Oh thanks, if it weren't for you I wouldn't realized I wrote it all wrong. xD
Oh thanks, if it weren't for you I wouldn't realized I wrote it all wrong. xD
Please, remove the no-stacking on the minnows, it seems to have no use.
plagued cooldown is 30 mins? f me lol. potentially at least 60kk / 100-120 mins... ayy.
Well, I didn't knew this and my boxes now are gone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We have removed several quests and moved the rewards to the main ones. Also the main quests have different rewards, binded to avoid exploits, that help develope the characters. These changes are from level 1 to level 60 quest, but we intend to do the same for higher ones too. To balance, we raised the experience rate to compensate the lack of experience from the removed quests. Fixed night mode
But I pretty much like this a lot.
EDIT2: At least this helps for the value of the boxes and either will improve their value, or more people will be able to farm them, so.
So now I can care about Natures enchantment.
Good stuff good stuff
Say good bye to your metin farming, Etherial will farm them all.
I like the character spinning, but it should have another backpic so it looks more immersive, and let's the bars of stats more watchable.
I know a backpic like a city or something looks cliché, but a OX city pic (like the last one), would be immersive.
- The rewards are ONLY given after the Event ends!- If you click on "HAPPY EASTER", you will lose your Basket permanently and you WILL NOT be able to fill it anymore! Please be careful not to click in that message!
- We are NOT responsible if you lose your Basket after clicking by mistake on "HAPPY EASTER"
, I see this will be a problem even for people who knows this. There must be a way to solve it for people not to do it by mistake...
I'm sad to know you don't enjoy it anymore, as people like you make the server feel lifeful and you seem cool for a yellow (jk, you are cool).
Still, I do totally get the tiredness... And that of a garbage community, yes, it doesn't get much better. But I hope you come back soon, and by that time, we MorningWood can stand a chance for pvp (well, some of us we do, but I don't xD)!
cya, hope to see you soon, C:
Any other update coming up?
I'm anxious to see the new textures.
*Cries in spanish* Finally after years of "the bug" and disconnects. I'm so happy! (Old fx 4130 was a good boy this time)
Good luck Gentle!! I hope you come back soon and with good grades! Have a fantastic end of year!
You should try playing with just 1 client at the time if your specs are too low to handle Metin2 with a modern computer. Obviously more clients, more resources needed. I doubt you will experience freeze or crashes with 1 client only.
Well, let's see, as my specs aren't that low, but you can mock my computer to be old.
My processor is an AMD Fx 4130, and my graphics card is also an AMD Radeon HD 6670, I have 4gb of ram, I don't remember my motherboard right now, and with this antiques I can run up to 4-5 clients, when fishing. Long ago when I used 3 accounts in Demon Tower they runned as silk, this was when I made runs with my guild, 2 years ago?
PD: Freeze was common on only one client.
I have my PC with amd and metin crashes really often
so that sux and i know that feeling. Shadow, i experience crashes and freezes with 1 client on my PC, even tho i could handle 8 clients opened. However on my laptop with i5 no such thing happens. Cheers and good luck on exams Lietta
I feel you bro, mine doesn't crash but freezes. Thank you very much!
Display MoreNothing against you, even don't know you, just can't like farewells, but I can dislike it tho, damn those farewells who invented them
Well pizzas will be around, if you get some tasty food share it with us, you can always leave some posts on forum!
Good luck with exams, I know how pain in the a** it can be, but it in the end it pays off!
Have fun and cya around!
Gentle, you are so kind, my pizzas will be around (when I remember to upload, as I forgot for a while now). Have fun you too, cya!
I did never wanted to write a farewell, because, I knew always nostalgia could make me come back.
But as "the bug" I'm always complaining about made me quit once, when I came back my guild Neptuno was no more. I didn't wanted to play with people anymore after that, though I had some comrads that kept playing, as that now known as Hiumi, and Bor.
I had some vice streaks but didn't last long, I can never participate on halloweens and anniversary event as I have exams on those events. I can't play if whenever I try to play, the damn visual glitch comes and ruins my demon tower's run. Nothing to do about this. This is just a catharsis.
I would like to thank everyone, Neptuno in general, and Hiumi (whom sometimes gets cocky and thats the funny thing about him) and Bor (whom is bat**** crazy), whom are still here. I would also like to thank the team and the players for keeping this server up, as it's, if not the best, very close. If I remember someone else I'll edit this post as I forget stuff very often.
I'll come back only to play if I get the 7500 pesos in order to get an i7 to play to not get annoyed by the "amd cpu visual bug" (there is no way to describe it properly). I hope by the time I come back, the server doesn't change much, and the odins to be kept in a rational price. There might be still some pizzas to be posted. See you some day.Thank you all. Have wonderful times in metin2.(the girl also know as) Asusora.