Jk and HowHigh

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  • Boy, you are really for a reason MrSickkkk ahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahaha muahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah i can't believe ahahahahahahahahahhahaahhah you are the one and only MrSick here ahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaah

  • Boy, you are really for a reason MrSickkkk ahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahaha muahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah i can't believe ahahahahahahahahahhahaahhah you are the one and only MrSick here ahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaah

    I saw ur words end. and i feel u go tary and complain me again for warn hahahaha

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  • Your name is for a reason MrSickkkkkk ahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah go sleep boy or go farm ahahahaahahahahah, help your friends they need better eq against AlmightyPush ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Me cant make farm for u ...yes i need better SHOES OF WIND for catch you .when u saw me or my friends run like a usain bolt





  • Me cant make farm for u ...yes i need better SHOES OF WIND for catch you .when u saw me or my friends run like a usain bolt





    LOOOOOOOL Man are you serious about this ? Go watch video again see how much cerva and 25cm run they should change name to UsainBolt1 and UsainBolt2 also 25cm is using mount everytime you try to hit him.

  • ahahahahahhah DAMN HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, you are Right Nature2, but hey it's nothing new about Cerva and 25cm i mean Im Wepon Sura i have that skill for Remove so i must remove players and yea he say i'm running no no no i didn't Run MrSickkk. They Run From me, so i was trying all the time to catch them last 15 min when i came these first 10 minutes was Aleks on it with pvm items only removing he didn't care if he die with AlmightyPush or no, but seams there is ppl which cared alots about that xDDDDDDDDD

  • LOOOOOOOL Man are you serious about this ? Go watch video again see how much cerva and 25cm run they should change name to UsainBolt1 and UsainBolt2 also 25cm is using mount everytime you try to hit him.

    in game have run but no one run like a this dream lord ajajajja he remove and run to safe , if not run we saw he is kissing ground easy ajajaj he is 120 lvl remover in game muajajja

  • ahahahahahhah DAMN HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, you are Right Nature2, but hey it's nothing new about Cerva and 25cm i mean Im Wepon Sura i have that skill for Remove so i must remove players and yea he say i'm running no no no i didn't Run MrSickkk. They Run From me, so i was trying all the time to catch them last 15 min when i came these first 10 minutes was Aleks on it with pvm items only removing he didn't care if he die with AlmightyPush or no, but seams there is ppl which cared alots about that xDDDDDDDDD

    normal you can't accept the facts, keep running to safezone ajajajaj, i am buy shoes of wind for catch u xD

    i say again we dont care who online at ur remover :D

    Keep cry

  • EveryTime when i remove them and when i start go forward to kill them, they drop out pedants and put the shoes of Wind + the Purple potion Why? Bcs they see in me Dwayne Johnson like i'm him. Than JkRR start running and run like 2-3 min till he remove me ahahahahahaha

  • Did you know Why your Friends from Purge and HowHigh run from me, i mean you always seeing me running but its wrong i'm just trying to remove them all before i start raping them. So i tell you why they Running from me

    why u talk with me from dream world just wake up and watch video good jajaja who run from u. u dont live if stay near my friends just 3 second and down that ur raping ? GG

  • EveryTime when i remove them and when i start go forward to kill them, they drop out pedants and put the shoes of Wind + the Purple potion Why? Bcs they see in me Dwayne Johnson like i'm him. Than JkRR start running and run like 2-3 min till he remove me ahahahahahaha

    Ur dreams.is amazing video tell everythink keep cry dude when u feel equal join raids and make war with us all hit u normal 2 k not skills

  • so you again stART WITH CRYING I CAme in NW i rape you guys i came everyTime in raid in yellows i raped you Guys, Not you not you you don't even log i mean you are here on forum 24/7 it's your home if i can say it so. But hey i prof my self o these video, ok now i mean you can denied it how much u want but normal players normal ppl see these. check last 15 min when i came. AlmightyPush,Chiye,SurAaa,DonBarry,DonJohn,PanicStation BBazzy We didn't even once but once Died against Purge+ HowHigh Guild on other side before till DonJohn came, Lacex,Serban,Kekizi and Gucci was everyTime down kissing the floor and last five min, when DonJohn came than 25cm,Cerva and Jkrrr Start Kissing the floor and my team still above them

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    Say hello ur dady:thumbup:

  • so you again stART WITH CRYING I CAme in NW i rape you guys i came everyTime in raid in yellows i raped you Guys, Not you not you you don't even log i mean you are here on forum 24/7 it's your home if i can say it so. But hey i prof my self o these video, ok now i mean you can denied it how much u want but normal players normal ppl see these. check last 15 min when i came. AlmightyPush,Chiye,SurAaa,DonBarry,DonJohn,PanicStation BBazzy We didn't even once but once Died against Purge+ HowHigh Guild on other side before till DonJohn came, Lacex,Serban,Kekizi and Gucci was everyTime down kissing the floor and last five min, when DonJohn came than 25cm,Cerva and Jkrrr Start Kissing the floor and my team still above them

    Stop lying all see trues in video muajajajajjaja