The Merge

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  • As i remember Metin2 uses the Navicat Datasbase for storing account data. In Databases you have the option to cut those which are longer than the possible Charnum to the maximum of the other Database or you can set the Charnum higher. I dont know if it is usefull or have any other effects to the server to set the charnum for characters higher.

    But if there will be a possibility for every character to change its name it would be simple to cut the names which are at the limit and then add Sg2 at the end. I think After you cut the names you dont need to add the initical of sg2.

  • So I have my entire savings on S2 in Odins. You want to tell me that’s all gone? Are you kidding? My entire Farm would be gone. I was hyped about the merge but now I’m just disappointed. Obviously if that’s the case I won’t play, stealing me hundreds of hours. Edit: Price of Odins when S2 was still alive were 80kk it’s the same like S1 now. I see no point in not transferring them except you want to lose players.

  • The servers have different pricing as well as values of tec points so they won't be transfered. Converts the odins into mall items and your problem is solved.

    Probably next time u should think better the things. I dont know why you decided to put different values for yours servers if it was obviously that will end in a merge due to the poor atention given, like happen with PH server.

    why now players have to pay for it?

    • Official Post

    Because they were not meant to be merged. You are all acting as the merge is something granted when is actually something most players should be thankfully for. We could have simpled closed S2, is normal, it happens all the times expecially on this game, yet we are merging at a small price. Be grateful.

    The pricing on S2 is actually better, because it makes no sense to have such a huge amount of points. But since we are merging that server into this, we have to keep this pricing and not theirs.

  • hummm same ppl have char in s2 and this server so

    when s2 on all go s2 and we shops broked 1/10 players on and we must go farm for low lvl upgrade item him left our server for start new and make beeter char all cant or can idk but now to coom here and have cheap item in s2

    so s2 items +s1 items is make again we markets broke and really players same mi

    Players like me, who stayed on the server and both at the(( beginning of the server and at the server End ))lost. It wasn't fair.

    but GA shadow and tary meny worke in this server for go to nice i try both and thats lost no things for our i hope beeter times in server thanx sg team

    Sry for Nice eng :))

  • Because they were not meant to be merged. You are all acting as the merge is something granted when is actually something most players should be thankfully for. We could have simpled closed S2, is normal, it happens all the times expecially on this game, yet we are merging at a small price. Be grateful.

    The pricing on S2 is actually better, because it makes no sense to have such a huge amount of points. But since we are merging that server into this, we have to keep this pricing and not theirs.

    Im thanksfully but doesnt change anything, you didnt give a single update to s2, really u think that players will keep playing on a server for no reason?

    Regarding to price of tec point, u should see how much they are worth on each server, take an average of how much they represent on each one and give the people on the other server what corresponds to them.

    Pd: Sry if it sounds rude, dont want to be. Im just expresing

    • Official Post

    Updates were regular before i left. I cannot do what you ask, it should be done manualy and is too much time consuming. You are missing the point tho. Nowadays servers are being shut down and not merged. I am merging cause:

    1) I worked hard on that server even during a very harsh time for me and i dislike wasting time
    2) Since is doable with minimal losses like the tec points, i see no valid reasons for not doing it and prevent people from losing all they did.

    What is different cannot be carried, if Server 2 had some costumes or some items that are not present on Server 1 files, they wouldn't be carried too.

  • Most of the things on S2 have the same price on S1 so i can't see your point...
    The only thing S2 people will buy with pleasure are TPs 'cause the price was something like 200kk+ for 5k, lol.