[DUNGEON] Beran-Setaou, the Aqua Dragon

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    • Official Post

    Hey guys,

    as always, lets start with the Basics

    You will find this Dungeon at the very end of Heaven's Lair 2 or via the Dungeon Info System.

    In order to access it you will need 15 Dragon God's Symbol which can be acquired by killing the Zin Heaven's General close to the Dungeons entrance.

    The Dungeon can only be entered while having a Party of atleast 2 people.

    1. The Task

    2. Helpful Tips and FAQ

    1. The Task

    This Dungeon is not very long and only has one single Task, killing Beran-Setaou.

    You will notice that all over the room, he spawned 4 Level 60 Metins, each of them Boosting a different status of the Dragon.

    Killing them will make a new one appear which may be a different one than the one you just killed.

    Essentially you'll have to choose which stat boost you want to give to the Dragon, wether you are fine with him dealing more damage, you dealing less or him healing more/faster.

    • Metin of Mountain - Increases Beran's defence
    • Metin of Arrogance - increases Beran's HP regeneration amount
    • Metin of Revenge - Increases Beran's damage
    • Metin of Solitude - increases Beran's HP regeneration rate

    You can choose the Metins depending on your preference, farming them has no value since the Metins themselves do not drop anything.

    They will spawn Monsters which do have drop however.

    It can be useful to drag the Dragon to another side of the room while taking care of the Metins in order to not get killed by him and the Monsters that are spawning.

    2. Helpful Tips and FAQ

    • The effective stat against the Dragon is "Strong against Devil"
    • A lot of Skill resistence will help since Beran will deal massive amounts of damage.
    • A high polymorph level will come in handy.
    • While not displaying it as a drop, the Dragon will drop "Scale of Aqua Dragon" and "Claw of Aqua Dragon", this is due to them being a Quest drop.
    • Instant HP Potions will help you a great deal, make sure to restock your herbs.
    • You can only spend a maximum of 60 Minutes inside of this Run

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask ahead!

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2SG Team