PATCH NOTE 11/06/2021

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    • Official Post

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present todays Patch Notes of the 11th of June 2021

    • Fixed the Spawn timer of bosses/metins, they shifted the longer the server was online.
    • Prevent the use of Aura / Enchanted blade bug [Cast it on your Hand]
    • Unclickable / Phaseable NPC's to avoid having players being bothered by pets during PvM/PvP

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG Team

  • Hello Elspeth,

    What do you think about removing the " I want to train " message when reading soul stone? It's not a big problem, but it does get annoying! what is your thoughts about that?

    ~Jp :)

    • Official Post

    Hello Elspeth,

    What do you think about removing the " I want to train " message when reading soul stone? It's not a big problem, but it does get annoying! what is your thoughts about that?

    ~Jp :)

    Generally this is not the suggestion forum, but to answer your question;

    I do understand why you'd suggest that but i don't think it's a good idea.

    If people use it, go negative and lose items and demand them back, we c an always refer to that message. If we were to remove that message, what would we refer to? Common sense, maybe, but thats about it.

    Just try to stay below -1 Rank when reading soulstones, then the message wont appear.

  • Diury is correct.

    Maybe you can put something in the settings like "game option" to remove that message to appear? or just put something to click OK or a check box instead of typing " I want to train" every time...( I even tried copy and paste method but does not work). This is same as for the upgrade windows how there is a check box " Don't Close this window", you can do it for soul stone too...

    And yes I know it is not a suggestion chat/forum
