Snipas is right, 12 str 12 dex 12 con 10-20skill speed and 10 crt are better you can use it against all classes. But 12 str 20 sura 15 warrior well you can use it only against 2x classes and the dmg is not more than 300/400 but hey devil put in ppl mind hey it’s 10k dmg it’s cool bla bla even if he seen it he won’t accept it xD i have ssb 12 15 20 and I’m God now I’m strong i will destroy them. But in the other side he increased his dmg like 300/400 normal maybe 1k crt and it’s all.

[Maintenance] 12/01/2019 Gameplay Change
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whats about a recompense for all players which had to rebuild their gear because this update
50% tecpoints or rarity hour..
what about a recompense for all players which had to rebuild their gear because this update
So if in the future we add a new set, which will be far superior to your 5 years old+ set, you will want a refund for following a normal MMO mechanic?
Your reward is that you have a better pvp system now, an easier rolling system and a concrete chance to get new opponents.
what about a recompense for all players which had to rebuild their gear because this update
they will always remembered as heroes.
lets make more basic % vs human in weapon 105lvl+9 than weapon 90lvl+9
So if in the future we add a new set, which will be far superior to your 5 years old+ set, you will want a refund for following anormal MMO mechanic?
Your reward is that you have a better pvp system now, an easier rolling system and a concrete chance to get new opponents.
we had to roll stats with bad conditions
as I started there wasnt a keep stats system. now u also removed 8 stats for easier rolling.
rolling is so easy now & all switchers for pvp were useless in the past.
there should be a event for recompense this.
I don't understand what you mean. As the game gets old is simply normal to facilitate it so that new players can catch up with the old ones. We don't have to make an event everytime something gets easier or nerfed or implemented.
we had to roll stats with bad conditions
as I started there wasnt a keep stats system. now u also removed 8 stats for easier rolling.
rolling is so easy now & all switchers for pvp were useless in the past.
there should be a event for recompense this.
I don't see compensation* reason(recompense is something else, read it up)? Just start spending the hundreds wons ya'll got? Rejoice... the thousands hours you've been spending and all the hoarding finally pays off xD
Well I meet some players from blues they had before update 340 one had 290 one 430 won i said to my self i came to late here xD hahaha so I’m sure the ones who strart this drama have 100% over 200 wons
Fire, lightning and the other resistance are and always have been for pvm.
Don't take for granted the word of players, they don't have access to any informations and most of the times what they know is simply wrong or misleading. Those bonus works, on pvm and pvm only.
Can you post this information about all bonuses and against what works and so on? Like you said, we players dont have access to this info, and I think we should have access to it.
I’ve played metin 2 for 10 years and i thought fire resistance was for mages and so is lighting resistance 😂
I’ve played metin 2 for 10 years and i thought fire resistance was for mages and so is lighting resistance 😂
I thought it worked for both
I mean, worked on whatever attack that included fire basicly -
I thought it worked for both
I mean, worked on whatever attack that included fire basiclyAgainst the fire mobs archers, dont remember the name, from infernal field flame fire resistance is useless. That's why we should have access to this information about bonus in the server cause in each metin2 (private server or whatever) it can be different.
And we cant use logic for determine, we players, these things (the example that I said earlier). Demi human bonus attack works against mobs in hl2 but demi human resistance bonus doesnt work against mobs from hl2.
That's why I think the GA (person who has a direct access to this information) should explain to us these things about bonus and mobs and what works or not. I asked gms and one said that lightning is useful in hl, other said no, I tried myself and lightning doesnt work, so gms dont know either this information with full assurance.
Against the fire mobs archers, dont remember the name, from infernal field flame fire resistance is useless. That's why we should have access to this information about bonus in the server cause in each metin2 (private server or whatever) it can be different.
And we cant use logic for determine, we players, these things (the example that I said earlier). Demi human bonus attack works against mobs in hl2 but demi human resistance bonus doesnt work against mobs from hl2.
