Posts by KyoV
I love to play alone.. It would be really nice if you would add some interesting drop to the bosses.
Kappa, bone.. etc it is all about of selling useless items to the general store -
KyoV France 2 Portugal 1
Good decision mate
Every game is a waste of time.
Good luck in real life & have a nice day! -
I found ~18 words but I could not find a hidden massage. I guess I'm too lazy to look further
Should i write PM or post here? xD
1. David
2. Orc Mace
3. Uriel
4. Blacksmith
6. MirineHorizontal
2. Old Lady
5. Flame King
7. Plasticine
8. World Ring
9. Bera -
~1500 metins destroyed while the 1st place had like ~500, in the end,and he still won,so int's not about the numbers shadow..that's why im asking for a bronze cup,so you don't need to farm like crazy 5-6 days in a row,and a guy that farms only 10h can get over your rank just like that,leaving you far behind.
It seems to me that it should be more categories, but with worse prizes. -
I am 75 lvl and i like to farm 90 lvl metins. It's kinda disappointing that i don't get any points for destroying them
I wish it worked in such a way:
My character level: 75lvlLet's say 100 points for each metin stone.
65lvl = 50% points
70lvl = 75% points
75lvl = 100% points
80 lvl = 125% points
85 lvl = 150% points
90 lvl = 125% points
95 lvl = 100% points
and so on ;p