Budokan 13.01.

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  • I create this thread for 2 reasons :

    First reason is because Miss Tary ignored me when i asked why i got disqualified in budokan., so maybe i get answer here.

    Second reason is because i got disqualified without breaking any rules.

    So here is my version of what happened ( any GM can confirm or break my words simply by checking messages ingame ) :

    Before budokan started, friend asked me to do group just to see my hp ( he has 0 leadership ) and i refused and told him that Miss Tary will disqualify me. Then he asked Miss Tary if he can make group since he has 0 leadership. Miss Tary answered ok, so i accepted group since she makes the rules in this event.

    After i won all the fights ( budokan could have been stopped at any moment since i was in group ), she told me to give back the reward because i am disqualified because of the group.

    I am not here to talk with players nor to flame anyone in any way, i just want to ask Miss Tary why she broke her word and why she ignores me ingame.

    For me, this is a major disappointment, not because i lost one fight against a player who won duel vs me for the first time, it's because i have huge trust in how the staff of this server handles things and now i have to question my trust for the first time.

    I would never dare to say anything about this if my friend didn't ask her about group. Can be checked easliy that i refused group first time then Miss Tary said ok to group and even let all the fights going. Then, after the final fight, for some reason, she disqualified me.

    In the end, i want to apologize for the long post before getting criticism, but some events cannot be described with 2 words.

    I also want to congratulate Lace for the victory in second duel, it was a fair win.

    I am going to post 2 screenshots to prove that i don't lie about HP left in duel like some people say.

    I expect answers just from Miss Tary, [GA]Shadow or other staff members, i appreciate a lot if players refrain. Keep it clean please !

    • Official Post


    to start, we can't see the message ingame unless you send us as screenshot and Tary did not took any. Anyway she admitted she said yes with the condition that she must been also a member of the party, thing that it didn't happen, even because her nation is not the same as yours.

    Still I believe is wrong to put conditions on a rule, a rule is a rule for all with no exceptions, no party means no party and not party only for those without leadership. So from now on, just to be clear, no party on budokan, at least until we put hands on that event, that is not made by us, and improve it as we improved tons of other system.


    After i won all the fights ( budokan could have been stopped at any moment since i was in group ), she told me to give back the reward because i am disqualified because of the group.

    No it can't. Budokan is a semi automated event. The admin insert the range, insert the gold reward and insert the reward for the winner, thats it. The system pick up fighters (not really in a random way shall i say) until one is the winner, it can't be stop. Stopping is equal to abort the event.

    Anyway her decision was wrong and you will receive the certificate and the victory along with Lacex54. I am sorry in her behalf she was just trying to accomodate a request from your friend and to not pass as a person who always say no, but it backfired at her with a lot of complains.

    This decision probably won't make it right but is the decision closest to fairness that i can think of.

    Also a reminder for the future, never send a friend to ask questions in your place, we don't bite, we don't get tired of questions and we don't answer you differently just because your name is A instead of B, if the question is regarding your own character, you should be the one to ask and the one to hear our reply instead of hearing it from a player, even because he could misunderstand us or do a different question than what you think he did.


  • Oke, i would like to add something. Since it was me asking PanicStation for a group and he declined it 2 times then i gone to ask Tary myself if i can group with PanicStation.

    She said that i can only if she is in a group with me , then i did try to inv her but she was another kingdom. Then she said thats fine cuz i have no leadership.

    After the tournament is done she told me that she have to disq Panic cuz ''PRO BLUE PLAYERS'' complained abt that cuz as we all know ppl are scared to loose and high ego as we can see in this post is clearly wrote no flame .

    And then lacex answer is u mad bro? Ppl are retarded sometimes, mostly allways .

    So it was a nice chance to lend some costumes and items from another players only to win and then they call yellow players high ego.

    But oke i am not here to flame anyone or to make this thread in fight bettwen players.

    I just want to say that i am sorry to [SGM]Tary and to the tec team , cuz that was my mistake asking for a group even if i knew thats forbidden in budokan, so Panic i am sorry to u also cuz i made u loose, Tary i am sorry cuz i made u problems .

    And if u guys really think abt leadership that even if its P can make difference in the duel on 16k hp left then no words abt that :).

    I think you should close this before it become a big flame . Sorry [SGM]Tary once again it was my mistake.

    • Official Post

    I believe it is legit to say that the fault is ours, the team and not of the players. It doesn't happen often, so better write it down ;)

    It doesn't matter if the leadership is 0 or 100, or if it makes a difference or not during the duel. If the party is forbidden, then is forbidden, leadership skill or not (it is forbidden just to avoid these kind of situations). PanicStation won the first round and Lacex54 the second and there isn't really any need to flame each other.

  • Its Okey i Guess?

    Panic had won first round because i didnt had remove poisen fishes but its np

    Why even Open a Thread for it

    It just shows again how small you are, Need push your ego in a Online Game,

    and yes u was mad bro? i mean come on wasting over 5 remove Poisen Fishes

    Joining Budo in the last Min and uses 10min Liquids ???

    You was cheating but yeah next time just play like a man and be quiet?

    First Duell i had no Fishes for removing your Poisen while you had them.

    Second Duell i removed your poisen Twice While you removed mine Poisen over 5 Times so please stop crying okey?

    Its Still a Game i can act like an DouchBeg and flame you for your loose but this is just not nessecary.