That's why I think the GA (person who has a direct access to this information) should explain to us these things about bonus and mobs and what works or not. I asked gms and one said that lightning is useful in hl, other said no, I tried myself and lightning doesnt work, so gms dont know either this information with full assurance.
You can't expect us to list in this thread or any other, over 1000 monsters and their resistances. It won't reach everyone. For instance I already explained on the forums kazilions times that Demi Resistance is just made up name, the real name is "Warrior Resistance + Sura Resistance + Assassin Resistance + Mage Resistance", all rolled into one. As there is no monster that is a character, it is just a pvp bonus. Yet despite the many times I told so, you didn't know.
You can't expect us to list in this thread or any other, over 1000 monsters and their resistances. It won't reach everyone. For instance I already explained on the forums kazilions times that Demi Resistance is just made up name, the real name is "Warrior Resistance + Sura Resistance + Assassin Resistance + Mage Resistance", all rolled into one. As there is no monster that is a character, it is just a pvp bonus. Yet despite the many times I told so, you didn't know.
No one is asking you to list ever monster there is in the game and which resistance is good vs it. In my opinion this a totally possible task. For example you do it like this:
1. make a poll including all the maps/dungeons of this server. This would have the purpose that the players can vote which map they want to know specific resistances for specific monsters the most. Once lets say the top 8 voted maps/dungeons have been selected you start a new poll with all the monsters from each of these maps.
2. New poll for each monster of the top voted maps. Now again lets say the top 8 most voted monsters for each map will be selected. You could provide us with info about resistance that works against them.
This way a lot of irrelevant maps won't cause you any work because lets be honest....dragon valley, map 2, map 1, probably desert and ice land ore not relevant to this list because they are so easy with all the mechanics in the game right now. Also runs where resistance does not work at all can be left out anyway. the way I see it this is not as much work as you state. I would gladly take the task upon myself so you don't have to deal with it, but I doubt you want to give code to someone who is not in the Tec-team.
Different approach:
Make a new forum post and let players edit a list of maps/monsters with which resistance they believe work on them (maybe you can give power do only a few willing players who are experienced enough to fill these out). You could then look at the list and update it once a week by
correctingand confirming their input.""Demi Resistance is just made up name, the real name is "Warrior Resistance + Sura Resistance + Assassin Resistance + Mage Resistance""
Not everyone reads every post in this forum. As long as no list with information like this exists you can NOT expect people to know stuff like this. Every one hears something somewhere and if it sounds good they believe and spread the news. Who would not think, that fire res works in Hell run. It sounds logical. But no not all the monsters and most important: the strong monsters in this run do not interact with fire resistance.
So please don't blame the players for "false rumors" they just want to spread information and don't have the intent of misinforming.
This task is not impossible and asking the community for help is not a bad think. We also would like to know if we are right about this kind of stuff and will be eager to help.
Kind regards
No one is asking you to list ever monster there is in the game and which resistance is good vs it. In my opinion this a totally possible task. For example you do it like this:
1. make a poll including all all maps/dungeons of this server. This would have the purpose that the players can vote which map they want to know specific resistances for specific monsters. Once lets say the top 8 maps/dungeons have been voted you start a new poll with all the monsters from the map.
2. New poll for each of the top voted maps with all monsters. Now again lets say the top 8 monsters for each map from the vote will be selected. You could provide us with info about resistance that works against them.
This way a lot of irrelevant maps wont cause you any work because lets be honest....dragon valley ,map 2, map 1, probably desert and ice land ore not relevant to this list because they are so easy with all the mechanics in the game right now. Also runs where resistance does not work at all can be left out anyway. the way I see it this is not as much work as you state. I would gladly take the task upon myself so you don't have to deal with it, but I doubt you want to give code to someone who is not in the Tec-team.
