Hello everyone,
As you may realize by the posts section this is a farewell.
Since I started on this server I've had my ups and lows and I have met exceptional people over these months in this game. I'd like to thank mostly to [GA]Shadow
and Tary for being such kind and most understandable human beings I have ever met along my journey in here. I'd also like to thank po_xy for being the most awesome sister from another mother I have met in this server, with whom I have shared big laughs overtime and Vyenna for it's experienced tips and bounding along the process of building my chars.
Over the last months I have been pushing myself to obtain certain goals that seemed unreachable back then and all I can say is that I'm very proud of myself and those who always believed in me. However, that is not enough. I activated Lock&Ready System on both accounts of mine.
Due to several events that have occurred lately I have lost the will to grind for more, invest time/money in here and just play the game as I intended when I started by lockdown season. The server itself is super beginners friendly as you get everything by default to start your adventure in this world & the new skills coming that I've had the opportunity to have a sneak peak and as shown on our discord server have the most awesome & fresh effects you can ever expect from such an old game as this one, so have fun and get all cute!
I won't be coming back online, this is a goodbye.
What you are, you attract. What you visualize in your mind you can hold in the palm of your hands. Anything is possible - Law of Attraction.