  • Why even Open a Thread for it

    It just shows again how small you are, Need push your ego in a Online Game,

    Read the thread again , he didn't open it cuz he want to blame you or flame you what is clearly wrote there, he opened it cuz of leadership and sgm tary but no need to say anythign anymore shadow already answered and i said sorry to tary , i am really lazy to answer on everything again just read it slowly and u ll understand it why the thread is opened. :) see you around i think was enough :D

  • Sharing gear after 1st duel or sharing before duel is the same thing. And as long as it is legal, everyone is free to do whatever he want. ( incase that happened, wasnt online at the moment).

    Btw panic ,i dont wanna offend you but , the 2 ss you made, are clearly showing that you wanna brag about your victory at budokan and about your hp left, so asking for no flames while doing that is nonsese imo.

    Gz both and looking forward to see the next fight !

    Bring everyone to budokan !!

    just peace!

    The crown, it never has left me
    'cause the town will always elect me.


  • Btw panic ,i dont wanna offend you but , the 2 ss you made, are clearly showing that you wanna brag about your victory at budokan and about your hp left, so asking for no flames while doing that is nonsese imo.

    Do you even understand the word ''flame'' what is the flame in all of this? And about screens he just wanted to show his hp left cuz lacex allways saying to panic that he is a lier since panic told him howmuch hp left , so he had to make the proof for it.

    Now lacex can see that panic didnt lie abt hp left.

  • I said please don't flame, i didn't flame anyone, i made thread because i wanted to point out a mistake which i understand now it wasn't on purpose. If GM tells me to not use something, i don't use and reverse way. That's all i wanted to say, that it wasn't fair what happened.

    JkRR it's not true what you say about why i post screenshots, i already explained why i post, i.e. they called me liar too many times when i say hp left. I dueled Lace many times before and didn t make any screenshots to prove anything because i didn't care.

    I already told you Lace gz for the win, i don't care what items you use or from where you use, it's not my business.

    And what you say it's crazy, i didn't use 10 min liquids ever, i don't even know if it's possible, i don't even keep liquids in inventory when i join budokan map. Why call me a cheater ? Or talk about ego seriously ?

    I won last week budokan vs you i won't even say hp left and did i say anything ?? Did i trashtalk you ? I didn't say a word to you cos i don't care about 1 win and like i said idc about opponent, can be you or anyone else.

    So don't talk fairytales, we all know who is the ego boy here. Today after you won you pmed me to flame and feel good but you should think about one thing, did i ever pm you to flame after i won one fight ? No, i always ignored you.

    Btw, who is the one who cries ? Who cried to restart budokan because i was in group ? But i never mentioned about it until now.

    Anyway, all i wanted to say was about disqualification, not about fight against you, idk why you start flame without reason, i didn't even mention about fights against you. There are around 50 budokans left so no problem, no need to talk about one fight.

    I got my answer from Shadow, in the end it was only one mistake and this is all i wanted to make clear. It's not easy to hold an event where 30 people pm you at the same time and ask you lots of things so i understand Miss Tary's point of view 100%. So i hope we're cool.

  • So, let mee see this. Panic won PvP, than this boy Lacex saw aleks in grp with him, so bcs that Panic didn't won [ But hey are u kidding me what could Aleks give him in grp 10k hp ? 10k attack power? no nothing, aps nothing. Panic won with 18k hp rest its to to much i don't know what could Aleks give him in grp for that, manny times i won against JkRR Warrior ,or Bokha with same rest of hp. But i tell you my opinion about this, They didn't know Panic is very strong, so they start crying to GA he had grp its not fair , maybe he had 50 ap in grp or 1k hp thats why he won with 18k hp rest oh my gosh really? So they restart that duell and what happens, Lacex he go to Bokha, than he go to JkRR than to 25cm and he take from each of them best items vs Warrior. Panic is strong yea he is But have items like Bokha it's very hard. So They start again and Lacex Won nice gzz mennn. So if i was Panic in that Situation i wouldn't Cry to GA or SGM they give him items no fair he should do with his own bla bla bla bla. Hell No! no only when he next time go in budokan and if he saw there Lacex he just need to go afk or out. Why bcs Panic for sure would again Won, but i'm sure 100% they would find new reason i'm sure of it, like i'm sure i will die one day.

  • well you guys always found a reason, no matter if that is budokan or NW or SG war you guys just found a reason, always cry to GA Admins. that's why i womt go budokan but i can easy kill you and JkRR and let you guys both in grp i wouldn't care bcs i know i will won,same for NW. But you don't understand it you live in some kind of world your world virtual things xD peaceeee

  • well you guys always found a reason, no matter if that is budokan or NW or SG war you guys just found a reason, always cry to GA Admins. that's why i womt go budokan but i can easy kill you and JkRR and let you guys both in grp i wouldn't care bcs i know i will won,same for NW. But you don't understand it you live in some kind of world your world virtual things xD peaceeee

    you are lame af, all you do is write some brother grimm stories in forum all day and post your crap music

    if you are such a pro, play this game have fun make wars duels etc.. but dont fu ck up the forum all day 24/7


  • you are lame af, all you do is write some brother grimm stories in forum all day and post your crap music

    if you are such a pro, play this game have fun make wars duels etc.. but dont fu ck up the forum all day 24/7

    Ahh these Kids today are so pain in the ass. Play game do duells why i should do duells even if i do you guys will found a reason you cheating you use that you that you there bla bla bla. you guys are really for me just eZZZ. This Pamuk he grow up listening about the AlmightyPush [ Lord ] when he first time came here, he ask me for autograph like oO I heard about you, you are the God of these server you give 0 euros and u crush everyOne, pls Mister can u give me Autograph, My Dream is to be like you one day. But after i leave blues they start insult me and provoke me. But they all know who is Daddy