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  • Dont care, perma ban me. U warned i and didnt listen. Right thing to do.

    Since i'm not welcome here, nor i wanted here, it would be for best for both sides for me and GA team.

    Cyas all. And gl with the game, just dont argue with GA's if u spend real cash here. Goodbye all. Was fun but seems my time come to move and leave this game. Don keep the daggers or sell to npc, they urs now.

    Good luck to all.

  • I mean what kind of business is this, baning someone permanently cause he insults someone

    If it happens one time then yes its crazy for a perm ban, but if its constant then yes its a problem.

    I look at it as if i were speaking to my employer/boss... If i tell him he is an idiot and doesnt know what hes doing once, then its just a bad mood day and he will forgive me, but over and over... i'm fired...

    Same with staff, Ive been a GM on a server (not p server) and have had to deal with this a lot, sucks to see a player gone but... well shit happens. :/

  • just be mature and watch your language, what's so wrong about it?
    do you think you can act like a kid in the real world afterwards?
    grow up

    i see you calling people 'kid' and saying they have to grow up, for a long time
    you must have some scars with childhood years
    maybe you are still one, god knows

    as i always see you were a decent player and farmer. gl in real

    • Official Post

    bah another good one going. less fun when i log in i guess :S
    just can say that at some places is hard to have a mind of your own.

    No you can speak your mind without insulting others. If you can't use a forum without insulting or provoking others then this is not the place for you. Your freedom of speech ends when you damage others with your words.

    I learned to ignore players that behave like that, but not everybody are as lenient as I am. Besides when you are asked to not create more threads and you do it, to challenge the GA then you are just looking for troubles. He could have took it to private message or support but instead he did it on purpose, because let's face it, some of the old players, due to the fact that SG was a wasteland 3 years ago, are confident that they matter more than others and that the server will suffer their loss and shut down once their are gone.

    My two cent, don't think like that :)

  • you quitted dikas?, idk what to say. even IF team didnt do anything ''good'' in the server, (which isnt true) you shouldnt talk to them like that, im not as licking but they are human too. what im trying to say is,. if 1 player dislike something in the game, the team wont change it because 1 player dislike it :P they always do what is ''best'' for the server. and tbh from what i see, all you do is talk bad on something that ''kills'' you in game. what i dont understand from you is that every single thing that you dont like you have to say some unecesary things.
    but then, team alwaays do the good job in this game, not to mention we got only have 2 GA and few Gm. yet they do great job :3 maaan come back and move on from this. blue need pvp like you :hail: but if not, then gl in real life :D :thumbup:

    and guys, i forgot to mention. team doesn't dislike or hate no one.

  • I hope you will calm down and come back soon, just take some rest of game. If not, then good luck in real life and everything you do, it's sad seeing good players leaving the server.