pvp in map1
- Nature2
- Closed
Damn i didn't know that i'm so good after 100 years off playing. Check first one minute and later from 3:20 min we was equal with numbers and what happen Massacre happen xD
Good video, good graphic nice PvP Fight from both sides xD
I don't know what happen when we was equal, maybe you guys will saw it HeroPetty just disappear and not only him the archer too and warrior from asian guild.
But anyway nice fight i enjoyed so much
What a sad metin2 pvping with a Poison ....
it's was good PvP one off best
ayy lmao 5k sword hits. Them pvpers gotta rethink some life choices
Keep shredding them papers.
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you want to upload everything you have from that day? Or should I upload the rest?
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
you want to upload everything you have from that day? Or should I upload the rest?
Upload whatever you want and stop bitching about it. I already did you a favor when i uploaded the last nw entirely because you were bitching that i would not do it.
Some people from HowHigh never made a video longer than 10 mins in raids that lasted for 1-2 hours yet you never mentioned it.
Desired please go ahead and upload some stuff from your side. Oh wait you did exacly that last week :s
im talking about when u guys uploaded some raids which was cuted i didnt showed what happen really. As example the fake "first raid after update" video i give probs and didnt said ah its cuted.
anyways but u agree with me that u dont have sword res at all right? i mean for sure this 8avg 2skill emerald earrings are ur main earrings i guess on ur sura or how panic made with poison sword which has -skill dmg 8k ww on it
I already did you a favor when i uploaded the last nw entirely because you were bitching that i would not do it.
You call uploading the entire NW a favor? damn...
im talking about when u guys uploaded some raids which was cuted i didnt showed what happen really. As example the fake "first raid after update" video i give probs and didnt said ah its cuted.
anyways but u agree with me that u dont have sword res at all right? i mean for sure this 8avg 2skill emerald earrings are ur main earrings i guess on ur sura or how panic made with poison sword which has -skill dmg 8k ww on it
8 avg 2 skill emerald on a mage? not really, but believe what you want
I don't upload videos here, but i can't stand it if someone uploads footage with kill *cut* kill *cut* kill *cut*. So I call them out with the hopes that next time they go back to uploading the entire fight. -
I playing 5 years Metin2.SG last year I’m not so active, but JKRRR or Lacex or the others never put full video but never.
JkRRR always make video with 5-10 min and on that’s videos he and his friends are so overpowered they don’t died they was perfect but problem is ( fight was longer than 2h or more sometimes 3-4h) but he put only 5-10 min.
These fight before some days was like 25 min. First i came in blues and Pety,Yuni and HanYuki starts to attack me and provoke me i try to avoid that but they wouldn’t stop. Than i call Panic and we beats them we 2 vs them 3x after 3 min some guys from Asian guild showed up and beat us and that was in that time 6/7 blues vs 3 Yellows and that was like 3-5 min. After that i saw just 2x players from Yellows and they were Chiye and Pachirisu so its was 5 yellow vs 6 blues or 7. But after 1 min Petty disappeared and 2 more. Only left Yuni,Yuki and the warrior from Asian guild.
I forget to mention Petty and the others came back later and nothing changed they was same
8 avg 2 skill emerald on a mage? not really, but believe what you want
I don't upload videos here, but i can't stand it if someone uploads footage with kill *cut* kill *cut* kill *cut*. So I call them out with the hopes that next time they go back to uploading the entire fight.It's not like you managed to do something when numbers were equal. You went safe zone crying, seconds after trashtalking about safe zone and later boom * solo kill
Karma is a bitch ~ Don't talk big next time and btw you are the one that started trashtalking and ask duel 1v2 so don't start crying if things turn around
you are big girl.
wait wait wait scream is Yuni ??? hahahahahahahaha god damn hahahahahahaha. Yea Panic was right she/he was talking on 300km. but later when we was equal and her or his friends leave she/he start crying why 3vs1 5vs1 2vs1 bla bla bla, but who watched video will saw where Yuni says come boys 2vs1 2 vs me she/he say it many times but after it she/he start to cry 3vs1 2vs1 5vs1.
Well it's not our fault when your friends leave fight when we was equal.
I told them don't attack me stop it i won't problems but Yuni,Petty and Yuki continue attacks me i really tried and try to avoid it but they couldn't stop. Bcs i know what would happen if they don't stop and so massacre happen xD
i mean for sure this 8avg 2skill emerald earrings are ur main earrings i guess on ur sura
8 avg 2 skill emerald on a mage? not really, but believe what you want
8avg 2skill 15 2hand 15dagger 15arrow 10bell or something like that so ofc ur sura get this dmg's without sword res on it
Funny vid before fixing the pierce formula update.....was like one day fighting without armors and i enjoyed it
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Well just look at them how they are sneaky, they attack 3-5-7 one guy or one person. And you didn't cry like Yuni did gj man. Anyway your dmg is amazing or he was amazing but i don't see the different on you than and now seams you are just amazing hehe.
Anyway they was all 100+ lvl over there against few ppl off yellows and you guys fight it good and well.
Imagine if there was The Monsters: Mecca and her husband they could them kill easy alone+++
In the other hand if there was Legends: AlmightyPush, Chiye and Aleksandar well that would be WW 3
yes nice video gzz next time when u want post video please post full video Panic For u want make one next video beter a make 1vs 1 pvp video and post forum pm me in game and fight 1vs 1....