PATCH NOTE 07/10/2020

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  • From the way you type i cant understand if it is a serious post or you just memeing

  • If that is a joke, good one.

    • Official Post

    Hey there,

    you speak about bias and then you tell us that we should buff Weaponary sura because it is your favorite, thats a bit tough to understand.

    Just because you personally like it the most, that doesnt mean its supposed to be the best in everything. In fact, if its the best in everything that means the balancing has failed and it needs to be adjusted.

    Besides, you said Weaponary Sura only has 2 Damage Spells while in fact they have 3 and are the only class with having an active debuff other than the pretty useless Slow effect or Poison which anyone can apply.

    On top of that, they can also use 2 Weapon types as they are literally the only ones with a special kind of Sword.

    Assassins are literally useless in PvM other than Bosses if you compare them to Suras or Warriors, killing Metins takes quite a lot longer.

    Suras can do absolutely everything just fine, but ofcourse they also have weaknesses which in their case is the exact same thing Assassins excel in, bosses.

    But unlike other classes, the Weaponary sura also excells at one thing when it comes to runs or bosses... tanking. Ofcourse theres one class to beat Weaponary suras for that, the black magic sura, but who is going to tell me he plays a BM Sura in PvM ?


    No Matter how we put it, weaponary sura is not in a bad position atall.

    Neither in PvM, nor in PvP.

    Especially not with S-Skills.

  • I understand where you are coming from

    Let me explain a little about the bias

    Sin has 5 attacking skill ; Sura has 2 ( I know dispel but that is different)

    The thing is this weaponary Sura att boss but boss has high sword defend while sin att boss on poly when boss has lowest bow defend with sin having extra 35 present extra att. The damage attacked has lots of difference which I am sure you are aware of.

    Most players likes to kill boss or att boss area which is more valuable than metin. The thing is being a player of Sura it is very hard and let face it with proper gear any char can kill any boss so there is really no difference in Sura so call great defence against other class unless in some complicated map.

    As far as PvP I am aware of dispel but depends on what kind of weapon. You may argue Sura uses blade but let face it most player like to run away which makes it harder to really hit properly and blade damage is low too with come level of resistance.

    As for sword . It is still sword meaning the enemies just need sword defend

    Unlike other class like u need multi defence type. Sura use either rune or dragon tooth but honestly not really much difference unlike overrated sin .

    I am here to suggest that weaponary Sura is really being degraded by metin2 that all and hope your guys look into it and improve it to be somewhat better.

    My suggestion is to improve Sura pvm damage and PvP.

    I understand you like sin ; but I hope u can make it such there difference between sin damage and Sura damage difference not far off.

    Thank you for your time and effort in replying my message

  • Bro...... u talk like a class that have self buff skills.... tell me as ninja what changes does it make for me to make Supreme the skill or not.... cmon stop beeing blinded only to your class...

    Will i need to go in ince run with 4 chars just to make 1 run? not worth ....

    Now i got titan shield 5 skill 3 awg, I used armour 8 awg 5 skill, bracelet 15% and also alchemy with 10% skill res + shoes skill 8% skill..... soooo 43 skill res.... and he did shot me i skill more than 22k HP...... This smels as usual sura returning to be op in pvm as usual.

    Have a nice day!

    I was talking about pvm? or pvp bcs there was a disscution about pvp , u read a thing on discord orther thing on this thread and now started hate me:) if u saw on discord about nemere Elspeth said that they will neft nemere . My main its NINJA ARCHERY , i am playing at pvm with assasin and sura for meley , when i made that screenshot when i killed nemere and send it to discord was with sura bcs i farmed metines on enchanted forest and i dont wanted to change account for a run , but u understand what u want .

    Hanwei pls next time read all comments on a thread not just one wich u want to hate and do not deviate from the subject .

    Have a nice day!

  • Code
    Ela seriously, the WP sura is useless. A body warrior will hit 100+ metins faster. WP is usless for a dungeon. Take hell run, for example. Good luck doing without 50 avg poison, solo. Where the body fighter does it soft with 45 avg grude.
    People don't play WP anymore, I left WP for Wojo Body, because it just doesn't pay off.
    DMG is too small, you won't kill boses, without PT forget about dungeon, when asasins do it easy.
    You just killed Sura WP on your change 30+ dmg on assa and mage, and that's it.
    • Official Post
    Ela seriously, the WP sura is useless. A body warrior will hit 100+ metins faster. WP is usless for a dungeon. Take hell run, for example. Good luck doing without 50 avg poison, solo. Where the body fighter does it soft with 45 avg grude.
    People don't play WP anymore, I left WP for Wojo Body, because it just doesn't pay off.
    DMG is too small, you won't kill boses, without PT forget about dungeon, when asasins do it easy.
    You just killed Sura WP on your change 30+ dmg on assa and mage, and that's it.

    Hey there,

    so you are telling me the Buff to Sin and Mage killed weaponary sura but tell me one thing, please.

    In which way did a buff to two classes lower suras damage?

    Suras were always worse in terms of damage compared to warrior.

    Suras just have an easier time tanking everything and are an alrounder, it is completely normal that a class that is okay/good at everything is the best at nothing in every game while here they are actually by far the best at being easy and tanky.

    • Official Post

    You guys must stop throwing numbers and statements out of your own ass.

    Enlighted is Yamachon, aka 6091 for the game. You can read the resistances it has. Basically all bosses are like this, Twohand is the lowest for some reason but there are exceptions, like Death Reaper having 70 arrow resistance (bow).

    When we raise the resistances to force the players to either have more than just 1 attacker or to force using high level equipment, we do not raise them because we like or dislike a class, we keep proportioned to how they came out from the fabric.

    The characters will stay like this till new contents or till many players reach S skills and we will think a tweek must made. What you play or consider useless makes no impact to us.