I fail to see the link between this update and the DT11 (why just 11?)
Sorry, I meant you just destroyed the exping for high level players not with this update sure sorry for the inconvenience.
Edit: why just 11th floor? I ve to admit I killed blue death just for a few times so I'm not that expert but I'm pretty sure you also know spending like 2 hours or even more if 11th floor is messing with you and you get like a dragon earrings or a white pearl if you are lucky. Meanwhile a level 35 players can make more cash with metins on map2 . I'm not flaming you guys for it but I think you already regret it. Of course I know you been talking about the new maps where we will be able to get better exp but what to do until then ? Taking parts in the events and without them now sensless to play. Maybe only for some good bargains on the market.
Sorry for the poor English tough. I'll practise it full time soon