Mecca vs JkRRR

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  • Ahah bro you are really amazing. You are so cracked that I like you, I'm not kidding. You keep struggling to proclaim your top in things we don't compete in. In our view it's like saying you're the best to fishing carps or minning copper. We are happy for you, but it's not our business. In this topic we were talking about pvp, and this is not your business.

    "we dont compete in", "its not our business". u dont compete ANYMORE after i rape ur heros jk and rainydays/kekzii 3 years ago, is not ur business cuz u noobs realize u cant compete against me in pvm, so thats why u focus all ur time in pvp now. Dont try to hide the real facts, cuz in the past, u noobs tried to own me in pvm king but u failed so u move on to pvp.

  • Shiva i think u have to start watch what and where u talk, u remind me of those who had such a big mouth, but all had the same end path.
    I think it’s time for all of u to move out of this thread since this video is “not important” and none lose it’s just a pvp nowadays work this way.

  • Madina, so nice that the real owner of the account finally showed up. Was it you that duelled or Desired? Miss you ingame, these ghost roommates arent as much fun as someone who actually talks back.

    Anyway since sayonaraboy has the dss again he is rdy for duells now? If this is the case im sure we can find some time this week. It seems you have some really really nice arrow res ocnsidering this amazing video footage. I'm sure you want some more video material for future compilations. Lets discuss details ingame ;)

  • aFtEr i rApE ur heros jk In ThE HoRsE RaCe and rainydays/kekzii iN tHe FisHing ExtrAvaganZa 10 yEars Ago XD

    As I said, you are amazing

    Shiva i think u have to start watch what and where u talk, u remind me of those who had such a big mouth, but all had the same end path.
    I think it’s time for all of u to move out of this thread since this video is “not important” and none lose it’s just a pvp nowadays work this way.

    You are right, bb.

  • Nessi who told u that I’m not there ? Well I’m sorry to disappoint u but some people (like me and desired) have life, and average playing 2-3 hours a day :) I appreciate that u care so much about me , desired ,our chars ,our life and our pictures but I think u should find another idols or another things to be care about. As were said , when we will be in mood of wasting on u time and tp to make duels with archer we surely let u know.
    Best regards

  • Nessi who told u that I’m not there ? Well I’m sorry to disappoint u but some people (like me and desired) have life, and average playing 2-3 hours a day :) I appreciate that u care so much about me , desired ,our chars ,our life and our pictures but I think u should find another idols or another things to be care about. As were said , when we will be in mood of wasting on u time and tp to make duels with archer we surely let u know.
    Best regards

    I like how you wrote 3 lines of text without answering my only question. But I guess that in itself is an answer. Oh well. And just to clarify, cause you said it on more than one occasion: I'm not really interested in Desired/Spongebozz, ever since we talked it out via voicechat. Truth be told I couldn't care less about you, but sadly you two lovebirds are the only decent competition in budokan.

    Desired If you read carefully again, i want to test this impressive arrow res you showed in your video. After all what good is a video if you cant back up its claims? Also my dss are on Nessi, cant be asked to move them to Cadoc, right?

    for context, since u like to edit ur posts.