[SYSTEM] Refine Plus

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    • Official Post

    Hey Guys,

    as always, lets start with the basics.

    What is Refine Plus?

    Refine Plus is our way to make the Upgrading System of Metin2, which is very basic and boring a little bit more exciting and flexible.

    While Upgrading in general is basically Gambling, it can be incredibly frustrating to fail an Item ten times in a row.

    Didn't we all have that "What would i give for 10% extra upp chance" thought once in a while?

    Well good news, on Metin2SG thats possible. The upgrade window will offer you to enable 3 extra Upgrade Items which will increase the upgrade chance by 2, 5 or 10% total.

    The first will increase it by 2%, the second by another 3% for a total of 5% and the last will increase it by another 5% to a total of 10%.

    However, it is only possible to select the Second Item, if you selected the first aswell. The same principle works with the third, you can only activate it when the first 2 are activated. If all 3 are active, a total of 10% Extra upgrade chance will be granted. This works in conjunction with items that increase the Upgrade chance on their own aswell. For Example a Master Compass increases the chance by +10% - Refine Plus increases it by another 10% for a whopping total of 20% increased upgrade chance to change a 25% Upp chance Poison Sword+8 to a significantly better 45%



    This System doesn't only work on Equipment, but also on Items such as Spirit Stones.

    Usually upgrading a Spirit Stone from +4 to +5 has a 25% Chance of Success and will cost you 2.000.000 Gold.

    [Or +3 to +4 having a 40% upgrade chance for 500.000 Gold]

    Adding a "Glyph Stone" will increase the Chance by 20% for a total of 45% Success Rate, it will however, also cost 2.500.000 Gold instead.

    [Or Increasing the 40% from +3 to +4 by 25% to reach 65% for 600.000 Gold]


    Ofcourse, there's a little way to trick that System by using the "Blue Dragon Breath", which will increase the upgrade chance to 80%, you may think that makes the "Glyph Stones" useless...

    However, adding both a "Blue Dragon Breath" and a "Glyph Stone" stone results in a 100% Success chance.


    If there's any more questions, feel free to ask ahead.

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2SG Team