Which map was that ind the end of the video?
Posts by soolldi3r
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pls put the % of refine how it was why did u raised it? LOL 55% for bsa+9 is way too much
why did u raised the % of refine?
i dont, tell me why
anybody know?
most of your videos were blocked by GF, why?
Private server detected
the drop of green changer and adder is rare ?
Great job guys
u could put stun lock just in pvm
Not just me but most of players guess i will have to wait to see what you will do
Shadow its not that we don't trust you, you know we trust but we just don't agree with remove of stun lock <.< u say we are fools for not changing our minds but we can't change about it because stun lock was always in metin2 and the game never lost it's balance, players never complained about it and removing it just because u don't like the way 2 warriors fight each other it's just nonsense and like some players already said it's just against metin dynamics. The game is suppose to progress but with that update game is going backwards. You say balance is about to begin but i think that no matter what u do the game won't be balanced anymore if you don't put stun lock back on. I just hope that u reconsider and put stun lock again otherwise i don't know what will be the future of Metin2.SG.
you are just killing the game with that update Shadow
just log in make some pvp or pvm and you will see..guess you will only be happy when people stop playing metin2.SG. Put the stun lock again and then yes there will be balance in the game <.<
I don't know where do you see balance in game with removal of stun lock Shadow.. i really don't know what were u thinking lol.. and the people who support that must be out of their fucking minds
the easier it becomes more you people like it
yeah u surely know what u talking about... lol
the only diference is that in GF servers u only have stones +4 and IS is not tradable the rest is equal
in GF servers the bio are the same as here and they make pvm without a problem not mention that they only have stones +4
it's not only bosses but all moobs ... since the moobs dont go back its easier to kill them
get my point ?