I still dont understand what update have with priv server? o.o
New update dont change full game play but give better start new players...
Guys stop cry... its awesome update...
The whole cry cuz orc maze useless???
Or cuz we have 1lv items+9? o.o
Guys its still 1lv stuff CLEAN...

[Maintenance] Gameplay Changes 05/10/2016
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I still dont understand what update have with priv server? o.o
New update dont change full game play but give better start new players...
Guys stop cry... its awesome update...
The whole cry cuz orc maze useless???
Or cuz we have 1lv items+9? o.o
Guys its still 1lv stuff CLEAN...bamboo is lvl 15...
In hl we can drop 20+9:>
thats is true Bro all high lvls gonna make 35lvl farmer bcs its easy and soon green adder be 500k and changer 3kk. But what about Orc maze? hm why dont u guys make him harder much harder and better drop bcs now 55lvl and 60 sucks ther xD
why would they farm metins in map2 to make 30-40kk/hour when they can make more in less time with their high level accounts?
Coz they are stupid XD
i tell you why xD. no bcs stupid no bcs they are noobs. Just 4fun like me im bored of kiling hell run moonlight etc so its nice some time check orc maze or kill few metins in map2 just find peace for chealing just to kill time.
thats is true Bro all high lvls gonna make 35lvl farmer bcs its easy and soon green adder be 500k and changer 3kk. But what about Orc maze? hm why dont u guys make him harder much harder and better drop bcs now 55lvl and 60 sucks ther xD
True. But green changer is already 6kk and update is live for 2 days. Give it a month and green changers will be 500k.
why would they farm metins in map2 to make 30-40kk/hour when they can make more in less time with their high level accounts?
Maybe because they already all of the sudden farm on map2 and lvl 45-50-55 metins?
Still green add/changer max 40lv items...
Really nice update but there is one problem , instead of helping new players with this update u will slower them because all high lvls now made lvl 35 farmers and map2 is full and there will be alot of ksers and kills ...
like AlmightyPush
Well i dont know why would they make lvls 35 but untill today farming in map2 was very nice and friendly and since this update i got ksed by blues like 99 times so u explain me the purpose of the update because its not helping the new players at all
just wait until the prices go down, they will stop farming so much. In 1 month maximum the farming will take place the same as it was before
well Woopie u dont need to worry about me i just now made warrior 35lvl xD for 2-3 months will be rdy xD
And everyone looked down on me for having a lvl 35 main...
Now it is my time to shine >:D
Hello everyone, they made this change not to make player rich by selling green changers or adders.
The reason of this change is to help new players make their eq faster and easier than before. Map2 farmers will farm only to make their eq better.
Hope you understand it! Thank you -
i dont understand, do you understand me as the old player old guy no energy no time short life i farm like horse for nothing. so i must now to make farmer 35lvl
we got nearly 2017, stop say bullshit about private server, +9 stuff for a good start in this game should have be in all servers years ago made
no, people like you are always against changes, and even more if it make something easier or different than oyu used to do years ago, thats what make you go against it, because of jealousy that you had to farm way more and harder to reach a specific level than the upcoming people who will join to the server or already did.
im against it against jelly etc bla bla watever ppl imagine in their head idc, its my problem if im going make now 35lvl farmer to farm too why not if i can farm hell run or every moon event or maze or new maps etc other runs, so im going to make too 35lvl farmer well already everyone make 35lvl farmer high or low lvl.
most just make it to test it lol, in 1 month most people that are not new player here and who made now a level 35 farmer, will stop farm with 35 farmer, thats normal lol
You are not forced to create or not a lvl35 farmer, so give it a try and decide what to do :))