oh wow an incredibly stupid rule. Over it.

Chinese New Year
Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!
after 20min nonstop killing mobs didnt drop a single red packet. alright then.
I would understand if this was 7 days event, but it is just 2 days, out of which 12 hours is already gone. I do also understand that you do not care about any other player than yourself, and that you put your interest before the interest of other players, and that's still fine. But you also must understand that we care about every single player equally no matter if the player is level 15 or 105. If you were in map 2 with your farmers, lower level players would have no where to go. So for these 2 days i believe everyone can remain unselfish and try enjoying the event as much as possible.
[EA]dust -
I would understand if this was 7 days event, but it is just 2 days, out of which 12 hours is already gone. I do also understand that you do not care about any other player than yourself, and that you put your interest before the interest of other players, and that's still fine. But you also must understand that we care about every single player equally no matter if the player is level 15 or 105. If you were in map 2 with your farmers, lower level players would have no where to go. So for these 2 days i believe everyone can remain unselfish and try enjoying the event as much as possible.
[EA]dustMetin2 has always been and will always be a PVP game. If you can't compete with other players, well that's not the winning player's problem. It doesn't matter if it's for 2 days or weeks, that's just not how Metin2 works. I'm sorry, but in my opinion it is just ridiculous how you are pampering new players. The beginners Equip, of course, is nice to have. It's a great welcome. Letting adders and changers drop on map2 making orc maze significantly less effective? Of course, everything for the new players. But now you're telling me I can't use my character I spent an enormous amount of money on to play the way I want? Of course, for the new players?
I understand the beginner weapons. I understand the buff for map2.
However I don't understand that it's suddenly against the rules to have a farmer, and I repeat, it doesn't matter that it's only 2 days. At this point, you have to be afraid that every single event will "protect the new players", especially if everyone stays quit and doesn't say anything.
I'm sorry and I hope this post doesn't leave the impression that I'm trying to be rude.
But that's NOT the Metin2 I grew up with. -
Sorry for the off topic woohoo, but which character you can't use? Can you tell me the name :)?
I don't see how this is relevant to the topic at all?
I said it was off topic infact
But the whole point is, that you are not playing at all, since October, so I don't understand why are you casting judgements here even acting as if you are damaged by Dust's Event rules.
Your posts give not just the impression that you are rude but also a hater, how can someone who doesn't play cast opinions or claims he can't use his character when they are all blocked by our system? Please be serious.
Play on our server or leave the forum. First and last warning.
Metin2 has always been and will always be a PVP game. If you can't compete with other players, well that's not the winning player's problem. It doesn't matter if it's for 2 days or weeks, that's just not how Metin2 works. I'm sorry, but in my opinion it is just ridiculous how you are pampering new players. The beginners Equip, of course, is nice to have. It's a great welcome. Letting adders and changers drop on map2 making orc maze significantly less effective? Of course, everything for the new players. But now you're telling me I can't use my character I spent an enormous amount of money on to play the way I want? Of course, for the new players? I understand the beginner weapons. I understand the buff for map2.
However I don't understand that it's suddenly against the rules to have a farmer, and I repeat, it doesn't matter that it's only 2 days. At this point, you have to be afraid that every single event will "protect the new players", especially if everyone stays quit and doesn't say anything.
I'm sorry and I hope this post doesn't leave the impression that I'm trying to be rude.
But that's NOT the Metin2 I grew up with.It is not against the rules to have farmers, it is against this event rules to use them during the events length. Also, i am glad that you have mentioned few things, but let's start from the "protecting new players". First from who do we need to protect lower level players? From high level players. Now, a reasonable person would ask itself why on earth would low level players need a protection from being bullied by higher levels. Why would higher levels even spend time spoiling lower levels game experience? The answer is simple, greed and selfishness. Being greedy is the biggest problem here. To be perfectly clear, i am not talking about all higher levels, because some are mature enough to understand why such rule is in place, and they are willing to follow it, even if they can't farm for 2 (yes TWO) days with their farmers. Also, you are looking things from a wrong perspective. It's not about having resources to do something, it's about resourcefulness. For example, during the Christmas event, when some of you were complaining about the same issue as now and not being able to farm with what you got (resources) one player went to DT and farmed over 2.000 boxes. He didn't spend time complaining, he has been resourceful, he used the biggest asset of every single individual (his brain) and made his Christmas event farming perfect.
