Posts by Tary

Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!

    Hi guys,

    This thread will serve as a model on how to properly report a situation in game to us such as insults, harrassment, and other situations involving In-Game Screenshots.

    When reporting In-Game situations to us in any of our support channels, please consider the following regarding the screenshot you insert:

    • The screenshot must be of your whole screen, including the Date in which you took the screenshot, located in your Windows Menu, on the bottom right corner or a written Time and Date in the In Game chat. We will not accept any cut screenshots.
    • If there is any conversation on the said screen (Any kind of chat: Normal, Call, Guild, Party, or in Private Message) the conversation must be fully shown. We will not accept any cut conversations.

    In the body of your report, you should:

    • Include a description of the situation or the issue.
    • The person you are reporting, if that is the case.

    We will not accept reports with more than 14 days old.

    Kind Regards,


    Dear Players,

    The most romantic period of the year is coming! And, as always, we have prepared some events for you!

    The Event will start on February 12th, at 00:00 GMT+0, and will have a duration of 3 days!

    In-Game Event

    Every monster (close to your level) will have a chance to drop Roses and Chocolates!

    Once the Event starts, we will make available to you new Item Mall Cosmetics:

    - Costumes;

    - Hairstyles;

    - Pets;

    - Mount Skins;

    - Weapons Skins;

    - Sash Skin.

    Forum Event

    • Puzzle Event

    Every day there will be a Puzzle available for you to solve. We will reward the fastest answer with Tec Points, and each player will have a participation reward!

    Remember that I will only accept entries sent to me via private message here on forum.

    • Screenshot Contest

    During these 3 days, show us your most creative and romantic side with some screenshot about St. Valentine's Day!

    The 4 best and most romantic screenshots will be rewarded with Tec Points!

    • St. Valentine's Love Letter

    In this event we will appeal to the creative and romantic side of everyone.

    Which means, that you will have to write a love letter to your loved one and the 4 best letters will be rewarded with 10.000 TP!

    In this event, everyone should send me the letter via private message and write there to whom the letter is directed to, since I believe some players would like to keep such romantic side as private as possible! Of course, to those who wish to share their love in a public way, are welcome to share their letters in this thread.

    We hope you enjoy this romantic time of the year with us!

    The Metin2 SG Team wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's day!!

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG Team

    Note: All the scheduled Events are canceled during Valentine's Event!

    Hi guys,

    The winners are:

    1st Place2nd Place3rd Place4th Place
    Category 1MrZhinColiseumxFalcoN-
    Category 2iKeeperTotgefarmtSynchroYepez-
    Category 3Reddot---
    Category 4MethanaHiuminatorBambolinu-
    Category 5BusyaKaftanikSercovyBackWash
    Category 6MermaidLuxurianatorEmyEmyHecthor

    Kind Regards,


    Hey guys,

    PvM King Event will take place on February 7th!

    The Event starts, at 14:00 GMT+0 and ends at 20:00 GMT+0!

    If you want to assure your participation in a certain time of the day, check the schedule in the Main Event post and post a comment here with your Name, and Hour.

    All you have to do is to be present at the time of the Event (the one you chose on the schedule).








    • You have to finish task in order to advance to the next one;
    • If you are killed during the first two tasks, you are automatically disqualified from further competition;
    • Outside Buffs are strictly forbidden;
    • You are allowed to use alchemy pots, item mall pots, pendants, pierce/critical palms, bravery capes;
    • You are not allowed to be in party with others during your turn;
    • Players cannot borrow gear to others, we will track it down by logs;
    • Players cannot join with more than one character for whole competition.


