Team Name: HELICOPTER PARA KOFER 20 gmt server time
Team Leader: DonJohn
Team Members:
- DonJohn
- Czesioooo
- Carbofix
Team Name: HELICOPTER PARA KOFER 20 gmt server time
Team Leader: DonJohn
Team Members:
- DonJohn
- Czesioooo
- Carbofix
I have tried it with warrior and seems kinda impossible, Its easy for you to say this since you can easily do it, now I have to lvl up a sin character to be able to do those runs. Try to complete those runs with warrior then you can talk how challenging the game has become since as sin its so much easier in terms of dealing dmg. Its kinda selfish for those who can say how easy it is, but have anyone thought about the beginners who are not able to complete nemere run in group? "This improving your character and adapting to changes"is very hard to achieve for new players vs old players.
lvl 105 warrior. You can see my Avg dmg, vs. mob and fire res in the picutre. I think your warrior has better EQ than mine and I was able to kill Yamachon with ease.
EDIT: Minor DSS stones, ruby double attack, diamond skill res, jade double hp
DonJohn, lvl 116
20:00 GMT
Passages, Red Dragon Castle Tickets, Stone of Dryards still not able to pick them out of Item mall Inventory.
Only thing is missing in latest patch I believe.
there is another bug with item mall items. For example, I can not take out Stone of Dryards from item mall inventory and put it in normal inventory or extended inventory.
wait what? are u kidding me with this?
The difference of races is what makes good this game and also because their are differents races, it's obvious, they will have differents skills which gives advantages and disadvantage in the game, thats how Webzen made the game. So now, if u re giving this plus for "balance" the game, give to warrior and suras critical, blessing and reflect skill as well. With this 35% extra damage, Mages and Sin will make the same the damage as a warrior or sura ... so why the hell a warrior has aos and a sura has blade? u re ridiculing this skills and making it useless with this 35% for mage a sin. now a dragon mage will have the damage of warrior with aos/sura with blade PLUS CRITICAL, BLESSING AND REFLECTION ...
And again, if u wanna say "we re making it for balance the game", so change the sword and 2 hand resistance of Mob and Bosses and se it like Bell, Fan, Bow and Dagger because u want to make the game "more balanced". Sin and Mages may not have aos/blade buy they already have extra damage against mob and most important Bosses (because the low resistance of their weapons) and now, with 35% extra, they will be so OP. So if u re warrior or sura and u wanna compite in poly against sin or mage, they will crash u because the 35% extra damage + low resistence of their weapon + ,in case of dragon mage, critical, blessing and reflection.
if Webzen wanted to make "perfect balanced", all races will have the same skills and mobs and bosses will have the same resistance for all the weapons but thats not how the game is because all races MUST HAVE THEIR OWN BENEFITS, obviously.
All races have his own benefits and u should keep it like that cuz with this, u re not balanced nothing, u re unbalacend the game.
Edith: if u dont like ur race cuz u think u have disadvantages against other races, CHANGE UR RACE instead asking for more damage or more benefits. So now, Warrior and Suras can ask and ask and ask for special critical, blessing and reflection for our races because we dont find the game is balanced, is not fair mages can have skills with gives critical and blessing and warrior and suras not. Like is not fair, warrior can have aos and suras blade for extra damage and sin and mages not. And also, weapons of suras and warrior (Sword and 2 hand weapons) has the same range of attack value of Sin´s Bows because, again, is not fair they have weapons with more range of damage. So now we all can complain about the benefits or any race and ask for have the same ... are u looking how the ridiculous is sounds? exactly, thats all my point.
I gift you the name changer
a bit late but still... glad to see this changes on s1. very nice job and thank you
Tary you probably forgot to turn on the 25% exp rate.
Desired nice alter, lass mal 4 teams machen
Sunday around 17:00 GMT
Team: HowLow
When is the ranking comming? When do I get my Tec Points?
DonJohn 19:30 GMT
Tary u misunderstand what we re trying to say. we re not reclaming for change the pvm king, it wasnt balacend so yes, it needed a change. I know u and me spoke about it (pvm king needed changes) and ofc i told to my partner about these new changes SG will have some day in pvm king event but we never spoke and u never say in the continues days when these new changes will be online so what we are reclaming is u dont take care (for say it in some way) about the all hardwork, spent time, and gold we and other players spent (cash too some players) for make/prepare a perfect eq for be the best in the pvm king and u, 1h before event starts, says: ok ppl we will have some changes for the pvm king which will be in 1h so we were like wtf seriously? Is so great u take care for the game and try to make the events most balacend for all but u cant say it 1h before event started ... u will give me/us back all the time, hardwork, gold and cash (ppl who use it for play) which we spent for make the most perfect eq for the pvm king? u wont, and nobody will do and now these all eq is usseless cuz (at least the changes which hiumi and me did to our eq) and now we need to make a new different eq so again we need more time, hardwork, gold (market is almost dead, try to sell/buy is so slow even u sell so cheap the item) and real cash (for the ppl who use it). you should have left things as they were for this month cuz me and other ppl made changes on our eq for break times and now, as i said, at least my new eq is usseless and the new changes had to be activated the other month means on october.
To end, i wanna say i like u like i like SG (so much) and i dont wanna have any problem or u be mad with me but i needed to say it cuz it affects me A LOT. i work and study so my time for play is sow low but i made time for play and farm and try to make a better eq which i already had for break and make a new record but now all my hardwork is usseless and i right now i m out of gold so i cant make a new eq for make the pvm king of my category and will lose the change for join the pvm king of this month and it hurts.
farm farm farm ... na na na.... sell sce+9 legendary 8 avg
Good luck with your familiy
good luck Hebbii
DonJohn: France 29 Portugal 20
sadly we couldnt talk past days, you know I would stop you from that
I wish you and your familiy all the best bro, hope you will be happy
Please check from time to time ingame, you will stay forever in guild
when I try to put items in shop only for won it doesnt work. Only when i combine it with gold it works....
can we finally take second round of easter rabbit now?