duel vs lacex54

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  • Ilhan thinks that we are in a World War this in my life of sg i saw Ilhan 3 times in raids with his sura one time eats 5k pierce,second raid a Professional safe Zone Runner, third time 18k from 25cm -.-

    Your pride was never with you Ilhan.

    As i said we are not like them we have our own pride and Honor, Even if 25cm know and JkRRR that was Aleks on my acc and he didn't care about dmg ad what items he use. But 25cm use the chance to make video and say yea finaly we kill you Almighty first time in our life we make you 18k dmg 20k dmg or so. but they know it's not possible bcs i can tank easy alone 25cm and JkRRR very easy.

  • But lets talk about Panic GOD OF SG full the pride of yellows.

    He is more like the Dog from yellows he barks for them Everytime Ilhan and aleks whistle Panic Jumps and licks them.

    He dont belong anywhere evryone talks behind his back making fun of him and one time evry month u guys act like best friend pathetic.

    The god of Sg panicstation ist from body Warriors from.blue Kingdom over 2.2k normal hits pathetic you guys call some one like that your God thats why we love making fun of u guys.

    Lacex54 tell me are you kidding or you are so desperate so angry well i would be if some1 make video where i use pottions 3 times and on the end lose 4-2 well i would be too but. i wouldn't share the angry with others here on forum cus it's really shame i watched the video full complete and was very funny. so don't continue these anymore pls you just blame your self. Strength is Justice. Strength is everything!.

  • there are 3 things this panic can do on sg.1 is getting 12k in raid.second he can lose to kekiz in duels who has 22k left which is even funnier than the 12k in raids and third he can upload videos which get like 20 views after couple weeks and he forgets to cut out the part where he hits a buffmage with no equip 6k crit. but on the other hand hes on this server for only like 5 or 6 years and he only farms about 10 hours every moonlight event so theres still a lot of potential. i guess we should fear the future when he reaches his final form and is like on the same level almightypush

    Well with you we better don't talk cuz you are special in my country we call it [sick]. First that raid before 2 nights we crush you guys, don't say you wasn't even there or so. don't cus i know everything i see everything. Second as i said, you make Videos just how much dmg you make well, [ Well that same thing could do bbbazy or chiye or Aleks Put full vs against other classes and hit them 10k or 12k or 8k crt] But it's not important only is and it's WIN. Yea i forget you make on AlmightyPush 18k haha damn that's amazing xD Even if you know the truth as i see you are proud of your self and happy, and that's make me too happy. Bcs when i remind how much troubles and Pains i do to you guys i really don't know how you guys still standing xDDD.

  • But i see maybe i just see that you are in same place after Unko family left server. Well about PvP and PvM and Mobs, for me you are still like some of the mobs with rage big words etc but still don't have a chance to stand against me [ before with SIlop items, now Mix with your and bokha.

    So He killed your farmer with your own eq from Weapon SUra? Damn Panic is really amazing.

    [Unfortunately nobody ever challenged my main] = You Kidding us or what hahaha. Poor Bokha and he called you Friend or 25cm or the others. [ SO arrogant so full with fantasy in his mind xD ] but as you said, i cant resist when I see ppl like you talking about PVP or duels. Well JkRR i can't too when i just remind so manny duels vs you near dt no matter if you used SIlop items or Bokha just remind me how Helpless you was + there was Aleks vs you And Chiye pff so long. Peace <3<3<3

  • Mighty talks again about old History Ilhan nenn mich papa du hund.

    Like i said he thinks this is World war 3.


    Talks about pride Dude you dont even have a pride because you come from serbia the most Mixed humans on earth Srb learns turkish how Mixed u can be and talks about pride.

    I can say the same answer i gave Panic

    Even my VEINS are thicker then your penis.

    I could use u as my boxsack fatboi.

    Show some respect to your fathers we dont know who did the goal first;)




    Ich bin dein Papa du Hund.

    Mein Sohn!

  • Watch you Behavior Boy,You lost the duels not me potter. and Don't be Racist pls it's nice server we didn't have racist till now Ty. Pride and Honor is with me and i wont allow my self to be like them + My Brothers. Strength is Justice,Strength is Absolute.

  • As i said we are not like them we have our own pride and Honor, Even if 25cm know and JkRRR that was Aleks on my acc and he didn't care about dmg ad what items he use. But 25cm use the chance to make video and say yea finaly we kill you Almighty first time in our life we make you 18k dmg 20k dmg or so. but they know it's not possible bcs i can tank easy alone 25cm and JkRRR very easy.

    puahahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahha




    some one slap me or i dead LMAO puahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha

    he tank what ?


