[DUNGEON] Meley's Lair

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  • Some people can abuse this map in several ways

    For example, he can make his friend sign in with his account, and in the end he can get prizes

    It's not about misuse, but make things smoother in the end. This game is just for fun

    And if someone can do this tower alone with his mage

    Where is the problem if everyone can use two accounts from one IP?

  • Also, the percentage of prizes inside the fund is different. It is impossible to obtain a changer from both boxes.

    In the end, players are the ones who play inside the game

    For once, just listen to the opinions of the players

  • It doesnt Nail anything since the items are all gained in the same area.

    Ochao, Erebos, Enchanted Forest.

    Meleys Lair is something completely different with a completely different focus, Mythic DSS and their Changers.

    Then why put unrelated items into the box? why not put lower dragon stone cors into the chest, since alchemy is the focus? Or maybe these so called dragon beans, which are needed to upgrade the dss. Or, and hear me out on this one, the dragon stone releaser, which is also a important item now that we will change all of our dss. Not that any of this should be in the box, but you might want to think over your argument there. Why put completely unrelated items into a box of a run, when that box is suppose to be the main drop? Or am I missing your point here?

    There are plenty of dss related drops to keep the worth of the box lower. And ofc you can always change the % to get good items from the box.

    Kind regards

    FB, invisible roommate1 and ambel invisible roommate2

  • great dungeon, we waited years for this run and now is finally here and people still complain....they complain when it will get here and when it get here they still complain 🤣🤣do it for the content

    • Official Post

    Discussing with you is and has always been completely pointless since you do not even have arguments.

    Boxes always had random Items that doesnt mean they get the Items that make another run relevant.

    In case you want to repeat yourself more often, i'd suggest you to talk to this Page


    As for you, DonSaudi

    An IP Block like this is very Important to keep the value of the Items in tact and have the Market stay stable, if we do not add it the items will just crash within a month and be entirely worthless plus everyone will have perfect superclass mythic DSS very fast, so no matter how much you dislike this block it is crucial. I do understand why you dislike it and if i was in your position, i would dislike it aswell but, as i said, unfortunately, it is crucial.

  • i understand but my dad can use another internet? and can he join with me or this wrong to ?


  • Also, the percentage of prizes inside the fund is different. It is impossible to obtain a changer from both boxes.

    In the end, players are the ones who play inside the game

    For once, just listen to the opinions of the players

    Bro the drops in the chest aint as bad as you guys try to make us think, after all you get 2 chests per run. And yet we dont know anything about how fast you can make the run, what its cd is and how to access it, maybe its super easy and quick to do - so it still gonna be rewarding. Would you rather not be able to roll superclass?

    The only reason to obviously do this run is the dss changer.

    And if you want to play together with your family members make a wifi hotspot wíth your phone?

  • Discussing with you is and has always been completely pointless since you do not even have arguments.

    Boxes always had random Items that doesnt mean they get the Items that make another run relevant.

    In case you want to repeat yourself more often, i'd suggest you to talk to this Page


    He does have a vaild argument there, for a DSS-focused dungeon it might seem a bit light on the DSS-related drops. But at the same time you can't make the boxes too strong either.

    I guess these items can be at least added as a mob drop.

  • Nice update 👍

    I think it was mistake to reveal dungeon's drop. It should have stayed uncovered so people would find out drops on their own and there would not be 4 pages of "could drop this" and "could drop that".

    Just enjoy doing this run in group with your friends and don't be so greedy about drops.

    Have a nice day all!