel liks quitting, well thanks for playing with us :)

    We never forced people to stay here and we won't start now. With this, I don't want to say that I don't appreciate the feedbacks, but this is our product and the choices we do are for the best. You may hate them and quit or you may like them and play with us, the choice is yours. In case you go elsewhere or to a different game, we wish you good luck :). Peace :beer:

  • But destroying game mechanics is like turning metin2 into a fail game. I mean there is no more dynamics, how can
    you hit a player and not move at all ? It is against logic.

    seems like metin2 universe has no physics rules :) how can you keep your position when someone attacks you with a sword :D

  • Just one question, in the guild smith the odd that shows is the same as the one in the blessing scrolls, but the 10% more chance still applies right?

    Btw, PvM is much easier now because since monsters stay in the same place you just have to call them and be in the same spot hitting, and all of the them will stay within your hit range maximizing your attack power, ability to stun etc.

    I can now do Orc Maze in less time than before and tanking metins now is really easy x.x

  • there is the point stun lock is removed you allways can change your position if you cant stand in mele then choose archer healer or somth so you can skill and run whenever you like without some 1 put you auto and you cant move i fight a healer with my warrior and i kill even more hard then before cuz simply he can escape faster and heal all works fine!!!

    :miffy: :minigun:

  • the dagger assassin class has now become useless, congratulations, and the question of sending insatifestos players stop playing, without remembering the effort it took to put the skills of your characters .. perfect master is very easy to speak, managed to end another class that was already weak. and now strong leaving spells suras and lightning mage. team congratulations. -1 :thumbdown:

  • the dagger assassin class has now become useless, congratulations, and the question of sending insatifestos players stop playing, without remembering the effort it took to put the skills of your characters .. perfect master is very easy to speak, managed to end another class that was already weak. and now strong leaving spells suras and lightning mage. team congratulations. -1 :thumbdown:

    We never said that we finished to balance this class, so be patient (no one prevents us, for example, to enhance the skills).

    whats this?

    This is part of an update that you will see in the coming weeks.

    By the way, what do you think about the Refine Plus? (this question is for all)

  • The possibility to see how high is the chance to upgrade the item looks interesting. About new items, well, players must obtain them first, but again, higher chance
    sounds good in my opinion. I didn't test it much, i made my +0 shield +7 because i no longer have enough AC to completely absorb damage from monsters.

    Thanks to nerfing bio 92-96 my damage is lower than the one my lv 55 farmer has xD. But i suppose i wont die from it. Also, less AC reduced the damage inflicted by piercing hits, which again, is quite very good.

    The interesting part comes from stun-lock removal. PvM is way easier now and rarity bonus HP Restore will work better(items with HP restore might become expensive). And i think now in PvP mages can now become better.. Of course, new strategy to fight is required, it may lead to something from this.

    I believe there is a confirmation needed before destroying glove/exp rings, to avoid miss-clicks. For high lv players this shouldn't be a tragedy, but for low lv players, who knows...

    Now, i don't have much hope for the Siege Arena :D It may be much more useful in events than in guild fights. I just can't see large masses of players fighting there in a guild war. Fighting for farming spots may be interesting but not in that map. As i said, part of events/guild championship it may work.

    I believe there's need for a message to all new players when they create their accounts to direct them to forum -> novice channel. They might like it, as i believe you guys made it to help them - keep people informed.

    All these changes will boost market a bit, bring new players, thanks and looking for new updates :)

  • We never said that we finished to balance this class, so be patient (no one prevents us, for example, to enhance the skills).

    good the update is okay. news is welcome. however ruin a class taking its main attack is x3 the dagger. It is a Lack of consideration to all players who have the killer class. players spent time and money to build a character who is like them, and you come to a modification of these without at least we players know that will change the character, then yes, you are responsible for spoiling the game by a majority that disagrees this modification. the excuse that does not want to play just go to another server is not valid, because time and money is not found in tree. I believe they should find an update to keep this new feature without affecting the assassin class, and if you have any class that needs adjustments in pvp are the magicians of thunder and the suras black magic. if they want to get attract new players are doing the opposite or exclude game killer character or return it to the players that was spent on their characters, killers now are useless if before killing little now so do not kill anything. it is an outrage no offense, I hope return.