hahaha yes ga thanx

Anniversary Event - 2017 (Thu, Oct 12th 2017 - Sat, Oct 14th 2017)
Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!
Anniversary Event - 2017
Thu, Oct 12th 2017-Sat, Oct 14th 2017
Local Time: Thu, Oct 12th 2017-Sat, Oct 14th 2017-
Pm me in game to receive your rewards!
The Master Dungeon rewards will be shared shortly.what about the Dungeon Master Results >?
Dam Respect for Tary for all that hard work she did all alone on anniversary event with her patience, I bless you with 10 kids in the future xD
Thanks Tary for that awesome rewards!! Keep your good work up!
Dear Players,
The results of the Special Forum Lottery are:
02 11 27 35 47 + 06 09
stiffi20: 01 12 23 35 41 + 01 02 - 1x Thor's Ring
stiffi20: 02 11 22 31 42 + 02 03 - 30.000.000 Gold
stiffi20: 03 18 26 37 45 + 04 05
stiffi20: 08 16 27 33 48 + 06 07 - 20.000.000 Gold
stiffi20: 04 15 28 38 46 + 08 09 - 10.000.000 Gold
stiffi20: 05 19 29 39 49 + 01 02
stiffi20: 03 15 26 35 47 + 03 05 - 30.000.000 Gold
stiffi20: 08 11 24 37 42 + 03 09 - 20.000.000 Gold
stiffi20: 10 20 30 40 50 + 03 10
stiffi20: 04 17 21 33 43 + 08 09 - 10.000.000 Gold
Total: 110.000.000 Gold + 1x Thor's RingPm me in game to receive your rewards!
The Master Dungeon rewards will be shared shortly.Kind Regards,
TaryI think that are 120kk Tary and not 110kk
Regards Stiff
thank you Tary !
Hey guys,
Thanks for your support, first of all!
I will be sharing the results of Dungeon Masters below as well and some thoughts about it and my final decision based on what I experienced as I experimented this new idea with you.Team GypsiesUnited:
- Loreine
- RainyDays
- Tydy
Aqua Dragon - 02:59.85
Erebus - 05:22.43
Hell's Run - 16:29.21Team Jajecznica:
- gulsonica
Demon Tower - 36.20.05
Team horacurka:
- DrDagger
- MasseyFerguson
Plagued Dungeon - 20.31.13
Team 1:
- AndresMt2
- Daxhell
- DieGurke
Demon Tower - Death Reaper - 45.03.36
Team Noblest Knights:
- LillyMae
- Zulrah
- Earwyna
- SkyqyakeR
- UnkoShiva
Devils Catacomb - 17.17.61
Team Noble Nubs:
- Coatlique
- Zulrah
- SkyquakeR
- UnkoShiva
Plagued Dungeon - 15.21.08
Team 2:
- Kassandra
- NeoCrawler
- Hiumi
- CatWithAwp
- Aditi
- BabyDrink
- PrincePersia
- Tizzy
Ice Run - 19.32.94
Team 3:
- HanYuki
Hell's Run
Team 4:
- AstonJunior
Orc Maze - 25.07.39
As I progressed through the event as was losing track of time I stopped noting the full names of the team who didn't register on forum, so Team 3 and Team 4 had more members, of course.
Now for the results:The results are divided in 2 categories, which will be the criteria to reward you guys:
Category 1:
Team Noble Nubs:
Plagued Dungeon - 15.21.08 -
Team horacurka:
Plagued Dungeon - 20.31.13 - Team 4:
Orc Maze - 25.07.39 -
Team Jajecznica:
Demon Tower - 36.20.05
Category 2:
Team GypsiesUnited:
Aqua Dragon - 02:59.85, Erebus - 05:22.43, Hell's Run - 16:29.21 -
Team Noblest Knights:
Devils Catacomb - 17.17.61 -
Team 2:
Ice Run - 19.32.94
Regarding my thoughts about this event:
Let me start by saying that in the very beginning of the whole anniversary event I announced that I would be experimenting a new event. This idea was lately given by Meyana, and previously given in a bigger detail by UnkoJP and this time I decided to give it a go. So, from the beginning everyone knew that this event was bound to be imperfect, to have problems, delays, and because it was an experience, it was meant for us to learn what was wrong with it, how we should do it correctly, what rules we should apply and so on. I received a mostly positive feedback from it, and of course a bad feedback from one of the Guilds.
