Nemere still does crazy damage .. this is crazy. Everything was so fine before...For more than 1min (i tested) the Nemere is immune to any damage, at 100k HP he deals such crazy damage. Well done to those people who always said runs too easy in this server, now thanks to you all look what happened.

PATCH NOTE 12/10/2020
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Bro you need to be reasonable here. I got 38% skill res + 15 fire res and 24k hp. He one shots me. I can't even use greater healing pots. Finishing yamachon shouldn't require oceanic+9 and superclass diamond. It's not the last dungeon in the game.
i just finish one with a lvl 100 asssasin bcs buggs bunny say its inposible to make it with 103 car , i can bcs i use 110 one , on 110 with 62 skill rez and 24% fire rezistence i was recived 17k, and now i added 25%more fire rez and yamachoon make max dmg 8k
I want to test with warrior too bcs on him i have like 85 fire rez and i want to see how is with 85 fire and 40skill rezistence
Yamachon now 1 shots me too. I have great items and I used to farm this run a lot before. It needs damage adjustment that's for sure.
As for the people saying that these runs aren't supposed to be done solo, hear me out.
I agree with you, but with the current state of the game that would prevent many people like me from doing runs. It happens that some people like you are in great guilds with many active members who can party up and do dungeons all day. This is the right way metin2 was meant to be played, I agree, but the rest of us don't have parties to join and active members in their guilds.
When Hydra came online I kept spamming all day on call chat for someone to party me there. Not a single person answered. So yes, despite the fact that you're right about playing as a party is the right way, that would make runs impossible for some others, hence Yamachon damage should be adjusted accordingly.
You are right here, I also wanted to do many hydra runs but seems to be impossible to find people to do it, I also keep asking for it. It is easy to just say, find some players and do the runs in party, but it is quite hard to find players when doing group runs, given that not everyone has the time to do runs or just too busy. If would be that easy to actually find players for group runs, such issues would never arise and we cannot wait for others to do runs it is impossible like that you end up not doing any runs, cannot be dependent also. Its not about greed here to those who think that runs should not be done solo. So what now are you all ready to purchase ice grail for 250kk each and flame key for 1 won+?
I was a beginner also 2 years ago from now, I remember buying ice grail for 250kk, because I could not do any ice run, and was hard to find party for this, we did some ice runs with guildies but was totally pointless, almost got nothing from it and wasted time.
I tried to make Nemere right now for horse quest.
5 people, 1 was a sin.
Result, 50 medals gone, everyone angry and no nemere done xD.
5 players with more than avg gear and good buffs, everyone poly to kill him and he justs kills everyone, sometimes he cant even be damaged for some reason lol
EDIT: group avg level was 95. -
I tried to make Nemere right now for horse quest.
5 people, 1 was a sin.
Result, 50 medals gone, everyone angry and no nemere done xD.
5 players with more than avg gear and good buffs, everyone poly to kill him and he justs kills everyone, sometimes he cant even be damaged for some reason lol
EDIT: group avg level was 95.That's one of his special skills.Like a shield that protects him for about 1-2 minutes from all damage, so he can regenerate.EDIT: Nemere is actually just desynced
Also you need some skill res to survive his skills. While he does do avg-damage as well, this damages only one person at a time, while skills damage everyone close to him at the same time.
I tried to make Nemere right now for horse quest.
5 people, 1 was a sin.
Result, 50 medals gone, everyone angry and no nemere done xD.
5 players with more than avg gear and good buffs, everyone poly to kill him and he justs kills everyone, sometimes he cant even be damaged for some reason lol
EDIT: group avg level was 95.Ah the cant be damaged part is one of his skills makes him immune to damage, but whatever it sucks big time really.
Ice and hell runs are good now, we need challenge to improve gears etc. So I admit it's harder to do them but not impossible. Skills+Ice res on Nemere and you will survive, Yamachon fire res + skill res and you will survive too. For me, now elemental make more sense in pvm as in pvp with the update. So yeah we have to change a bit of stuff and make more maybe but it's how the game work. You try to improve your character and adapt to updates.