    • 1st place:
      • Category 1: 30.000 TEC Points & Hero Certificate
      • Category 2 and 3: 40.000 TEC Points & Hero Certificate
      • Category 4, 5 and 6: 50.000 TEC Points & Hero Certificate
    • 2nd place:

      • Category 1: 15.000 TEC Points & Gold Certificate
      • Category 2 and 3: 20.000 TEC Points & Gold Certificate
      • Category 4, 5 and 6: 25.000 TEC Points & Gold Certificate
    • 3rd place:

      • Category 1: 5.000 TEC Points & Silver Certificate
      • Category 2 and 3: 7.500 TEC Points & Silver Certificate
      • Category 4, 5 and 6: 10.000 TEC Points & Silver Certificate
    • 4th place:

      • Category 1: Green Hermit Advice x3 & Bronze Certificate
      • Category 2 and 3: Hermit Advice x5 & Bronze Certificate
      • Category 4, 5 and 6: Enchance Change Scroll x 3 & Bronze Certificate

    You can register your character here.

    Sunday's Schedule:

    14:00 - BackWash, 101 - 05:20.96

    14:30 - MrZhin, 36 - 01:23.51

    14:45 - iKeeper, 62 - 01:14.71

    15:00 - Luxurianator, 120 - 02:28.82

    15:15 - Sercovy, 100 - 03:54.59

    15:30 - Reddot, 80 - 01:20.57

    15:45 - MisteryGreedy, 78 - Disqualified

    17:00 - Totgefarmt, 62 - 02:56.64

    17:15 - SynchroYepez, 71 - 10:45.45

    17:30 - Hecthor, 120 - 11:03.42

    17:45 - Kaftanik, 105 - 03:53.25

    18:00 - Coliseum, 38 - 01:31.39

    18:15 - EmyEmy, 115 - 02:38.07

    18:30 - Bambolinu, 94 - 04:43.28

    18:45 - Mermaid, 120 - 02:28.74

    19:00 - Methana, 91 - 01:47.44

    19:15 - xFalcoN, 43 - 01:49.70

    19:30 - JhonnyKS, 60 - Disqualified

    19:45 - Busya, 103 - 03:25.60

    21:30 - Hiuminator, 85 - 01:51.17

    May the best PvM player win!

    Kind Regards,


    Hi everyone,

    The winners are:

    Puzzle Event:

    Puzzle #1

    1. Nick21
    2. AirForce47
    3. mmdehfarmer
    4. L0lu
    5. SteLena
    6. MakavelY
    7. PalitaGoblin
    8. Etherial
    9. OfcPS
    10. EmyEmy

    Puzzle #2

    1. Asmodeus
    2. PalitaGoblin
    3. Alin Stefan
    4. SteLena
    5. EmyEmy
    6. OfcPS
    7. L0lu
    8. Glutamine
    9. AirForce47
    10. Etherial
    11. MakavelY
    12. Harksi

    Puzzle #3

    1. L0lu
    2. jureczek
    3. AirForce47
    4. Alin Stefan
    5. Nick21
    6. Glutamine
    7. PalitaGoblin
    8. SteLena
    9. EmyEmy
    10. Etherial
    11. MakavelY
    12. Harksi

    Puzzle #4

    1. jureczek
    2. L0lu
    3. AirForce47
    4. Alin Stefan
    5. Nick21
    6. Glutamine
    7. PalitaGoblin
    8. SteLena
    9. EmyEmy
    10. Etherial
    11. MakavelY
    12. Harksi

    Puzzle #5

    1. EmyEmy
    2. L0lu
    3. jarred
    4. mmdehfarmer
    5. jureczek
    6. Nick21
    7. Etherial
    8. MakavelY
    9. PalitaGoblin
    10. OfcPS
    11. Glutamine
    12. Harksi

    Screenshot Event:

    1. L0lu
    2. EmyEmy
    3. Glutamine
    4. PalitaGoblin

    Selfie Event

    1. DarkArtamiel
    2. EmyEmy

    Santa Claus Letter Event

    1. Glutamine
    2. L0lu
    3. Etherial
    4. EmyEmy
    5. OutOfMana
    6. PalitaGoblin

    Asmodeus , Alin Stefan , Harksi , jarred , please confirm your In Game names.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas a great new year and wishing all the best for each and everyone of you.

