Anonymxx 14:45
Posts by anonymxxx
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Only Main chars allowed to farm ?
saturday anytime
anonymxx Saturday 15:15
anonymxx Saturday 15:15
Saturday 15:15 anonymxx
Congratulations to all other winners
To dust my Ingame Name is : anonymxx
Ty for this nice Event Thumbs up :))
Ty :))
It had a good thing aswell i found out some of my friends where already playing and i didnt knew ahha -
Yeah hahahahahha
i think i asked like 300 People already xD
I think some of them reported me for spamming hahha idc it was worth it :D:D:D:D
Some friends actually deleted me
Yeah but got blocked for to many messages in Fb now i have to find another way
I almost got the 100 6 Shares left spend almost 1 and a half day without break haha
Im begging my friends haha in Steam in Facebook on all Social medias i know haha
I got 1000 friends in FB should be easy to get the 100
And i actually got blocked on Facebook Chat HAHHAHA xD
So i cant ask people to share anymore <.< :D:D:D -
anonymxx 65 Blue