One thing, the boss does not have an immunity skill
The boss has a knockback which causes a really bad desync that gives this illusion of him being immune to damage
He's actually in a completely different position from what you see, it was suggested to try and move around a bunch to sync
Ice and hell runs are good now, we need challenge to improve gears etc. So I admit it's harder to do them but not impossible. Skills+Ice res on Nemere and you will survive, Yamachon fire res + skill res and you will survive too. For me, now elemental make more sense in pvm as in pvp with the update. So yeah we have to change a bit of stuff and make more maybe but it's how the game work. You try to improve your character and adapt to updates.
I have tried it with warrior and seems kinda impossible, Its easy for you to say this since you can easily do it, now I have to lvl up a sin character to be able to do those runs. Try to complete those runs with warrior then you can talk how challenging the game has become since as sin its so much easier in terms of dealing dmg. Its kinda selfish for those who can say how easy it is, but have anyone thought about the beginners who are not able to complete nemere run in group? "This improving your character and adapting to changes"is very hard to achieve for new players vs old players.
I tried to make Nemere right now for horse quest.
5 people, 1 was a sin.
Result, 50 medals gone, everyone angry and no nemere done xD.
5 players with more than avg gear and good buffs, everyone poly to kill him and he justs kills everyone, sometimes he cant even be damaged for some reason lol
EDIT: group avg level was 95.If you are from yellow kingdom and still need help with horse quest, i can help you when i will be online.
I have tried it with warrior and seems kinda impossible, Its easy for you to say this since you can easily do it, now I have to lvl up a sin character to be able to do those runs. Try to complete those runs with warrior then you can talk how challenging the game has become since as sin its so much easier in terms of dealing dmg. Its kinda selfish for those who can say how easy it is, but have anyone thought about the beginners who are not able to complete nemere run in group? "This improving your character and adapting to changes"is very hard to achieve for new players vs old players.
lvl 105 warrior. You can see my Avg dmg, vs. mob and fire res in the picutre. I think your warrior has better EQ than mine and I was able to kill Yamachon with ease.
EDIT: Minor DSS stones, ruby double attack, diamond skill res, jade double hp
There is a bug with one of nemere's skills that makes him not take damage.
This means, if you have the bad luck for the skill to trigger everytime he's low on hp, you simply won't kill it.
It's not normal for a group of 5 people to be able to survive the boss but be incapable of killing it.
At this point saying you can kill it or not is meaningless, the skill needs to be fixed before any proper assessment is done.
Ice and hell runs are good now, we need challenge to improve gears etc. So I admit it's harder to do them but not impossible. Skills+Ice res on Nemere and you will survive, Yamachon fire res + skill res and you will survive too. For me, now elemental make more sense in pvm as in pvp with the update. So yeah we have to change a bit of stuff and make more maybe but it's how the game work. You try to improve your character and adapt to updates.
it's not about adapting as the dmg increase wasn't intended. even the gms said that it will be fixed soon like nemere
it's not about adapting as the dmg increase wasn't intended. even the gms said that it will be fixed soon like nemere
You should read carefully when you quote me.
I never used words as fixed or that the damage increase wasn't intended.
Its logical that if they now use skills which they didn't use before, that their damage increases.
What i said was that these Skills naturally gave new Damage to Nemere and Yamachon which they didnt have before and that, if needed, we will probably adapt that damage.
You should read carefully when you quote me.
I never used words as fixed or that the damage increase wasn't intended.
Its logical that if they now use skills which they didn't use before, that their damage increases.
What i said was that these Skills naturally gave new Damage to Nemere and Yamachon which they didnt have before and that, if needed, we will probably adapt that damage.
But from the patch notes that Shadow posted on the first comment of this thread thats what it says, that the animation wasnt shown and now it is.That means that he was doing the skills but they just werent visible.So either the damage increase wasnt intended or the patch notes are wrong take your pick
Not displaying an animation also means not doing the skill or better saying, not deal any damage when he does it. There is no damage increase per se, he does a new skill but his two regular attacks deal the same damage as before.