PATCH NOTE 01/10/2021

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  • First of all i wanna thank you for reading my long post and repliying to it so fast.

    What is not fair is having the strongest set in the game completed in few dungeon runs, which is exactly what would happen if the clarity chance gets doubled.

    I agree with your major point.

    A mythic wheel is one of the biggest accomplishments ingame and it should be really hard to get it - i totally agree and support that opinion.

    So if we would get it in a "few runs", it would not only harm the economy of the dss market but also would piss off most of the high tier players that have already overcome the hurdle.

    I myself really have no problem farming a few hundered hours only for dss if i see a nice progress while upgrading it.

    But i dont think this will be the case with the current rates.

    I give you a little fictive example again :) :

    A player does 1000 hellruns.

    An average hellrun takes 15-20 mins - lets say 20mins for now since it has a cooldown aswell.

    The player drops 1,25 legendary cors per run avg.

    That would be 1250 legendary cors in 333 hours pure "in run" playtime.

    He opens the legendary cors - there are 6 different kinds - so he gets 1250/6=208 legendarys of each kind average.

    In my opinion farming 333 hours (pure farming time) should atleast give you the chance of trying to upgrade 1 superclass mythic. It can fail but atleast you should be able to have a try...

    I beg you to go on the current live build (= the current server)

    Just take 30mins of your time.

    Get yourself 208 legendary rubys (you sure have the magic admin wizard skills to do this).

    Try to craft a mythic ruby superclass from those 208 legendarys.

    See how far you get.

    Keep in mind that a 'normal' player that has a real life with work and family really cant do more than 4 runs per day avg.

    So the 1000 runs from this example would cost this fictive player 250 days so nearly a year of time.

    As i stated before:

    The dss system as its implemented right now is way harder than before.

    Its fine that dss take a long time but this update went a bit to far with it.

    Please go and test the dss upgrading yourself ingame now.

    It just takes you few mins, but maybe it can influence your oppinion regarding this topic a bit.

    The current DSS rates matches the bonus they give.

    Sorry but i didnt understand what this should even mean.

    Can you explain it maybe a bit further?

    Also excuse my bad english :).

    I hope you really try the stuff i wrote ingame.


  • Hi im kinda new and my english is very bad but i take my time for read this and try understand.

    I think we all apreciated the work in updates and trying to make game better, and i know we all love this old game, that's why i think if have chances to get worst in time, must check it to prove and discart if is not in that way, or change if it is...

    So in my opinion, if u got time to try what ZKD is saying will be better for all of us ? cuz im a person who work and have a normal life, and i really dont wanna be farming 1 year completly to reach things is too much!

    • Official Post

    There are some flaws in your example. First you must farm Meley that drops mythic. Why should i get 208 legendary when i could get 208 mythic ruby?

    Second, if you consider that farming DSS and not buying them from players is the only way to achieve a perfect gem, then of course the number of hours multiply.

    But anyway, testing done, with mythic cause we put the mythic gems in game and we expect you to farm these and not legendaries.


    33 Minors To Low and low to Intermediate


    Intermediate to High, run out of upgrade so i am back with minors


    29 more minors, provided me with a high


    28 more again 1 high


    Since i had 3 high i tried for superclass.

    It is up to you to judge if 100 minors are worth 1 super class and its up to you if i was lucky or not. If we really really really raise the chance of upgrade, like you said, it means to double or triple such rates and to be honest it would make the system a joke.

    It is probably much harder to achieve this using legendaries as you need extra steps but that would matter if you could only drop legendaries, which you don't.

    Oh and before some smartass comes and states that Meley is too hard and bla bla bla. I am always keen to adjust drops or balance a run as long as the players understand that the run is meant for the Mythic DSS. Nemere and Hell run are not. If Meley is too hard for some players it means they are not ready for Mythic.

    As for the sentence you quoted, what i mean is that the DSS gives insane bonus, the mythich wheel boost those insane bonus, so obviously it must be hard. If you want it easier we should delete all the stones and replace all those bonus with weaker bonus. Otherwise whats the point of achieving good stats on the items when you have a good mythic wheel done in few runs that gives those bonus?

    You stated we really really and really should raise the upgrade chance. I don't know but i take this as doubling or tripling the rates. Which means 20 minor making a super class? maybe 30? surely not more than 30.

    As for those who speaks in behalf of new players and pvp. For pvp, this system is better to be deleted than to be improved, same for the new players. Thou you can count that pvp won't occur more often wether this DSS system exists or not.

  • i like the idea of meley being the fastest/best way to make mythic super dss, sadly... the problem with meley is this i think:

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    • Official Post

    i like the idea of meley being the fastest/best way to make mythic super dss, sadly... the problem with meley is this i think:

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    I might be wrong but i don't see any threads with suggestions about improving meley drops, maybe because is always better to ask to make the system easier rather than asking to have better drops from a hard run.

  • I think it depends on the person. I've been trying to complete my set since March and still haven't been able to. Others are preparing their second set. Considering I did the experiment there, 5x mythic ruby minor is required :)

    • Official Post

    I think it depends on the person. I've been trying to complete my set since March and still haven't been able to. Others are preparing their second set. Considering I did the experiment there, 5x mythic ruby minor is required :)

    No it depends by how much you farm. 100 legendarys becomes 25-40 mythic- 30-40 mythic becomes 1 high mythic (i did it 3 times in a row in the video few posts ago).

    I know people can farm 100 legendary in less than a week. Meaning that statisticaly, in 6 weeks you have a set of high mythic. Which is not weak at all. Of course if you want a Superclass you have to endure more pain.

    The fact is that you guys don't know that upgrading a legendary superclass or a mythic superclass, has the same difficult. You all think a legendary is easier to upgrade, but it is not, is exactly the same, you just think that because anyone can farm in hell run, while only few can do meley.