14:30 haha 6k crit on a buffmage, btw wheres my 13k crit ?
keep trying, you will never beat us
14:30 haha 6k crit on a buffmage, btw wheres my 13k crit ?
keep trying, you will never beat us
Dont mess with the Wolves my little girl
and i am put you safe zone , you mean that ?
so when we put your guys safe zone ,you fast close game and leave with your teachers ,or you mean that?
because if you and your teachers stay more get mad more ... that's why I understand you .you running from raped for heart healt.
Lacex tell you, dont mees with wolfes my little girl
you think i have full hp because you dont know how hp reg with poison and without greater potions work
no its a scn 2k 10crit 8faint 2useless stats because i kill so many of you guys i actually restore hp in raids. btw i dont use falcon and my neck has 10 2hand if we can trust you and you do 1,4k with aos? good job bratan, keep trying
no boosters,no dss ,no falcon and i still used my pvm necklace haha
1,4k with aos nice dmg bro
you know that we can see your dragon god def and dss in the top left corner?
if your enegry stone ran out i cant tell because you always edit the video so we cant see your greater healing potions in the hotkey bar
All Naked,no dss,no boosters,no custom full pvm
Well, their words made me SAD so so so muchhhh , it's terrible!!!!
But, Panic Good video very good + Music the Begging is fck awesome hahaha i love it
healing potions in the hotkey bar
You, Cerva Lacex and the archer from Purge. I swear i never saw before ever but ever never so so so much healing potts it was like 1k in 1-2 sec gone. I hit 25cm 5k normal nothing happens + Chiye, next time 10k or so crt + Chiye he still can't die xDDDD after like 30 min. Chiye take him down alone!. Why? well BBazy told him what's wrong Stefan no more Healing potts agagahahahahahah
i just looked up the scene 1 hit? im at 20% hp and you barely are able to kill me with 2 chars
here we see poor ilhan hitting me 5k xD most likely you meant 5k with all your skills combined + coupke of hits
yes yes 1k skills we rally ca nsee you play this game for 8 years
btw ilhan stop the rage, i can really tell you are mad af when you post 3 posts in a row and noone even replys
Look at this 25cm retard he is crying so so so hard It's not the first time he gets one skilled in raid but this time on video and for him is end of the world ...
I mean, how can you deny how can you cry so hard when we clearly see you get one shot you even had like 10 seconds where your hp was full already and no one else touched you even your auto pot was clearly working and went full hp...
I know a term used for people like him i think it's "try hard" He struggle so so much to show us pictures where he gets low dmg but we see him in raid how weak he is..when his greater healing over it's game over too...
Display Morei just looked up the scene
1 hit? im at 20% hp and you barely are able to kill me with 2 chars
here we see poor ilhan hitting me 5k xD most likely you meant 5k with all your skills combined + coupke of hits
yes yes 1k skills
we rally ca nsee you play this game for 8 years
btw ilhan stop the rage, i can really tell you are mad af when you post 3 posts in a row and noone even replys
so you are either blind or retarded we both know we and especially me raped you very hard that day, i mean 13k and you do me 1,4k with aos while i use tms
oh god i understand why you cry and try to proof something here 24/7 but just stop, you look pretty embarrassing. you cant proof anything here because i have the footage too and if you call somethin a 1 skil when i lose 20% of my hp it just shows that this is all you got
but i understand you, not everyone can hit 20k in raids like i do
panic = patrick
so you are either blind or retarded
we both know we and especially me raped you very hard that day, i mean 13k and you do me 1,4k with aos while i use tms
oh god i understand why you cry and try to proof something here 24/7 but just stop, you look pretty embarrassing. you cant proof anything here because i have the footage too and if you call somethin a 1 skil when i lose 20% of my hp it just shows that this is all you got
but i understand you, not everyone can hit 20k in raids like i do
This is how they call it nowadays when you get 1 shot ? Lose 20% hp ?
just watch the screen if i didnt smash all of your braincells yet
225 it's 1225 = Hit not skill Hit how Gemrans call it Schlagen or so it's just lagg so some times u see 12 or 15 but we all know its lagg nothing new. Nice try, try harder xD
i dont go work for 50€ per month like you guys so i can afforf a pc which doesnt lag when i play a 10 year old game
your hitdmg on me is 225 with blade and you farm 8 years straight 24/7 ? xD id be mad too
btw nice res bro
push when he sees cerva in raid
i dont go work for 50€ per month like you guys so i can afforf a pc which doesnt lag when i play a 10 year old game
your hitdmg on me is 225 with blade and you farm 8 years straight 24/7 ? xD id be mad too
btw nice res bro
as i said try Harder, it's 1225 Hit not skill but you catch the screen where u can see only 225 it's lag. for your info some warrior i hit 900 or 1k but on you 1225 or 1300 gj 25cm. am proud
push when he sees cerva in raid
He catch me when i was dancing and celebrate your dead. I was relaxed by not paying attention to the danger and i didn't except some1 hit me till i dance and that's why i put off dss and pedants off. So nice try Stefan or 25cm,but hey you need something better try harder. And again good job my brothers from Asmodia we smash them easy there is video of Nature2 enjoy. Peace
i wonder if cerva or me hit you more. tell me was it more than 18k or less ?
come on my friend you are trash you play for fkn 8 years here and you get 1 skilled by archer,mental as well as mirages hit you 3k hits. pls tell me what did you do all the time ? xD
btw here are some scenes panic didnt decide to put into his video he died like 20 times in that raid, probably thats the reason theres a cut every 30 seconds
https://gyazo.com/2e8b8cbc28efc303b3b66ff0f27efa22 1,3k hits huh? xD
https://gyazo.com/0e5b6272d91abb276ed9513b2ef7ec37 and ofc me solo kill panic
now pls stop this embarrassing crying, its really getting boring. i heard we will soon see some duels between kekzi and this panicstation, but i dont want to spoiler yet what happened haha
as you see and players of SG. Im Classic player without costume, Hair from IS and Pet and i was not trying to run from you or Pachirusu i wanted to see your dmg when i'm clean and i can't say i'm disappointed but u can do better much better and these archer had same dmg as you. so as you see i have eq for all classes and if i use costume and hair and Pet i could tank all 4x classes without dieng. but i'm classic player. nice try,but try harder xD
4x on my Brothers 4x!!!! and tell me are you proud of your selff xDDD ?
Look your dmg on Best ninja on Server = 2k Crt i think it's really embarrassing xD but hey i know you, you are proud of it xD.