What's up with the alchemists tho? Don't tell me soul crystal alch been added.
Posts by SirPic
Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!
I think I was online less than 5 minutes for the past months kek. Same goes periods of last few years. So please do not even refer even to me or "we" / us. In case you mean my signature is a an obvious joke. Still keep pumping that res and vs up bro maybe one day you can compete with the high Lv's smurfs :).
You are online 24/7 brah. That's no afk-er.
u misspelled no lifer.
1.3k dmg full vs as BM *in raid* lol
wanna benchmyd?
Horse? That is not a duel either:) it's just a desperate kiddo being desperate xD anyway as i said still not a duel... now go be a good boi and fetch me some other screens, you have 3 days.
edit: and he was clearly afk.
Can u also teach us please how to take a screenshot? By taking a screenshot ofc(SOLO).
I don’t see the duel??? Just some people on the ground and others standing up. Do you need a duel definition?
All ‘r nice but what about the last one? Where is the duel lul. He is clearly afk like flicking 75% of people in your postcards. Also is 2k18 hermano... you may be using those retarded hastags but this ain’t no instacrap; time to step up the game, show us some moving frames or something, if you really have something to show(we all know you don’t, kek). To wrap up... whatever, keep trying, guess every1 likes a tryhard:)
ayy lmao
Really needed a good laugh thanks. #WhenYouAreTooPoor4DSS #R(.I.)P. #YepThePEVIOUSHashtagIsExactlyWhatItLooksLikeAndWhatYouThink.
Totally aware, but there had to be a reminder for the GER(turks)RIES :).
breh? Do you even read ? The post was about and for the kebab boys not you... whatever.
i made a joke , just btw
Totally aware, but there had to be a reminder for the GER(turks)RIES :).
Whatever the cry, no1 joined, no1 spent 7000$ on a game (lul 21st century?) and so on bla bla bla... you still forget some crucial things: he doesn’t share with 80 people / family and dog. He doesn’t have 36 accounts, most likely doesn’t spend 500$ month and isn’t on 20/24. But ye nobody joined, keep farming.
never stop never stopping
purge farming, funny.
May I ask, both of you of course, how are these comments contributing to the topic of this thread, which is a Raid that happened in town?
Because if the aim is for me to close the thread to avoid more flamings and provocations, maybe I should start now.
Kind Regards,
Please do tary... Peace.
A gift? You mistake me for somebody else. All my items and accounts are mine, made by me through farming and trading. Never spent a single $. The poison is mine because a german boi wanted to give up 12 INT and 10 avg for 5% pierce. Enjoy the 5% pierce and keep crying over a poison lol. You realise how bad it sounds that all you got on me is a damn gerboi who made a bad deal? lul
Last post about this topic and to you in general on forum for now... in case you wanna keep going... your last option to bark on forum anyway since in-game u get 2 skilled after massive sharing and farming.