start make promotion xd now with new update should get more people

[Maintenance] Arboreal Menace Update
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Am i the only one concerned by the changing of the stats on 86-100 armors? the avg resist and magic resist went down by a lot.....
Might i ask why
Am i the only one concerned by the changing of the stats on 86-100 armors? the avg resist and magic resist went down by a lot.....
Might i ask why
Probably to promote even more team work, with weaker items you need more people for runs.
+ New armors
Less DT exp , powerless armours , nerfed bio quest , IP dungeons , the mid lvl players 75-90 have a huge amount of disavantages in comparation with old players.
Dear Player,
please read this:- Changed the formula of the drop of the Moonlight Box
Another change done is the formula of the moonlights, one of the most appreciated events.
The change is big as you won't drop as you used to be, in the good and worse, and the drop will be higher for the high level players.This because we find it not fair that a 35 or 60 drops more than a 105 and also to reduce that constant pressure on the maps2 and V2/V3, at least on the days where the event is active.
The Red Changer will roll the items from 41 to 65. We won't display when you can drop this as is part of the game to discover it, but you can try the dungeons
and this:
You must have noticed that now, high level metins drops spiritual stones, and there is more, the higher the metin, the higher the chance of dropping a high tier spiritual stone.
I.e. a level 90 Metin, has more chance of dropping a +4 stones compared to a 35 Metin.
We have raised the gold rate drop for high levels too, to help you start using your main character and discourage the use of low-level farmers, which is harming the new players.
and tell me if you were really so disadvantaged.Kind regards,
[GA]Null -
Dear Player,
please read this:
and tell me if you were really so disadvantaged.Kind regards,
Any reason for the aqua armor nerf tho? I mean it was much weaker than the other one? -
I have an other issue:
the new armors have 140 def at +0 and 150 def at +1
the lvl 86-105 armors have 170 def at +0 and 190 at +1
does that mean that the old armors have a) more def and b) are scaling better? I wouldnt see the sence in that.the other thing is the nerf the lvl old armor. The reduction of average dmg resis.
Its ok if it was meant for maps like hl1 and 2.... But maps like the demon tower at floor 11-12 were already pretty hard. The armor nerf doesnt make it better. Nerfing the armor and reducing the exp of this dt...well, lets say i dont agree with this combo
Dear Player,
please read this:this:
and this:
and tell me if you were really so disadvantaged.
Kind regards,
The first and the third its made for high lvl playes , the second one i didnt really dont know where are the drop of red changers so i cant say my opinion abaout it . As u can noticed u made lvl up for us more and more difficult , first the bio nerf , after u nerf the exp and now the armours , so how we are meant to lvl in DT? in party of 8? -
DT exp decreased: How did the "old" players level before the DT?
Powerless Armors:
Word "powerless" is a wrong word to use here.
They are not even close of being powerless.
If players use them in Enchanted Forest and Erebus Run, how can they be powerless?Bio Quest: You gain some, you lose some. By this time I think we already got used to it.
IP Dungeons: With this new rule I must say that we started to play more as a team.
Now I am doing runs with people I have never ever even spoke to before.
Random people are cool. lol
If nothing else, now we are socializing more. Don't be so negative.Don't like being the middle level player?
It is easy, level up and stop being middle level player. Get new stuff.
That is the point. No?Since you could or still can level yourself in DT I believe you will benefit from this Moonlight change also or you got a farmer for it and that is why you don't like it...
And the last: How do you even know that Red Changer is for High level players?
Give it a chance before judging and try to enjoy challenges.
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." -
And the last: How do you even know that Red Changer is for High level players?
Should i spoil where the red changers come from?
Ive told a few people already
Probably to promote even more team work, with weaker items you need more people for runs.
I can understand that, but i was just surprised with it being an armor a lot of high level players have spent time and money on, that they would change the stats without warning.
If i had known it would change like this i wouldn't have made mine the way i did.
Other than that, I love the new update... im excited to level up my sura to try out this new map!
Since i got like 10 messages about it, red changers come from a run for level 70-90 Plagued run, from the box you get for killing boss
Hehe! Thanks
got it on the first run
The fix was removed because it created a glitch with certain mount, if your movement speed was between 210 and 260.
So in order to buy this Spirit Blessing you have to purchase at least 50 euros and for only 1 or you can drop it too ?
It also drops from the erebus run boss box.
Erebus one gives 50% while Mall ones gives 80%.
well 50% is too nice very nice, but if you dont want to spend alot of time on runs, so i say better buy these one from mall.
just tried first time the new moonlight changes... sad day. Moonlight farm became super bad at low level