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Sumowrestling FaDeDropper - AstonJunior - Gauss
Football Fiesta Bratoshka - FabianRO
Horse Race DanooFarm - HalisNo7 - Schlurp - Romatix - SmokeyMcPot
Marathon 25cm - xZyzz - AnnaWandGenagelt - 1337JkRR
Fishing Surpreme Ivg - RainyDays - xAchilleus
DT exhibition Anachel - KiiDGohaN - Grandma
Triathlon -
Metin Field 1337Porki/Amnesiio - Loreine - RainyDays
Some players aren't sure wether they've got time or not.
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Forgot about Ultimate OX
What if your farmer is a mage or something like that that cannot farm very well ?