[Maintenance] Helper System & Bugfixes

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  • Dear players,

    with today's maintenance we will take some extreme measure, but upon a lot of thoughts, we believe it is for the good of the server and so for the good of your gaming experience as well.

    We noticed that reopening the Red Kingdom did not brought the desired results as the kingdom is not filled, despite our efforts and given prizes.
    For these reasons we decided to move Pandemonia into the Asmodia Kingdom, hoping to balance the two kingdoms and incrementing the pvp and pvm.
    We apology to all the Reds, but sadly is the only thing to do to balance the kingdoms.

    Having said this, from today the Helper System will go on live.
    As anticipated on the thread, the Helpers will deal with the most concerning doubts that you may have ingame, as well as providing advices and why not, also some chit chat.

    Keep in mind however, that Helpers are just volunteers and they are players like yourself, so show them the respect that they deserve ALWAYS, even more than the ones given to the GMs, and mostly, if they do not answer immediately, remember that they might be busy and that you can always ask another Helper.


    • Fixed the Vitality System
    • Fixed a graphic issue with pickax and fishing rod
    • Fixed the building on the guild lands

    Kind regards,
    The TEC Interactive team.

  • I don't know if this is a bug, but i wanna tell you something about Ritual of Doom animation : when wearing armor it looks normal, everything is fine, but when i put costume on, the animation looks strange. It's not a big deal, just wanted to share.

    Regarding a different subject, i wanted to ask you if you decreased the dmg of ROD skill, it was a surprise since it wasn't announced in the previous updates, or maybe i am mistaken.

    Last but not least, i wanna express my frustration upon the fact that yellow kingdom is always disadvantaged regarding the reward for Nation War winner.

    I believe this happens since we ( me and my friends who joined yellow kingdom for the sake of pvp ) were in blue kingdom and everytime we joined and won, even in big number, Teirusu didn't give us any reward due to the fact that "not enough players joined relative to the number of players online" or "the war wasn't good enough" or "yellow kingdom didn't join at all" etc.
    This happened many weeks in a row, yet when red kingdom won, they got reward and everthing was fine.

    Now, looking at the last weeks, yellows always joined in big number ( huge number relative to the total population or players online if we compare with blue kingdom which has maybe 10 times more players ) and everytime we won, no kingdom received any reward. The closest example is the NW which was 2 weeks ago, in which we joined in big number, especially compared to blue kingdom, yet we didn't get any reward for the win.

    Last NW was absolutely the same except the fact that this time blue kingdom won and, guess what, everyone got reward this time. I think you can figure out from where my frustration comes and i speak in the name of many of my friends which share the same feelings regarding this issue.

    This happened for so long time now that we actually might think that we are not amongst the favorite players of this server. We keep thinking "What do we do wrong?", "Why not the same measurement unit for everyone?"...
    I don't mind losing, i don't mind when blue kingdom gets reward, actually i don't really care too much about this reward, but i do care about the fact that we are not treated in the same manner.

    I mean, if you don't wanna give reward, OK, just remove it for good; if you wanna give, OK, give to whoever joins and wins, but don't treat us in a different way because we feel stupid.

    I believe many players actually stopped joining due to this kind of frustration; they join first time, they join second time, they join third time and when they see nothing changed and everytime there is a new reason for which they don't get any reward, they start to experience frustration and eventually get discouraged to join this kind of events.

    The clearest example is SW since one week ago, when no one from yellow kingdom joined because of this reason. More exactly, because the week before, yellows joined in big number, won the war and got not reward even though it was a clear and fair win.

    As a punishment for this massive absence in SW, we got -25% exp bonus which, in my humble opinion, is not the best way to interact with players and encourage them to join this kind of events, nor the best way to manage this kind of issues. So here's the logic: we join 10 times in big number, no reward. We don't join one time SW ( which by the way, i believe the way it is now, it has many flaws and is not the most attractive event from many points of view ), -25%.

    This sums up pretty much everything i had to say at this moment. There is absolutely no offence intended, only my frustration to be shared with you.

    • Official Post

    If the animations are broken, they are broken since the day one of this game, such as the holy sword that gets smaller when you cast aphotic shield. There is nothing much to do other than changing the animation or the 3d model of the item, which cost a lot of time and money for... nothing.

    As for the skill, no we did not lower it or altered it in any way.

    I can't say much on the NW / SW because Teirusu handle it, but as we don't think you guys are stupid (even less we have no favoritism over a nation instead of another), you guys should not think we are stupid either.

    When there is a NW and some players rather than joining goes on v2 or other exp maps to occupy the room/spot, what better punishment than not giving any exp?

    We stated many times that we dislike the greedness, we hate greedy people, we don't think a game should be played like a little shark trying to get advantages of every situation, and there are a lot of players like this. A game should be played for fun only, yes you can be competitive, but for god's sake there are limits.

    So no, you should join NW to do some pvp and not for a reward. The reward is for our amusement watching you guys fighting as payment to spend hours of our Sunday helding the event. If there is no fun, then there is no reward. If the next time you decide to not join on purpose, there is a punishment.

    To answer the "what do we do wrong", you should see the chats of some players against some others, during raid and national wars. That's what some of you guys do wrong.

