I think having more would affect the economy dramatically. I find the spawn rate way enough!
Posts by Glutamine
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OMG and I'm about to try once again my luck on rubies, thank you thank you!!!
Hey guys,
The winners are:
- ZG2: 01:01.18
- ZG1: 01:17.16
- pożycz: 01:20.64
- RedDragons: 01:31.41
- Fire Dragons: 01:50.49
- (=ʘᆽʘ=) MeowMeow: 05:38.47
Kind Regards,
How about rewarding the rest 2 teams with something small, symbolic, just for the try?
That button will take away your basket and give you the rewards.
The button exists in order to hand out your rewards when you are done.
Its not that you should stay away from it, you should only stay away from it if you still need to give eggbaskets to the bunny
Regarding you, woohoo
They are the same chests and should therefor also have the new drops.
Understood, thanks Elsy!
That option appears only when the event ends.
So lets make this clear. After the event ends, this option will appear on the npc and we should stay away from it. Do we have to press anything else to receive our rewards or will it happen automatically?
Great work, thank you so much!
I spent some gold on a 100lv helmet with 5mob to make it +8 and with pvm stats. Now, in a blink of an eye this helmet becomes useless. Not only needs rolling for pvp stats but also there is no way it will get 5demi cause it's hard as hell to make it +9 and even so, it's so unlikely to get 5demi at the rare adding. Also there is no point rolling rarity cause u can easily find one with 5demi already. So I won't take any refund for it, it will be just useless and now I have to roll my fear mask once again... Don't you see the problem here? Do something about it cause you didn't inform us, you just made the change. Make our 5mob 100lv helms 5demi at least, or I don't know, give me back my 10won cause yeah getting it to +8 took me 10won, not to mention the tons of changers I used to get nice pvm stats.
Please don't start with the "if you don't like it, there are plenty of servers out there", that's not how you treat old players.
Is it possible you can tell us how specific the sash system is? You said earlier, that 22% skill dmg in a weapon gives 6% skill dmg on a 25% sash. Does this mean values like 5,5 get round up to 6, or does it just display 6% and still gives 5,5% skill dmg increace? If this is the case and values get round up, does that mean, that 22, 23, 24, and 25% skill in a weapon leads to 6% skill in the sash? Also does the same apply for rarity stats? (for example 5avg becomes 2,5-->3 avg)
Same goes for rarity ones
Understood everything, thank you so much! Again, great work!
Great job, a few questions:
1)Just like making Fine Sash with 2 Basic sashes, same goes for the other stages as well? For example to make a Noble Sash I need 2 Fine sashes and to make Custom I need 2 Noble Sashes?
2)If we upgrade a Sash that has stats from an earlier absorption, if the upgrade succeed the new sash gets the stats? I'm trying to understand whats the best methodologies for it. Do we have to get it to final Custom Stage then absorb or we can absorb when ever and just keep upgrading it? I just don't want to waste a good 75 weapon, need to be sure on this.
3)I know we can remove stats from a sash but can we store somewhere/somehow the stats of a Sash?
4)Are all the Sashes,Fine Cloths and the Sash box tradable?
Thanks for your time!
Damn it and I bought many polies exactly before the patch
Anyway, good changes!! Love the checkbox for the auto-upgrade!
Aight to set this straight;
I suggest to you that you could test other polies. Not only the ones you are used to.
One of the Top3 Polies in my test was the Black Orc and i am pretty confident that hardly anyone even bothered crafting that one so far. Which is proven by the fact that theres below 10 of those on the server atm.
King Scorpion and Black Orc are both very decent poly marbles which are surely harshly underrated atm.
Black orc was even slightly faster than the Spider polies in fact.
Also, people are complaining the market is dead. If we give people, especially beginners, a good way to farm, it also seems to be wrong. Atleast to the high level players, those who already have the most.
Unfortunately, as on nearly every update, people complain before they even test the update.
Okey i might rushed my answer a bit. Haven't try all of them yet but I will and I'll come back! So far, speerman a bit of the same, a bit lower dmg than before. The 2 for ice run, the hydra kinda mob very slow, the iceman pretty damn nice fast and ok dmg on nemere!
Another pro I found about this update is on DC. Where I always wear my poly before the boss, and generally when you make a run on foot and you use poly at the very end. The fact that we can use aos and immidiately use poly makes it so damn faster to kill.
Well its simple logic, the rewards from runs will go up probably. This might be a good chance for low lvl players to sell materials. I hate the fact that I might need to clean the dust from my low lvl farmer and bring him back to life meh... anyway so far all I know is that I'll lose a bit of profit on making polies, it was cheaper before, hopefully polies will worth the effort.
Also please, add a timer so we can know when our poly will run out, it should be easy addition. I know it's 40mins for P poly but still, why not
Thumbs up for the new NPC, the display of the stats, the appearance in shop search and the stamina bar removal and fixing the bugs.
Thumbs down tho for the fact that we can't drop polies from the mobs anymore and that you put us to farm for ups to receive our most useful tool in runs. Also what the hell is going on with the material mounts per poly? That changes the whole economy of the game in just 24h. We needed max 10kk for the good ones and now the price for it went extremely high. How we suppose to make profit from the runs if the very poly costs more than the rewards? And don't tell me the rewards will raise up prices, cause there are some very good players that can manage runs without even poly. At least change the material mounts back to normal, we used to need 8 keepsakes+ and 8 gems+ for a speerman, now 4x more damn!
Bring back the poly drop & change the prices of the polies in the npc a bit!
Imagine make S skills on this one!
From our guild, the RedDragons we wishing you all Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year! Our wish is a better year than this one, with more hours of fun and joy. Be close to your loved ones and keep in mind that there is nothing more important than human relationships, love and health! This game brought us closer and made us make new friends, below is the very example:
Merry Christmas everyone, great job and really nice events coming up! Quick question. The pass for the Xmas map lasts 14 days. We can use it unlimited times during these 14days once it is made?
According to the new patch notes the fish can only be caught when the fish bubble is visible, the sooner you pull out your rod when this bubble appears, the higher the chances of success.
Great job
Looks nice!
Results please, thank you
Still w8 for the last results!