PATCH NOTE 08/01/2021

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  • I suggest that the marked poly in the Picture gets changed for the "To-Su" poly from map2. Materials could stay the same. It would be a real shame if the best poly in game pre update would get removed. Also would be great if the bonuses added are more equel for polys. Some give up to 500 ap while this one giving 75ap is pretty much a joke. Im not asking for 500ap on all, but who will care for a poly that gives 75ap.

    PS: [GA]Elspeth Black orc is no where near top 3, thanks to poor hit animation hence low attackspeed. The fact that there are below 10 on the server atm is due to the reason, that it is sipmly too expensive, compared to others, to craft them. You may ask yourself why is that? The simple answer is: The materials needed for them, which get farmed by low lvl players, already sell for a very high price.

    • Official Post

    To recap and answer the suggestions, which as usual are done using not so proper channels

    1)mounts won't be available on the dungeons where they are not. There would be too much to nerf and balance as the difficulty was set considering the mounts were blocked. If you complain that you can't sell your things you cannot expect us to make it easier so that instead of 10 runs per day you can do 20.

    2)You can now use a large numbers of materials that were useless yesterday. It doesn't matter if a poly gives 100 ap or 500, if you just need to be transformed to finish a boss off, you would use a cheap one. If you want to beat your record, spend more and craft one with rare materials.

    3)We cannot make the animations of the poly marbles at the same speed, it would affect the monster counterpart, meaning they would attack faster your character as well and deal more damage per second. Simply deal with it, some mobs are slow, some are fast.

    4)Pointing out to us that someone can do runs without the use of marbles is useless to us, unless you want us to think that you are somehow envy that they have items that allows them to kill a boss without the aid of a marble. If someone invested hard on item to maximize their efficency on a run we are cool with that and so should you

    Thread closed, open a proper suggestion thread for the change you would like to see.


    • Official Post

    I suggest that the marked poly in the Picture gets changed for the "To-Su" poly from map2. Materials could stay the same. It would be a real shame if the best poly in game pre update would get removed. Also would be great if the bonuses added are more equel for polys. Some give up to 500 ap while this one giving 75ap is pretty much a joke. Im not asking for 500ap on all, but who will care for a poly that gives 75ap.

    PS: [GA]Elspeth Black orc is no where near top 3, thanks to poor hit animation hence low attackspeed. The fact that there are below 10 on the server atm is due to the reason, that it is sipmly too expensive, compared to others, to craft them. You may ask yourself why is that? The simple answer is: The materials needed for them, which get farmed by low lvl players, already sell for a very high price.

    Orc Tooth, Orc Tooth+ and Orc Amulett are expensive?

    Orc Teeth Sell for 900k per Piece

    Orc Tooth+ Sell for 1.5kk - Pretty sure they were much cheaper Pre-Update.

    Orc Amulet for 100k per piece.

    Sounds horribly expensive to me.

    Also you should test stuff before you judge, because unlike you, i have tested ALL of the poly marbles and as a matter of fact, the Black Orc was only 0.07 seconds slower than the best poly marble.

    Test updates thoroughly, then judge.

    You are doing the same error after every update.

    Half a day is not a proper time to thoroughly test an update and especially not if you claim that a poly which costs less than 20kk and could be farmed in 10 Minutes is "expensive" because that means to me you can't possibly have tested all 40 Poly marbles.

    Looks about the same speed to me.