Different approach:
Make a new forum post and let players edit a list of maps/monsters with which resistance they believe work on them (maybe you can give power do only a few willing players who are experienced enough to fill these out). You could then look at the list and update it once a week by
correctingand confirming their input.""Demi Resistance is just made up name, the real name is "Warrior Resistance + Sura Resistance + Assassin Resistance + Mage Resistance""
Not everyone reads every post in this forum. As long as no list with information like this exists you can NOT expect people to know stuff like this. Every one hears something somewhere and if it sounds good they believe and spread the news. Who would not think, that fire res works in Hell run. It sounds logical. But no not all the monsters and most important: the strong monsters in this run do not interact with fire resistance.
So please don't blame the players for "false rumors" they just want to spread information and don't have the intent of misinforming.
This task is not impossible and asking the community for help is not a bad think. We also would like to know if we are right about this kind of stuff and will be eager to help.
Kind regards
Make a poll to vote what ?
If you want to know something, just ask and you will find out.
Also, you can test yourself these kind of resistance hard is it to put a 5 demi res item and let mobs hit you to see if it has any effect ?
What the hell are you smoking ? Make a poll to vote what ?
If you want to know something, just ask and you will find out.
Also, you can test yourself these kind of resistance hard is it to put a 5 demi res item and let mobs hit you to see if it has any effect ?
I dont know why but every time you post on this forum it seems that you lose all common sense....
Can you just stick to normal common english? No need to be disrespectful.
So to summarise what you are saying: keep everything the same, no place to look up this kind of info and have 100% confirmation, let people just ask individually every time they want to know the res for a monster and let the gm's look it up every time.
To me it seemed that Shadow is tiered of people talking about this stuff without being 100% sure they are right. My idea was just to collect this information so everyone can look it up themself, and to reduce the workload on the gm's
And my dear friend I have tested a lot of resistances and i would like to share this information with other players so they can make the right gear without going through the same time consuming process i had to, I just feel the best way is to collect all info at one place.
The idea with the poll was to reduce the amount of maps and monsters so there won't be 1000+ listings. If you did not understand my idea please tell, and I can try again to make it more clear to you.
I dont know why but every time you post on this forum it seems that you lose all common sense....
Can you just stick to normal common english? No need to be disrespectful.
So to summarise what you are saying: keep everything the same, no place to look up this kind of info and have 100% confirmation, let people just ask individually every time they want to know the res for a monster and let the gm's look it up every time.
To me it seemed that Shadow is tiered of people talking about this stuff without being 100% sure they are right. My idea was just to collect this information so everyone can look it up themself, and to reduce the workload on the gm's
And my dear friend I have tested a lot of resistances and i would like to share this information with other players so they can make the right gear without going through the same time consuming process i had to, I just feel the best way is to collect all info at one place.
The idea with the poll was to reduce the amount of maps and monsters so there won't be 1000+ listings. If you did not understand my idea please tell, and I can try again to make it more clear to you.
In my opinion your idea is stupid ( no offence, i didn't call you stupid, smart people can have stupid ideas ), no need to further explain yourself.
You want to make a poll for what ? Do you understand the necessity of resistance in pvm ? 90%+ of all the monsters don't require any additional resistance except the basic pvm gear ( average res, block, arrow res, magic res, skill res ).
There is no need to develop complex guidelines for something which is very simple. None of the pvm players use sets of different items with different resistance for different types of monsters, all use the same basic ( average res, block, arrow res, magic res, skill res ).
Also, don't forget that there are detailed guides for every map or dungeon, anyone who is interested can read them.
Why on earth would someone create an unnecessary list ? Is not only useless but also confusing for new players because they would spend money to make useless items with "res" when there is only one standard pvm gear which can do everything.
You got it wrong. We are not tired of anything and if players take for granted what other players tells them as reliable source, is not our fault either. I simply explained why we will not list on the forum 1000+ mobs, or even 700+ if you take out all the "worthless" monsters.
And you seem to agree with me:
QuoteNot everyone reads every post in this forum.
Exactly because of this is pointless to do this list here, as it won't reach everybody. A poll is unecessary. What I am already working on is to change the color of the monster's name (when you select them), so that its color will prompt the player what kind of elemental damage it deals. This is how things are done right, not with polls or huge lists.
PS: The screen up above is from the hell run, all monsters deal fire elemental damage.