  • Watch you Behavior Boy,You lost the duels not me potter. and Don't be Racist pls it's nice server we didn't have racist till now Ty. Pride and Honor is with me and i wont allow my self to be like them + My Brothers. Strength is Justice,Strength is Absolute.

    I had fun much fun showing once again how pathetic "your brothers " are.

    Pride and Honor is something you need learn Ilhan your fathers need Teach you again about Pride.

    Your Honor was already lost the day you was Born.

    Who says iam Racist i just Show you wher you belong you are full Mixed you dont have any Pride yet .

    Mein Sohn Mein Sohn... Was habe ich bei dir nur falsch gemacht.

    Iam talking with you Not like Enemys iam talking like how a father should talk with his son.

    You can keep hiding in other chars evryone knows your "strength" no one needs your lvl 120 remove char that eats 18k skills and 5k Hits.

    Now let me sleep dont let me logg in.

    Baba Yorgun Oglum git sen takil.

  • Watch you Behavior Boy. Try to not be Racist. you Lost the duels not me potter. Ty and try with english some times i don't understand turkish. Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them, i wont let their Provokes and flaming reach me. Strength is everything losers can't do anything about it.

  • hahaha this guys says that only wins are important :rofl:last nw you guys won is, correct me if im wrong, 5 or 6 months ago :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    yea i use only vs in raids, thats the reason i dont die a single time in a 90 minute long raid. why should i even use res if everyone of you dies after 2 skils and is on the ground 24/7.

    mighty mighty mighty my son your excuses that aleks used your char when i hit you 18k are just crazy, because i also hit you 18k when you use your raid "res" (if you even can call it res). after 8 years of farming and nolifing you are just trash :* but no worries there are people in your guild who get 20k+ in raid so you arent even the worst

  • RUN MIGHTYYYYYYYYYYYY RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN puahahhahahha all know ur strength i am think u use 2 x shoes of wind xD or ur items have %20 speed idk how u run so fast when see us .

    im bussy.. bb <3

    keep crying dude . if the wall gets dirty ...

    i am say PanicStation to come for cleaning ur wall..


  • hahaha this guys says that only wins are important last nw you guys won is, correct me if im wrong, 5 or 6 months ago

    yea i use only vs in raids, thats the reason i dont die a single time in a 90 minute long raid. why should i even use res if everyone of you dies after 2 skils and is on the ground 24/7.

    mighty mighty mighty my son your excuses that aleks used your char when i hit you 18k are just crazy, because i also hit you 18k when you use your raid "res" (if you even can call it res). after 8 years of farming and nolifing you are just trash but no worries there are people in your guild who get 20k+ in raid so you arent even the worst

    Do you know what is Funny,You make Spirit on me normal 3k or 3,2k normal the others like JkRRR, Sick etc Can't make me 18k all together xD as i said i can tank easy both off your guilds. So it's not excuses hell no if that was me i wouldn't came here and blame my self or make it worst like Lacex54 the one who lost duels with potions xD. The Red Potion Men.

  • ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry i am dont understand you, ofcccccccccccccccc me to Can tank easy alll game vs me in safe zone ofcccccccccccccccccccccccc i am forgot ur place ajajajjajajajajj good dreaming DUDEEEEE

  • RUN MIGHTYYYYYYYYYYYY RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN puahahhahahha all know ur strength i am think u use 2 x shoes of wind xD or ur items have %20 speed idk how u run so fast when see us .

    im bussy.. bb <3

    keep crying dude . if the wall gets dirty ...

    i am say PanicStation to come for cleaning ur wall..


    WOW is this 1337Sick who comments here and talks about running ? Should i upload how much dmg you get from me in last raid ? And how many times u die and how u run non-stop ? If i upload you are silent again 1-2 weeks like last time.

  • hahaha this guys says that only wins are important :rofl:last nw you guys won is, correct me if im wrong, 5 or 6 months ago :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    yea i use only vs in raids, thats the reason i dont die a single time in a 90 minute long raid. why should i even use res if everyone of you dies after 2 skils and is on the ground 24/7.

    mighty mighty mighty my son your excuses that aleks used your char when i hit you 18k are just crazy, because i also hit you 18k when you use your raid "res" (if you even can call it res). after 8 years of farming and nolifing you are just trash :* but no worries there are people in your guild who get 20k+ in raid so you arent even the worst

    You miss the point...if no one attacks you it's because you are irrelevant in raid you make 3k spirit in everyone and you also run too much so why should we focus you ? If you think you are strong think again cos you saw what happens when we focus you... you die in 1-2 shots....

    BTW don't forget you are the only player around here who ever got 1-skilled in a raid when full hp.