
Fisherman of the Month (Sat, Sep 30th 2017)
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wish me luck
btw ( thats how i put the windows when i fish with more than 1 char )
Bring me more of them
Good luck!Tary
me and him have same length fish xD , maybe we have 2 winners if nobody else post higher fish
i thought it too
ok 4 hours left to top his fish, go go
Dear Players,
The winner of June's Fisherman Event is Yamachi.
Please contact me in game to deliver the winning fish to me.You can already start posting here screenshots of your fishes for the month of July!
Good luck!Kind Regards,
Tary -
captured today 15h july
Here mine:
Captured 08 / 07 / 2017 (dd/mm/yyyy).Also, Tary, as suggestion i think the next time we must post the capture in the next 4 days. Unless, we can wait till close to the end to make this and well, it removes competition... Furthermore, i would like this event at least once two weeks (hunter rank is each week so, why don't this one two weeks each month?)
@Benitez952 Because this is Fisherman of the Month, where Month suggests Monthly Event.
The winner of July's Fisherman Event is Benitez952.
Please contact me in game to deliver the winning fish to me.You can already start sending me screenshots of your fishes for the month of August!
Good luck!For the next events, every player should send me their screenshots via private message.
I will not accept any screenshot posted here, on the event thread or on my wall.Kind Regards,
Tary -
@Benitez952 Because this is Fisherman of the Month, where Month suggests Monthly Event.
The winner of July's Fisherman Event is Benitez952.
Please contact me in game to deliver the winning fish to me.You can already start sending me screenshots of your fishes for the month of August!
Good luck!For the next events, every player should send me their screenshots via private message.
I will not accept any screenshot posted here, on the event thread or on my wall.Kind Regards,
TaryTary I don't if this is place to make suggestion, but I will try
Since we send you screenshots, can you answer us if there is bigger fish than the one we send, so you motivate us to fish more, since we can't see fish of other players...Gentle cheers!
Sure, pm me with your fish and I'll tell you
Sure, pm me with your fish and I'll tell you
I have done it three times, since i beat two times my record
I hope you get pm! -
Sure, pm me with your fish and I'll tell you
Don't want to bother but did you get my pm or not?
Hey guys,
@Gentle'sCompany, even though I didn't answer right away I saw your message.
The Fisherman of the month of August is @BenitezMetin2 with a fish of 92.24 cm of legth.
Please send a private message to [SGM]Tary in game to deliver your winning fish and to receive your reward!
If you don't have the fish anymore, the reward will go to the second biggest fish of the month.Good job everyone for the big fishes you sent me. Don't give up! Let's break that record!
You can start sending your fishes for the month of September!
Kind Regards,