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duel vs lacex54
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bro i made half of your guild quit
you guys just dont learn that you always start a fight you cant win. you start flaming and when we flame back your guildmates cry and doesnt want to raid anymore xD btw mighty i didnt see you lately in pvp, still recovering from my 1 skilss haha?
I would also quit but it won't make you stop talking about me. Same as Ziron.
I do you favour and still play this game.
Now I will stop raplying because I have to work. Or else I won't earn even 200e
can i add you on instagram?
You are being updated by other followers anyway.
funny that you dont quit just because of me. seems like im moer interesting than your rl xD
bro i made half of your guild quit you guys just dont learn that you always start a fight you cant win. you start flaming and when we flame back your guildmates cry and doesnt want to raid anymore xD btw mighty i didnt see you lately in pvp, still recovering from my 1 skilss
Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them, their provokes and insult and flame won't reach me. The one who dies from 1 skill in raid is you as panic said the raid before 2 night and ofc i'm sure you denied it that you guys didn't lost that battle am i right? No i'm not recovering Just Aleks told me don't came in raid if you came 25cm go fast in safe and start talk same Sick JkRRR and ofc this one with bad Behavior. Peace with you guys
i always talk crap because i need to adapt. sure you guys cant reach my level so i have to come down for you so we have an equal level for a conversation.
i remember 3 weeks ago in yellow chat :"mighty dont join, they will get points to fast and you cant tank enough" and that came from your own guild "mates"
come on dog, everyone knows you and some stupid forum posts wont change that, keep trying
i always talk crap because i need to adapt. sure you guys cant reach my level so i have to come down for you so we have an equal level for a conversation.
i remember 3 weeks ago in yellow chat :"mighty dont join, they will get points to fast and you cant tank enough" and that came from your own guild "mates"
come on dog, everyone knows you and some stupid forum posts wont change that, keep trying
i also saw that screen bro but he will say it was aleks joking around blabla
i always talk crap because i need to adapt. sure you guys cant reach my level so i have to come down for you so we have an equal level for a conversation
Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them. Their Provokes , Insult and Flame won't reach me.
Yes you are Absolute Right you can't reach my lvl off power.
i remember 3 weeks ago in yellow chat :"mighty dont join, they will get points to fast and you cant tank enough" and that came from your own guild "mates
Yes i can tank complete Purge without using the Healing Potion. I didn't know you have Spy in my guild amazing.
come on dog, everyone knows you and some stupid forum posts wont change that, keep trying
So someone is mad here, watch your behavior boy, don't be like the Racist. Ty peace with you guys
Bro this Thread i dont give you last post i dont care i will keep discussing with you
you cant even read 3 lines properly, but hey! living with an iq of 50 is hard haha
keep telling you arent mad, the fact that i write 2-3 lines and you always reply with half an page of flaming proofs you wrong
now go lick the ground like you used to do 18k victim
Bro this Thread i dont give you last post i dont care i will keep discussing with you
Well, i'm not Discussing with you, haha you are dreaming or what it would be shame for me to discuss with loser or i should said Red Potion Man - New Marvel Hero xDDD.
writes 10 pages of crying and says he doesnt care
if you wont get 1 skiled in raids anymore people maybe will respect you but fo now? no way
you cant even read 3 lines properly, but hey! living with an iq of 50 is hard haha
keep telling you arent mad, the fact that i write 2-3 lines and you always reply with half an page of flaming proofs you wrong
now go lick the ground like you used to do 18k victim
Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them. Their Provokes , insult and flames won't reach me.
You are still here? I see that this man can not calm down his angry and rage. Bcs his Mates lost Fight before 2 nights and now These video where his guild mate lost 4=2 in duels even if he tried to use Red potions and still he failed and lose 4-2. It's very hard Punch for you as i see, it's to much for one night. Ty No racism Peace with you guys
im just having way to much fun with you
you are trying so hard and yet fail so badly, keep crying my son
i dont have to say anything more than this ...
But Seams you are still not finished with your flaming.
Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them. Their Provokes , Insult and Flamings won't reach me.
No To Racism. Ty Peace with you guys
he ist just mad for his serbia no one is Racist here we just Show you facts my son
pls learn english
i dont have to =/= i wont do
i could have stopped after showing that you get 18k in raids but as i said you make me luagh whole day
i dont have to say anything more than this ...
pls learn english i dont have to =/= i wont do
i could have stopped after showing that you get 18k in raids but as i said you make me luagh whole day
So you are still continue with your Provokes and flamings.
Pride and Honor won't allow me to be like them. Their Provokes,Insult and Flamings won't reach me.
No To Racism.Ty Peace with you guys
he ist just mad for his serbia no one is Racist here we just Show you facts my son
Watch your Behavior Boy, or i Call Panic to teach you some Lessons near Dt.
No To Racism. Ty Peace with you Guys
I dont like Peace Ilhan i like when you Cry under my table son