the reason they are not stackable is because each individual minnow has a different length

Patch note 11/02/2019
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Remove the lenght of minnows nobody cares how long they are.
Remove the lenght of minnows nobody cares how long they are.
Instead of picking like 5 different chars to store the minnows it would help a lot stacking them -
Instead of picking like 5 different chars to store the minnows it would help a lot stacking themIt would be better overall if you could stack every kind of fish
It would be better overall if you could stack every kind of fish
Idk, the most annoying is the minnow, since it can also be used as bait it would make even more sense to be stackable
Well minnows don't even have length. It would make sense for minnows to not stack if mystery boxes were OP but 80% of the time you get yang, exp and minions.
Please, remove the no-stacking on the minnows, it seems to have no use.
Please, remove the stacking on the minnows, it seems to have no use.
Oh thanks, if it weren't for you I wouldn't realized I wrote it all wrong. xD
Oh thanks, if it weren't for you I wouldn't realized I wrote it all wrong. xD
Oh thanks, if it weren't for you I wouldn't realized I wrote it all wrong. xD
Dont drink if you´ll play Metin.
It would be better overall if you could stack every kind of fish
There are a event related to the lenght of the fish Fisherman of the Month (Sat, Sep 30th 2017)
Dont drink if you´ll play Metin.
There are a event related to the lenght of the fish Fisherman of the Month (Sat, Sep 30th 2017)
Yes, i thought about this too. If lenght isn't a problem tho, it would be a good improvement.
This subject was talked a long time ago.They won't do it simply because there is to much work.
Not true, the subject was discussed and the answer was that they can stack if they have the same lenght. Nobody ever said anything about how long will it take to change it so this is just your (wrong) speculation.
Maiby in next patch can be added the "activate" and "dezactivate " button for dragon stone alchimy to the interface game ?
How about an option to deactivate buffs like Fear and mage buffs?
Well if it's not hard why not remove the lenght?
Well if it's not hard why not remove the lenght?
Because from what we see, players continue to create unlimited accounts with the sole purpose of using them as storing accounts, so why removing a feature and a possible event when there is already a way to bypass the limited inventory capacity that the game has since the start?
Well if i have to many minnows where should i store them?
Well if i have to many minnows where should i store them?
you create another account for storage