Now, you mentioned that Metin2 is a PvP game. Yes, Metin2 is a PvP game, but let me tell you what is not PvP. PvP isn't putting items from your main character on your farmer and going around lower level farming spots ruining game play of players who started the day before, the PvP isn't the same thing just going on free mode to take drops from those same players who started yesterday, the PvP isn't, taking gear from your main character and putting it on your alt char and dueling low levels who just started, just because you can't kill someone of your own level and being proud of it. But let me tell you what PvP is? PvP is fighting with your main for your leveling/farming spot, PvP is joining Budokan event instead of afking in map 1 doing nothing, PvP is joining Nation War every Sunday to get the bonus for your your kingdom, and to feel good if you are able to win. But no, why would you join the Nation War? Maybe because that selfishness from the first part of this reply is in power again? Now, that is not the Metin2 i grew up with. -
I said it was off topic infact
But the whole point is, that you are not playing at all, since October, so I don't understand why are you casting judgements here even acting as if you are damaged by Dust's Event rules.
Play on our server or leave the forum. First and last warning.
I haven't played since October for a reason. Because of the changes for new players, the v3 changes for Halloween and map2. However I am planning to return to Metin2 sg and checked the board first. I wasn't rude or trolling either. Sorry that other opinions aren't allowed on here as soon as you haven't played for a while.
I haven't played since October for a reason. Because of the changes for new players, the v3 changes for Halloween and map2. However I am planning to return to Metin2 sg and checked the board first. I wasn't rude or trolling either. Sorry that other opinions aren't allowed on here as soon as you haven't played for a while.
How can you give an opinion if you are not even playing here YET? The changes are going to stay, if that was a reason to quit for you, you must change your standards.
How can you give an opinion if you are not even playing here YET? The changes are going to stay, if that was a reason to quit for you, you must change your standards.
Well my opinion is based on me not being able to use the character I want.
I'm sorry to read this and might exceed my break off sg.IF every event from now on is going to be like that? Can you answer this yet or is it too early to tell?
Am I allowed to respond to your post above by the EA, even though I'm not going to agree with it? It's a genuine question and if I'm going to risk my accounts getting banned, I'd be happy about a serious answer.
We don't force anybody to play, but is logical that we will not undo those changes just to have you back, sorry but you are one against hundreds of players who joined here for those very changes. You may dislike, for some unknown reasons, the new players, but they keep the server going.
Sure reply, we already figure out that you are not here to play but complain, one more won't do any harm to us.
If farmers are not punished, it will be unfair. ıf they punished we can respect rules.
It is not against the rules to have farmers, it is against this event rules to use them during the events length. Also, i am glad that you have mentioned few things, but let's start from the "protecting new players". First from who do we need to protect lower level players? From high level players. Now, a reasonable person would ask itself why on earth would low level players need a protection from being bullied by higher levels. Why would higher levels even spend time spoiling lower levels game experience? The answer is simple, greed and selfishness. Being greedy is the biggest problem here. To be perfectly clear, i am not talking about all higher levels, because some are mature enough to understand why such rule is in place, and they are willing to follow it, even if they can't farm for 2 (yes TWO) days with their farmers. Also, you are looking things from a wrong perspective. It's not about having resources to do something, it's about resourcefulness. For example, during the Christmas event, when some of you were complaining about the same issue as now and not being able to farm with what you got (resources) one player went to DT and farmed over 2.000 boxes. He didn't spend time complaining, he has been resourceful, he used the biggest asset of every single individual (his brain) and made his Christmas event farming perfect.Now, you mentioned that Metin2 is a PvP game. Yes, Metin2 is a PvP game, but let me tell you what is not PvP. PvP isn't putting items from your main character on your farmer and going around lower level farming spots ruining game play of players who started the day before, the PvP isn't the same thing just going on free mode to take drops from those same players who started yesterday, the PvP isn't, taking gear from your main character and putting it on your alt char and dueling low levels who just started, just because you can't kill someone of your own level and being proud of it. But let me tell you what PvP is? PvP is fighting with your main for your leveling/farming spot, PvP is joining Budokan event instead of afking in map 1 doing nothing, PvP is joining Nation War every Sunday to get the bonus for your your kingdom, and to feel good if you are able to win. But no, why would you join the Nation War? Maybe because that selfishness from the first part of this reply is in power again? Now, that is not the Metin2 i grew up with.