    I cannot end this Christmas Event results without addressing the winner of the Santa Claus Letter Event as it was the Letter who touched me the most.

    I cannot disclose its contents as it is a personal letter, I just want to say that I wish you only the best for the comming years and respect and thank your courage for writting that letter.

    Having said this, I wish everyone all the best!

    Happy New Year!

    Kind Regards,


    Dear Players,

    Due to the high amount of daily refund requests due to mistakenly purchased Items on Item Mall, there will be a change in the refund procedure, as we had players who made more than 4-5 mistakes per week.

    Before explaining it further, we remind everyone, that it is very important to read carefully the Item Names and its description to be sure of what you are purchasing.

    Each Item has a detailed description, explaining by which Gender the Item in question can be used (if applicable), the stats, and the duration of the Item (if applicable)

    Everytime a player mistakenly purchases an Item on Item Mall, the following procedure will apply:

    - You mistakenly purchase an Item on Item Mall (For Example: Wrong Gender, Gifted to the Wrong Player, etc.).

    - You should, then, contact our Support System: and explain what happened mentioning the Character Name, and Item Name.

    - The Team Member in charge of the case will evaluate if you are eligible for a refund. The decision will be at the discretion of the Team Member assigned to the case.

    - If you are eligible for a refund, it will be given in one of the following ways, depending on each case:

    • By providing the purchased item to a different character in case of a wrong character gift mispurchase.
    • By providing the initially intended Item to be purchased in case of a wrong Gender Costume/Hairstyle or Weapon Skin.
    • By refunding 70% of the Tec Points in case the player has already several cases of mispurchases.

    Remember that the gift option is intended for cases when the Item is not Tradeable or if you want to gift an Item to a friend. Using the Tec Point Rings allows you to avoid many mistakes.

    We advise everyone to, please, pay attention to what you are purchashing and to read the deescription of the Item you wish to purchase very carefully.

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG Team

    Budokan Hall of Fame 2021

    Date Bronze Silver Gold Hero Champion
    02/01 YabaniPiyade
    - xXXXLaZeRXXXx
    09/01 Voidemort STESZ Zipys Ahmed1x vanyu2
    16/01 coolTRsfarm Tsimedo Mabele LighningInSky Luxuriia
    23/01IRATx20xAGE Tsimedo Mabele VeganWarrior Luxuriia
    30/01- xFalcoN xXxGhostxXx OgSin Laurine
    06/02 Turnaciune CMEPTb SynchroYepez OgSin MrSerbaNN
    13/02Voidemort TiTiReZ xLykan - Laurine
    20/02Voidemort CMEPTb - Sercovy Luxuriia
    27/02345345346457 TiTiReZ Ravitar Sercovy Miezul
    06/03345345346457 TiTiReZ SynchroYepez Haqqan TheOgPew
    13/03- TiTiReZ - Sercovy SeekMeUs
    20/03- TiTiReZ Nighteye Sercovy Luxuriia
    27/03GreenArrow27 - Pachol Sercovy Luxuriia
    03/04Cerkutay SitDownPlease Kotu Sercovy Luxuriia
    10/04Novum Maw Pachol Sercovy Laurine
    17/04Voidemort ScamPolizei Evilzefiro Kitari Laurine
    24/04- - shanaynay AleksandarSG2 Laurine
    01/05- SitDownPlease Lv1WildDog WhiiteDeath Luxuriia
    08/05- SitDownPlease Lv1WildDog Kitari Miezul
    15/05- - xLykan Kitari Luxuriia
    22/05- SitDownPlease xLykan Kitari Luxuriia
    29/05H4Tz LastGuardian xLykan Kitari Tidy
    05/06- LastGuardian - Kitari PeakyBlinder
    12/06- - Lv1WildDog Kitari iHanzo
    19/06xXDarkPassionXx SayonaraDeidara NeonRain Kitari Luxuriia
    26/06Voidemort LolBohb Lv1WildDog Kitari DreadKnight
    03/07- Yasminaa - KatiaLinda DreadKnight
    10/07EscFarm iKeeper - xAlecsBuff Luxuriia
    17/07- - - - -
    24/07Munii Azashiro LolBohb - Tidy
    31/07OgPew Riuga LolBohb Kitari Tidy
    07/08VinGizmo - Thyst - Luxuriia
    14/08- Kirashi xAhmedino Ahmed1x DreadKnight
    21/08Turnaciune Tittie AvoKa Caliista -
    28/08Sasso JustMaverick Thyst Ahmed1x Laurine
    04/09KOMRAT ZenBeanPLS xAhmedino Mystikal -
    11/09- - Lv1WildDog Galleon Luxuriia
    25/09- N8mr SitDownPlease Marelous xBunnyBabex
    02/10- N8mr Lv1WildDog - DreadKnight
    16/10BABYKYTRIX Riuga MenSITursil Armastus DreadKnight
    23/10Voidemort N8mr - Armastus Luxuriia
    30/10CrashBandicoot Marelkozo WhiiteDeath - DreadKnight
    06/11xDeadpool Arr0w Yamachon Armastus DreadKnight
    13/11- Tomsten Yamachon Armastus DreadKnight
    20/11Oniizuka SynchroYepez Yamachon Armastus Luxuriia
    27/11Voidemort Athena Yamachon xMedro Luxuriia
    04/12MisaBuffer N8mr Yamachon BuffHotu Luxuriia
    11/12Judo SamuraiHeart Yamachon ShereKhan247 HaRo
    18/12Judo Kaguyaa Ivyana 100pcentTSK PerfectMistress
    25/12Judo HUSOKILLER Ivyana ShereKhan247 PerfectMistress


