how many try’s it took u to make this gif? 😂

[SYSTEM] New Fishing System
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One. But i have been fishing a couple of days.
Some recent attempts:
It is not really hard once you get used, of course you can still fail.
Out of the 4 attempts, 1 was impossibile to fish due to my +1 pole, the other is mathematically impossible since i do not know what i caught means no fish, the third i was answering a player and couldn't press it in time and the last success.
Explains a lot 😂
You do realise that none of you ever fished before, you are all attempting now due to the updates, which makes me happy, but before pointing the finger and call it bad, you should at least try it for some days. It is the same advice i give everytime we implement new things.
I just got 6 fishes in around 5 min, pole+4.
Good Update!
I do think that ,higher the fishing pole+ it should have higher chance to catch fishes not just the type of fishes.
I do think that ,higher the fishing pole+ it should have higher chance to catch fishes not just the type of fishes.
complete agree with that
1h event with fishing pole+10 & fishing manual=2 fishes well done.
omg xd lol
I really like the new fishing system and the chance of catching fishes is pretty good with a decent reactiontime. But there's one thing i think that kinda needs to be adjusted. Its about the points that u get on ur fishing rod. For example this morning i used 200 baits with a pole+10 but only got 1/220 points. Im not asking to be able to achieve pole +20 in 1 month but as how it is now it might take multiple years to get to that point.
On a fresh pole it seems that u get points alot easier (when its+0/1/2)
Kind regards -
KEKWABUSER I agree with you totally this system is actually so good. I really tried to fish again and could actually fish! I can say it is fun to fish now for hours. Yes would be great If we can get more points to raise fishing pole+10
I want to have fishing pole +20 so that I can catch all fishes, currently I have 186/220 points on my fishing pole+10.
I was fishing yesterday, i think 5th time on SG server. But never caught so many fishes before. That's great, good job SG team.
Unfortunately my pole is so low level that I just catch crap fishes.
Now, keep on fishing to incease pole or win a better one.
So i've been fishing for a week and i think rice ball should be replaced with worm in the chart. I caught all riceball only fishes with the worm while not even one worm only fish. It might also be related to fisherman npc in the fishing map since i always buy the worms from there.
So i've been fishing for a week and i think rice ball should be replaced with worm in the chart. I caught all riceball only fishes with the worm while not even one worm only fish. It might also be related to fisherman npc in the fishing map since i always buy the worms from there.
you need higher rod+ for the worm fishes.
you need higher rod+ for the worm fishes.
i think you misunderstood what i said. i caught Lobster, Herring and Halibut(fishes that can only be caught by rice balls) with the worms and i couldn't manage to catch Bass, Sardine or Crab (fishes that can only be caught with worms) with the worms.
Bass, Sardine and Crab can only be caught using riceball. The information in the guide is wrong but those fish are not such game changers and don't have any value whatsoever. It is better to fish for points on the pole and don't bother yourself too much with it until the pole is +18.
The guide is correct.
The fish are listed are not exclusively dropped with that bait. That bait is the best one to drop that fish.
The guide is correct.
The fish are listed are not exclusively dropped with that bait. That bait is the best one to drop that fish.
So i've used worms for a whole week till my rod becomes +12 and my shopbox inventory filled with grilled lobster, herring and halibut but not a single grilled bass, sardine and crab even though the worms are their preferred bait? i will use rice balls today to make a test then
Bass, Sardine and Crab can only be caught using riceball. The information in the guide is wrong but those fish are not such game changers and don't have any value whatsoever. It is better to fish for points on the pole and don't bother yourself too much with it until the pole is +18.
of course i don't really care about those fishes. i just wanted to make the guide right because it's confusing for newcomers