We don't force anybody to play, but is logical that we will not undo those changes just to have you back, sorry but you are one against hundreds of players who joined here for those very changes. You may dislike, for some unknown reasons, the new players, but they keep the server going.
Sure reply, we already figure out that you are not here to play but complain, one more won't do any harm to us.
I'm sorry if I made the impression that I'm only here to complain. Nowadays I'm more of a casual gamer who's going strong on events. Back then I put all my money into a character that I could farm events hard with.
When I checked this board today I was happy at first that it'd be the greatest welcome back but then I read the farmers rule.In my eyes it isn't greedy at all, it's just the way to I like to play the game. I have a V3 farmer to equip my map2 character. I don't have a real main character.
I used to have a great time on here and I'm happy for everyone that still enjoys playing on here and I also want to apologize once again if I upset anyone.Who knows, maybe I'll find my way back to here at one day.
I hope everybody on here has a nice weekend. -
It's gonna be off topic and I apologize for that in advance but I am kinda fed up with all these complaints.
It's always the same.When it comes to map2 and high levels not being able to farm with their low level farmers everyone is outraged and loud but what is the purpose of all that farming?
To just farm, grab as much as you can, kill and prevent others to farm and that is pretty much it.
How many high levels is there? Plenty.
How many of them join any raid, war or NW? Just a few.
Or better yet, how many people even help other players? Even with simple answers... Check the Global Chat for that.People rather nag or silently farm with lvl 35/60/75 and wait for others to win EXP bonus for them so they can level up their main, but for what?
I am really curious. For what?
I see some 105's playing here longer than me, farming more than me, having a farmer for every single map but never ever seen them joining any PVP event.
And they dare to complain.But the most funniest thing to me is, when it comes to defending their low level farmer, then it is a PVP game?
Seriously? lolI cannot farm much but at least I am happy we get something (still better than nothing). I am even happy because I get some EXP while trying to farm event boxes since I am in general lazy to EXP.
I believe it depends on how you look at things.
The game is built to have some fun in spare time not to become a slave to it.P.S. Since @woohoo mentions it, the game I remember never had so many low level farmers. Players used to farm and fight with their mains. Players used to go with their mains to defend low level players.
Not acting like selfish sensitive sussies as today.Once again, sorry for off topic, had to give my few cents.
Have a nice weekend. -
The last thing what i say about this rule its:now everyone who its new doesnt level any more to high level. This its a solid reason to stay with your caracter at low level ...so no more level up manny people. To farm at level 35-75 dont need so good items ony HP and a buffer.To farm high level ..need..much more .I dont understand this rule.. If it remain 1 more yer here i will quit. Happy chinese new year
The last thing what i say about this rule its:now everyone who its new doesnt level any more to high level. This its a solid reason to stay with your caracter at low level ...so no more level up manny people. To farm at level 35-75 dont need so good items ony HP and a buffer.To farm high level ..need..much more .I dont understand this rule.. If it remain 1 more yer here i will quit. Happy chinese new year
I am afraid we have to wish you good luck then
dust, you can't forbid players to not farm on their farmer lvl 35 for changers or lvl 75 for glyph...it's not like they will farm the event but as so you should of put a NPC that like make you activate the drop then so it wont be any discussion about it :s
The rule is just there that high levelers dont farm the event with farmers in v3.. You dont need any NPC the easiest way would be just to raise the drop in high level but that is apparently to much for them.. I mean im not allowed to do the daily dss quest on my Farmer
And you will go bankrupt if you don't do DSS on your farmer for 2 days.