    Hey guys,

    NOW! We want to truly recognize those of you who achieved flawless victories; those of you who stand in admiration and awe before the community; a sense of fear when his/her name is mentioned!

    The Hall of Fame will be reset on 1 January 2021. You have 55 weeks to potentially accumulate 5 victories, 10 victories or 20 victories.


    5 Wins 10 Wins 20 Wins
    10.000 Tec Points 22.500 Tec Points 50.000 Tec Points
    Blacksmith's Memo Wise Man's Memo Premium Pack 7 Days
    Exorcism Scroll Blacksmith's Memo Blue Dragon Breath
    Hermit's Advice Exorcism Scroll Wise Man's Memo
    Red Monocle Hermit's Advice (x2) Blacksmith's Memo
    Quest Potion Red Monocle Exorcism Scroll
    Quest Potion (x2)
    Hermit's Advice (x3)
    Enhance Scroll
    Red Monocle
    Enhance Change Scroll
    Quest Ption (x3)
    Blessing Marble
    Enhance Scroll (x2)
    Enhance Change Scroll (x2)

    Dear Players,

    Here is the Hunter Hall Of Fame, where all the winners' name from the

    Hunter event will remain, along the date they were selected as winners.

    The rewards for the two categories are:

    • Silver: Premium Pack 7 Days and 50.000.000 Golds
    • Gold: 30.000 Tec points and 1x Spirit Stone Pouch

    With the start of a new Year, here is 2021's Hunter's Ranking:

    Date SilverPoints GoldPoints
    118571 StepMutter

    The Ranking resets every week, on Sunday. The winners for Silver and Gold will receive their rewards directly in their Item Mall Bank.

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG Team

    Hey guys,

    Every week the best farmer in Gold and Silver category will be chosen and rewarded!

    The Ranking can be found here:

    The count will stop every Sunday, and will be restarted every Monday.

    The rewards for the two categories are:

    • Silver: Premium Pack 7 Days and 50.000.000 Golds
    • Gold: 30.000 Tec points and 1x Spirit Stone Pouch

    Rewards will be given automatically to players the same day or one day after the winners are announced.

    May the best hunter win!