Metin 2 SG Eeaster Event 2016 NichtNormal

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  • with moons you make 1kkk in 10 hours?

    even if you sell for 20kk/stack you need to make 50x200: 10.000 boxes so 1k boxes per hour

    is kinda impossible

    Its not imposible , u can make 800-850 per hour , so u can do 1kkk in 1 moon event if u have the time enough for farming.

    • Official Post

    This is why we will lower the events. Because you players are getting used to good ones that you consider normal ones crap. There is no end to greedness it seems.

    What you don't understand is that whatever day is it, you will log into metin to play, so if there is an event, worthy or your time or not, is still a plus. You are "wasting your time" anyway, with or without events.

  • i say its not impossible to get 1kkk in 1 moonlight event , u can understund what u want , Whatever in this easter event the reward for the effort wasnt worth.

    but i said its impossible to make 1kkk in 10 hours with moons. yes, impossible, no way, with 10 hours of gameplay

    This is why we will lower the events. Because you players are getting used to good ones that you consider normal ones crap. There is no end to greedness it seems.

    What you don't understand is that whatever day is it, you will log into metin to play, so if there is an event, worthy or your time or not, is still a plus. You are "wasting your time" anyway, with or without events.

    what you mean ''we will lower the events''? which events? and the snowing theme is removed?

  • This is why we will lower the events. Because you players are getting used to good ones that you consider normal ones crap. There is no end to greedness it seems.

    What you don't understand is that whatever day is it, you will log into metin to play, so if there is an event, worthy or your time or not, is still a plus. You are "wasting your time" anyway, with or without events.

    I mean that the effort to farm in this event its not worth with the reward we get , with the same effor i could do much more gold doing orc maze's or in a moonlight , i farm more than 900 metins in 4 days , like 25-30h and i get 400kk , this is not worth.

  • I mean that the effort to farm in this event its not worth with the reward we get , with the same effor i could do much more gold doing orc maze's or in a moonlight , i farm more than 900 metins in 4 days , like 25-30h and i get 400kk , this is not worth.

    Well, the question is if you would have farmed 25-30h orc instead of farming the easter stones?
    I don't think so. You farmed because it was event.

    I personally knew that rewards won't be that great for the effort, but still I farmed a lot. That's because it was fun and because you had the chance to drop good items from the spawned monsters out of the metins. Just look at how many 5% mob fear masks are on the market at the moment or how many clams players got from lvl 100 metins.

    I'm sure that there will come "better" events. Team just has to watch out that we players don't get too spoiled :P