PvM King Event (Sat, Dec 14th 2019, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

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PvM King Event

Sat, Dec 14th 2019, 2:00 pm-8:00 pm

Local Time: Sat, Dec 14th 2019, 2:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • Dear Players,

    The results of June's PvM King Event are:

    Category 1:

    1. Invective

    Category 2:

    1. Pr0metheus
    2. UtherPendragon

    Category 3:

    1. anonymxx
    2. xSukii
    3. AlmightyHoly

    Category 4:

    1. LuxuriaGodOfPvM
    2. Tydy
    3. Chiye
    4. Baby

    Send a private message to [SGM]Tary, in game, to claim your rewards.

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG Team

  • The level 90-95 challenge should not be part of the 70-95 category.

    No matter how good you are an average lvl 75 can have almost everytime a better time than you.

    The lvl 95 metins with the gnolls are the hardest metins from the 90er map, the lvl 100-105 are far easier because they deal almost no dmg.

    It should be moved to the last category because it has the same power level! :)

  • And you think a 90-95 who has no full bio quests done should be in the same category as a level 120 why?

    I would like to remind that before this event had 1 single challenge for each category, there were n sub-categories, and they exist to make it fair for every level as much as possible.

    Moving 90-95 to the category of 96-120 is completely unfair.

    The categories will stay. What may be changed will be the sub-categories, nothing more

  • And you think a 90-95 who has no full bio quests done should be in the same category as a level 120 why?

    I would like to remind that before this event had 1 single challenge for each category, there were n sub-categories, and they exist to make it fair for every level as much as possible.

    Moving 90-95 to the category of 96-120 is completely unfair.

    The categories will stay. What may be changed will be the sub-categories, nothing more

    It is about ballance, I would say that the players know more about how the game works than a GM or GA that does not play. :)

    "And you think a 90-95 who has no full bio quests done should be in the same category as a level 120 why?" Arguments please..

    Until you come with your arguments I will come with mine: a lvl 95 player can have the lvl 92 and 94 biolog

    a lvl 120 has almost same biolog as the lvl 95 (he also has the lvl 96)

    open your eyes please, look at the lvl 95 metins + bosses and the lvl 75.. lvl 95 challenge has almost the same difficulty as lvl 120

    a lvl 95 easly do lvl 120 challenge

    a lvl 75 cannot do lvl 95 challenge

    The popularity of the lvl 95 challenge is 0 because it is hard and you will never get top 3 because of the lvl 75 challenge but if you bring it to the lvl 120 challenge people will maybe start comming.

  • The main problem is that a fully equipped 75 will get a top 3 time much much easier and with pretty much no risks while the player in the 90-95(also fully equipped) will have a much harder time to compete time-wise with the player in the 75 cat.(mostly because outside of the 80 bio quest you don't really have any other real dmg advantages over the 75 player and such even in the best scenario you won't be able to compete with his time in the metins phase; Also 95 metins are very hard compared 100-105 for example) It's a bit hard to say though since you barely see many players compete for the latter.

    Anyway, my suggestion would be to put 90 metins for the 90-95 players instead of 95s/100s. But again we don't have many players in that category to have a decent comparison.

    Other than that the Demon King phase in the 50-59 category is way to easy. A spider queen would be more appropriate considering the 41-49 and 60-69 categories both have a boss phase that doesn't have a VS bonus, while demon king has basically no hp pool to speak of and is weak against vs undead.

    Other than that I've heard you're gonna add a 106-120 category as well which is great!.

    That's about it from the top of my head, thanks for still running the event regularly <3

  • You could use metin of ember instead of metin of gloom. I remember Tary you did this for me once when i had to kill metin of gloom in a challenge and i died. To be honest, that metin is hard to kill even with buffs without running a few times. Metin of ember is ok, is was easier than gloom, but so are the 100-105 metins, the only difference between ember and 100-105 metins is the hp they have.

  • You could use metin of ember instead of metin of gloom. I remember Tary you did this for me once when i had to kill metin of gloom in a challenge and i died. To be honest, that metin is hard to kill even with buffs without running a few times. Metin of ember is ok, is was easier than gloom, but so are the 100-105 metins, the only difference between ember and 100-105 metins is the hp they have.

    I can clearly agree with that! Metin of Gloom is a total pain in the a*s for almost every single one warrior, even with buffs.

  • Hey guys,

    This month PvM King Event will be held on Sunday, instead of Saturday:


    14:00 - UtherPendragon - 01:52.13

    14:15 - Pr0metheus - 04:58.16

    14:30 - AlmightyHoly - No show

    14:45 - anonymxx - 03:12.96

    16:00 - Kurdboy - 10:49.58

    16:15 - Juare - 05:16.81

    16:30 - ODYNIEC - 06:35.59

    16:45 - PalitaFina - Time's Up on the 1st Round

    17:00 -

    17:15 -

    17:30 -

    17:45 -

    18:00 -

    18:15 -

    18:30 - HanYuki - 10:10.45

    18:45 -

    19:00 - xMedro - Died on 4th Round (2 tries)

    19:15 - xSukii - 03:29.74

    19:30 - LuxuriaGodOfPvM - No show

    19:45 - Glaz - 02:36.79

    Kind Regards,
