More teamwork less solo players thats nice. Now rework Orc maze and ill be happy

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hello guys. nice changes.
1. pk drop : good change. too many badasses lately XD
2. IP block : i think this is a good one too, since it applies to everyone so we all face the 'change'. imo the only thing that can make some players sad or dissapointed about this, is that some players wakeup at 7 AM and some wake up at 1 PM. So for 6 hours the player that wakes up at 7 cant do any dungeon unless he find another friend XD. I think some players prefers to do with X player not with others.
One question about this , if 2 accounts that are on my mail are used one by ME and other by MY FRIEND to finish a dungeon, is there any problem ? I mean he can use my account after the updates without any problem, right ? different IP ofcourse . just asking about email thing.
3. Idk how much this changes the event but since i dont farm moons anymore. gl to others xd
More teamwork less solo players thats nice. Now rework Orc maze and ill be happy
You are level 75, that Dungeon is not meant for you
The third is the change of the moonlight event formula. Currently the drop is influenced by the rank of the monster. The rank is displayed after the level of the monster but before the name of the monster, called also (Level x) and goes from 1 to Boss. To explain it better, if you kill 10 rank 1 they will drop much less than killing 10 rank 4. We decided to change it by level, the higher the level of the monster, the better the drop.
Is this gonna happen with other events to? Or only with moonlight ?
No you can't bombardieru. Your friend can use his characters if he wants to play here, not yours. This is one of those loopholes that i mentioned earlier.
For now yes SvebooNL
What do you do in DT? Which floors you use, which characters you bring? What do you farm?
well imma try to farm finger bones,also, the buffer is really useful at least make it 2 chars for DT only...Im thinking DT is kinda hard the way it is,without buff is way too difficult for me.
No you can't bombardieru. Your friend can use his characters if he wants to play here, not yours.
what if i travel and play on few different computers and use different IP ?
As written some posts ago we can block the smith and not the entrance, so in your case nothing will change.
What about guilds who share all their items and accounts ?
We don't support sharing and we always state to not do it. So we don't consider it.
No you can't bombardieru. Your friend can use his characters if he wants to play here, not yours. This is one of those loopholes that i mentioned earlier.
For now yes SvebooNL
Got it.
What if I have 2 accounts and my friend 2 accounts too and we can skip the 30min cooldown ( talking about hell run) , i guess thats not allowed right ? Skiping cooldown with same IP is forbidden right ?
Sorry for the questions but i prefer to know the rules before doing something wrong and thank you.
Our goal is to let you play with new people and not organize in 2 so that you can exploit the cooldown with your many many and many characters.
Otherwise as we previously discussed, we would be forced to cut drasticaly the number of characters or accounts that you can own on this server.
We are doing this for you, not certanly for us, we would like to see this server more populated and involving people on playing togheter is a good method.
Our goal is to let you play with new people and not organize in 2 so that you can exploit the cooldown with your many many and many characters.
Otherwise as we previously discussed, we would be forced to cut drasticaly the number of characters or accounts that you can own on this server.
We are doing this for you, not certanly for us, we would like to see this server more populated and involving people on play togheter is a good method.
Sorry, my question wasnt for myself only. Dont understand me wrong.
I just wanted an answer and I understand, I dont showoff my characters or anything. Im not gonna exploit the cooldown.
Thanks again
No you can't bombardieru. Your friend can use his characters if he wants to play here, not yours. This is one of those loopholes that i mentioned earlier.
For now yes SvebooNL
In that case I hope that dt will not be changed because high lvl players like to farm there on these events
If i have 3 chars capable of doing dt, can i do 1 dt on each channel at the same time?
Shadow you should do IP cool downs including IP dungeons. So lets say the players that farm Hell run finish the run with Person A and Person B, they switch to other account Person A1 and Person B1 and can do the dungeon again. TO avoid that you should add IP cool downs, so no matter what character you are on, you still have cool down of the dungeon
We don't support sharing and we always state to not do it. So we don't consider it.
Yes unita you can. We do this to improve the team work, not the opposite.
I find this two in contradictory. Are they not?
We're playing for years together, made items together, farmed specific things just because we needed for an item. We needed stones, one farmed glyphs , other hell run. We wanted to upgrade, one had compass the other the pearls.
This is teamwork, working together for something. We play together, we share accounts , items, gold because we've all worked together for it.
This is different from what you are saying/doing.
We've built the characters in a way so it fits our needs, we worked together on it, we've leveled it together , we've equipped it together, you are now telling me that just because it was registered on one email I can not use it because you promote teamwork?Maybe I've understood it wrongly, hope it is the case else its just a nightmare.
So Diury if you have a girlfriend and your best friend needs one, you give him yours :)? Or you help him find one?
Sorry for the lack of manners of this example but it may help you with your lack of understanding of what a teamwork means. Playing with someone doesn't necessary involve giving access to everything you worked for.
By no means you should share your account or items. If you want to borrow some items, borrow the ones that are useless to you and not some important item, because it is really risky and we don't support it.
You can share drops, stones, upgrade items, you can even create a special character where to put all these stuffs so that if any of you needs can take them, but only because they are drops, if someone steals them is not the end of the world, but if someone steals all your items, is pretty much game over for you.
We never ever supported sharing, so I don't understand why are you asking us if we think about the players who share, the answer is obviously no.
Maiby if you work at moonlight formula you will remove dye ,bleach and unnecesary potions from it and put some thing which we can use? Be onnest with us nobady use this items. Pls dont answer:if you dont like dont farm:)))
If i remove those items i have to reduce the drop of the moonlights, otherwise we fill the market every week with good items. Please be polite, you know very well i dislike these kind of remarks
Also I already removed the monster spawns from the moonlights some months ago as well as helding the event 4 times a month instead of just 1. I believe it is already very generous