  • Yo PanicStation my old friend, here a lil quote from shadow u should watch it:

    To answer the "what do we do wrong", you should see the chats of some players against some others, during raid and national wars. That's what some of you guys do wrong.

    You write very well in forum but you are like a maniac in game. Like when you changed kingdom you started to curse me, or in our town when you got killed you said that to xandro: " who the fk are u in this game?" Just few examples.

  • Quote from woopie

    You write very well in forum but you are like a maniac in game. Like when you changed kingdom you started to curse me, or in our town when you got killed you said that to xandro: " who the fk are u in this game?" Just few examples.

    Please don't talk nonsense..i might start searching some old screenshots who prove how you act and talk ingame but i don't find it necessary since you are just a kid who doesn't know how to behave.

    First of all, i considered you my friend even after you trash-talked your guild in which you were, you trash-talked your old mates, even after i moved to yellow and though i explained you the reasons for which i did it and i hoped you'd understand and don't have any hard feelings, you got very mad and started to act like a retarded kid.

    Everytime i was around, you started to talk shit, camp me and even though i ignored this behaviour at first, you kept doing it mostly because you were mad that i left blue and went with your "enemies" which were your friends not long time ago.

    I never cared about your conflicts you had with your ex guild mates, i am not the kind of player who hates you just because of that, i treated you the same way i treated you when you were in guild and everything was fine. I don't expect you to understand this, as i saw your personality and how you see things "friends of your enemies are your enemies", but at least have the decency to not be such a hypocrite and talk all this nonsense.

    Regarding Xandro, i never said anything to him until he started to trash-talk when i was around - "crap char crap player etc" - which i find it stupid to come from a player who mostly did nothing until now, so yea, it kinda makes sense to ask him "Who the fuck are you?" when i don't even know him and he trash-talk me with no reason.

    What bothers me is that people like you have no respect and don't have a clue about what fair-play is.

    But, in the end, we all know who flame the most in this game, who starts to talk shit all the time.
    If any of the GA would just show all the conversations in the last raids and Nation Wars, to see which players start flaming and act like retarded kids, would be great to watch.

  • Regarding Xandro, i never said anything to him until he started to trash-talk when i was around - "crap char crap player etc" - which i find it stupid to come from a player who mostly did nothing until now, so yea, it kinda makes sense to ask him "Who the fuck are you?" when i don't even know him and he trash-talk me with no reason.

    I talked with you? never. ah yes, one time in demon tower. Where did you mean too kill all lowchars, when i made a run for blue kingdom.

    i did nothing, cuz i play only pvm current? sorry, i don't like it too give one skill and run after this in the safe.
    i called you as "crap char crap player" ? please screenshot. i'm not ziron.

    If you have any problems with me, you can pm me :)

  • I think this is not the right thread to argue about National War/Siege War, since this is about the Helpers update. There is a whole section called "suggestions" to write about it.

    Anyway I will quote you:


    Teirusu didn't give us any reward due to the fact that "not enough players joined relative to the number of players online" or "the war wasn't good enough" or "yellow kingdom didn't join at all" etc.

    That is true. Except the part of "Yellow didn't join at all". If any kingdom is missing, no matter the kingdom, there is a high chance of not getting a reward. Only if I see players are enjoying a good fight, even the lack of one kingdom, I may change my judgment. If two kingdom doesn't join, there won't be a fight and hence, every kingdom will get a -25%. This is very simplified, there are many fact I take in consideration to provide a fair reward but it brief, it looks like that.

    The problem is always the same thing. Our meaning of fair is different. No matter how many times we told to the players, it seems to be ignored. National war it doesn't involve a kingdom, involve all the kingdoms, and the reward is settled making focus on the participation from all the kingdoms, no matter how your own kingdom try. In fact, it shouldn't be a waste of time, because national war or siege war it should be funny, and you should join because it provide a good pvp arena to test yourselves, not joining just to get a reward.


    We don't join one time SW ( which by the way, i believe the way it is now, it has many flaws and is not the most attractive event from many points of view ), -25%.

    This is the 3rd or the 4th time I have to set -25% due lack of participation. So is not something up to yellows. I already explained earlier. -25% Has been set before, and will still set, as long as the requeriments are met.

    Again you are focusing about "we don't get exp", and the most important thing, which is "SW is not attactive from many points" you just tell us between brackets. I really don't understand how you can spend a lot of time, making a huge post about reason you dislike about NW/SW rewards, but the most important, which is improve our events, you just say one sentence in brackets.

    For last, and not least important, I just want to say, and hope it isn't rude: I don't care who win the rewards from NW/SW. So everything related with "This GM/GA like one kingdom or one player more than others are just pointless words". This sentence is applied not only on events, but also in most matter in the game. For us, every player is the same, no matter if he spent 1000€ or 10€. No matter if he is from a kingdom or another, no matter if he have been in the server 10 years or 1, or if he talk to us everyday or just for help.

    I hope I was clear enough, and I really hope I don't get an answer here but a thread on suggestion telling us why Siege War is not attractive and how it can be enhanced.

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    a video for the people who are confused what an national war is :P

  • Τhat's something else, we are talking about NW, an event.
    People will join the event because they will get a reward, most of the times no matter what the reward is.
    To be honest, raids aren't that often in our server.