With the first Guild participation, I started out staying outside and closing the timer when the first person gets out of the run. However this method was not the most flawless since it can be easily delusive, so from this first Guild experience I realized I had to accompany the whole team inside the run while invisible. So from this experience I decided:
- Each Guild can only choose once Dungeon for each Event;
- The Team Member must be in party with the team except when the team is full, when it's a Dungeon that doesn't require a party (example: Demon Tower).
- The Team Member must do a recording of every Dungeon he goes into.
- Each Dungeon must have a fixed number of allowed participants.The negative feedback made me realize that this event has exact the same problem as PvM King Event does (or had), so from this experience I decided:
- A schedule will be created, similar as it will happen in the next PvM King Event: this will prevent players from staying in a waiting line all day, and following a list at the same time. This way, players don't have to wait for other players to finish their Dungeons and they can attend to their own agendas at the same time. It's a bit like going to the doctor, you fix a time when it most suits you and that it's free on the Event schedule and just appear on time to start. This will be a much more pleasant and organized way.
- This schedule will have some special limitations in this event: If a player is registering for an event which has a cooldown, another team that wants to register for that same event, has to wait for the cooldown to run out (specially for Aqua Dragon Dungeon).
- The schedule will be available on the Event post and players can consult it and decide at which time it's more suitable for them.Having said all this, (wow I like writing, it's decided! :D) I will definitely make a monthly event with this idea.
However, learning from the experience I had on Anniversary Event, it will have a few changes:- The event will happen once a month.
- In each month, a set of 1-3 Dungeons will be available for the Teams to choose, which can change every month.
- Each team can only choose one Dungeon.
- The Team Member will accompany the Player Team into every Dungeon while invisible and record it for future reference.So, even though I had a super late dinner on this day, I really enjoyed having fun making the events with you guys, and I expect a lot of feedback to further improve this event. I, of course, am open to more suggestions and new ideas. And finally, if you think the event can have a better name, suggest me new ones!
Back to the results, send me a private message in game to receive your rewards!
Kind Regards,
TaryP.s.: Thanks for correcting my mistakes. Fortunately no one will kill me
The results are corrected now
I dont understand any things:))
I dont understand any things:))
cmon prince is not difficult to undertand.
I Would Like to add to Your Effort Tary
@Team 4AstonJunior
bogdi96And Reagarding Dungeons
- In each month, a set of 1-3 Dungeons will be available for the Teams to choose, which can change every month.
- Each team can only choose one Dungeon.
- The Team Member will accompany the Player Team into every Dungeon while invisible and record it for future reference.
Cat :1
Icerun [finding the right cube]
HellRun[Hell Gear]
Plagued[finding right egg]
Orc Maze [Finding right path]
And Dt Should fall in a different class from Others[@Seals and Metin ]Cat :2
Not to forget
@Aqua run these people wll have to set a Combination of metin before they kill dragon [but it not a long run ]
and erabus is a small run tooSo the Point is You should choose 2x from categeroy 1 [so everyone is able to Enjoy the event ]
and one from Aqua And erabus
I know people Who can Do Aqua and Erabus will be Mad with my Suggestion
but they can also Do lower Runs with their nubs since the rule is open --for Dungeons
So Most Part of Community will be happy Since they had a chance
i think i made myself clear Taryatleast i tried i am bad Writer Unlike you xDD
@Hiumi, again I remind you that this was an experimental event to learn the most correct way to do and organize the event. The rewards will stay for the same reason I stated above, no idea if you read my thoughts or not, but the reason stated above is also the reason why there will only be one random dungeon per month.
@CatWithAwp, you speak perfectly for me, first of all. I believe my answer is the same I have to Hiumi
Also since all the teams are getting a reward, I would say this experiment was a success and ends up being fair for everyone
Having said that I'm looking forward to see how the official event will unfold.
Kind Regards,
Tary -
Team Noble Nubs:
- Coatlique
- Zulrah
- SkyquakeR
- UnkoShiva
Plagued Dungeon - 15.21.08
This team also had Fragaria I think the overall event went great. A schedule would be exactly what the event needs and I think once the kinks are worked out that the event will be popular.
I know a lot of people are focusing more on pvm which is why I thought this event was a good idea in the first place.
As a retired player that reads the forum, Just one question... What if some players actually want to farm aqua dragon? They have to wait for said event to be over? Or is it a different instance aqua run?
Edir: happy bday .SG Chris should be proud
As a retired player that reads the forum, Just one question... What if some players actually want to farm aqua dragon? They have to wait for said event to be over? Or is it a different instance aqua run?
Edir: happy bday .SG Chris should be proud
They will bankrupt in that 3 days of event.