and one more thing i thought 25cm would be more like me or aleks or Chiye i mean more Serbe than German i thought he had more Serbe blood inside him why? Bcs his name,his full name is Stefan Zvonkovic, i didn't know it Aleks told me before 2 days, he find out his full name bcs on 25cm profiles you can see only Stefan and Z... So i except more from him i thought he be. Strong , brave , Smart with a honor like we are. but no he disappointed Me i mean US.

Jk and HowHigh
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Ahahahaha Stefan your and JkRR videos like always 5 min or max 8 xDDDDDD always cuting the scenes and etc pfff ahahahhaha Stefan Boy seams u are more pissed of than the others agagagagaggaagagagagagagag
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ok mr.iget18k
nice 2k skills hahaha
if you want to see more of my godlike dmg i can upload panic getting 12-13k in his own kingdom,bbazzy 7k uncrit and many more.
just like comment and subscribe and we can all laugh together
btw you missed donbarry,aina and pizzagirl
but dont worry youll earn counting in 2nd grade next year
No1 on this server can't skill me 7k uncrit in raid, not even you.
hahahahahah look at him he shows same video same old video mrsick showed us 100 times omg i can't believe this they showed this video like 100 times and not even one time i see someone die but idk why they show it maybe cos they dont have better
But anyway he is like mrsick show video where he is not even on but who is in the video cerva and jkrr ?
Go check last raid how many times cerva died and even running like one and only UsainBolt and i m sry i didnt catch on camera the moment where jkr gets 2 skilled i m really sry i didnt expect that i thought he is stronger really this is what i thought
I've got cancer during I've read this thread. Guys make love no war please don't measure your e-p**is here just play and love each other .
PS: I'm not a hippie
Yow 25cm bro BBazy said no one makes me 7k uncrits i guess its time for the next video wher we made him 14k crits?
Yow 25cm bro BBazy said no one makes me 7k uncrits i guess its time for the next video wher we made him 14k crits?
Yo lacex bro go check my other vid 2v3 in town where u get almost 14k
No1 on this server can't skill me 7k uncrit in raid, not even you.
not even me? :O sounds like im something special when it comes to dmg dealing O_o video will be here tmorrow or in 2 days max. if you think im joking we could make a bet about 500kk or something if thats not too much for you
will also be a good opportunity see how much panicstation can really tank xD
Yo lacex bro go check my other vid 2v3 in town where u get almost 14k
I tried but i never saw it man why so bad quality in a video?
not even me? :O sounds like im something special when it comes to dmg dealing O_o video will be here tmorrow or in 2 days max. if you think im joking we could make a bet about 500kk or something if thats not too much for you
will also be a good opportunity see how much panicstation can really tank xD
Still more than you
only me and Quake and u die in like what 4 seconds ?
not even me? :O sounds like im something special when it comes to dmg dealing O_o video will be here tmorrow or in 2 days max. if you think im joking we could make a bet about 500kk or something if thats not too much for you
will also be a good opportunity see how much panicstation can really tank xD
maybe i was without dss on me or i forgot to put dragon bracelet :))) but you never can't hit 7k uncrit with 105% 2 hand res xD
This Panic talks 4 weeks ago got oneskilled from a Dagger infront my eyes man care bro we record all when it happens again no one will believe your lies same as aleks you two are in my eyes lower then thrash people like you make me sick
in your words : "half naked,no boosters,no dss,no costume"
btw if we see that you didnt deal any dmg with your skills, this quaker even killed me solo O_o hes a pretty strong guy to be honest, cant deny that
I tried but i never saw it man why so bad quality in a video?
U sure ? 1080p not good enough quality for u ? Try again.
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Half naked no custom no pet no boosters no gear full pvm
in your words : "half naked,no boosters,no dss,no costume"
btw if we see that you didnt deal any dmg with your skills, this quaker even killed me solo O_o hes a pretty strong guy to be honest, cant deny that
yeah, i dont do dmg xD see my video again xD
U sure ? 1080p not good enough quality for u ? Try again.
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Dayum u mean wher i was standing 20 minuts out of safe wher u and quaker was waiting for like 15 minuts when u come out sry bro that i was not waring my gear ther half naked no booster no pet no custom full pvm