When will 100k videos come ?
https://i.gyazo.com/83cd6ab1e910aa9b9a55e0b0ed45e0be.mp4 enjoy
When will 100k videos come ?
https://i.gyazo.com/83cd6ab1e910aa9b9a55e0b0ed45e0be.mp4 enjoy
When will 100k videos come ?
idk, maybe when someone beat this one
team name: Sectia55
Time: 18:30
leader: plagueB
Bro you need to be reasonable here. I got 38% skill res + 15 fire res and 24k hp. He one shots me. I can't even use greater healing pots. Finishing yamachon shouldn't require oceanic+9 and superclass diamond. It's not the last dungeon in the game.
i just finish one with a lvl 100 asssasin bcs buggs bunny say its inposible to make it with 103 car , i can bcs i use 110 one , on 110 with 62 skill rez and 24% fire rezistence i was recived 17k, and now i added 25%more fire rez and yamachoon make max dmg 8k
I want to test with warrior too bcs on him i have like 85 fire rez and i want to see how is with 85 fire and 40skill rezistence
i my opinion hell run its oke like this, just need to build a equipment with fire rez and skill rezist since avg rez is not required
Now Yamachon makes a lot of damage. I die with only 1 SKILL (lose 10-15 baby polys which are expensive) with dss on + full skill rest eq (pvp shoes + saphire earrings too) + fire rest + boosters (dragon god attack, defence and hp) + blue liquid + green liquid + orange liquid ... if u will keep it like that, at least change the craft of meley ticket to 1 flame + 1 ice grail cuz now, yamachon and nemere are hard to kill.
These runs were never intended to get done solo. These are suppose to be group runs and finally are at the current state. I advise sharing those 10-15 polys among 8 player group. Ýou save a lot of money this way.
Bro...... u talk like a class that have self buff skills.... tell me as ninja what changes does it make for me to make Supreme the skill or not.... cmon stop beeing blinded only to your class...
Will i need to go in ince run with 4 chars just to make 1 run? not worth ....
Now i got titan shield 5 skill 3 awg, I used armour 8 awg 5 skill, bracelet 15% and also alchemy with 10% skill res + shoes skill 8% skill..... soooo 43 skill res.... and he did shot me i skill more than 22k HP...... This smels as usual sura returning to be op in pvm as usual.
Have a nice day!
I was talking about pvm? or pvp bcs there was a disscution about pvp , u read a thing on discord orther thing on this thread and now started hate me:) if u saw on discord about nemere Elspeth said that they will neft nemere . My main its NINJA ARCHERY , i am playing at pvm with assasin and sura for meley , when i made that screenshot when i killed nemere and send it to discord was with sura bcs i farmed metines on enchanted forest and i dont wanted to change account for a run , but u understand what u want .
Hanwei pls next time read all comments on a thread not just one wich u want to hate and do not deviate from the subject .
Have a nice day!
Guys i think u should wait till u finish with supreme skills are done on ur accounts , bcs this chance is not just for perfect skills its for supreme where is elemental dmg and ur skills deal much more dmg then p , on test server weapony sura was nice and yes i am not agree if for example Carbofix dispeal someone i can dispeal that player for 2 min too , but if u saw at yeasterday raid it was more fun when you were buffed almost all the time . So take a decision after u guys arrive at all supreme skills in your accounts .
btw nice update with enchanted forest
Have a nice day!
critical not working at elemental dmg , i dont know if its a bug or its intended
in rest everything seems be oke at dragon mage .
thank you for giving us this chance!
Saturday 17:00 GMT
team: NK
leader: L3Ny
I dont understand how is this possible to create that many escuses , this game its still a mystery for me bcs at the end of this video u say never lose but now after u lose u crate excuses.
here why u dont mention light mage its counter for sura wepony? bcs u win or what
sorry for my bad english peace!
Have a nice day!
in my opinion its better if necks,bracelets and earrings are replaced with agate for this stuff , alchemy need to be mythic minor and maybe add a change rare scroll +herbs 100/200 or dragon gods , pierce crit stuff
and with that blood stone i suggest to craft moonstone from them (its just a little idea dont hate me for that )
like 10blood stone 10 mithrill 10 red dye 10blue dye 10grey 10white and 10 green ancient clam , this can cost like 20-30 wons to craft a blood stone so i think its oke for everyone
Have a nice day!
damn:D stop crying
1 . andor, why ur video its on 140p recoded? :))
2 . bbazzy miss that skill no1 take dmg and u show how poison make u 1k dmg , if u think all are blind thats in ur mind :))
3 . yunii , its not all about who's the best pvp this is in ur mind and just in ur mind but yes i forgot just this matter for u guys find a occupation and stop crying like kids here or call all ur guild to support u.
4 . its really fun what are u doing this all of u bcs for u guys its more then a game
Time: Saturday 16:30GMT
Usually that happens because everyone prefers 5 skill over 8 avg for rarity on boots, sheild and armor if hits are as strong as you say then go for 8 avg over 5 skill and the hits will be low enough to not make you worry about those who play with hits
to remuve pvp stats from costumes its a way to escape from what is difficult , something wich make a big diference between those players who do not invest 1 yang on costumes for pvp stast and want equality with those who invest 20-50 won to make a 3x10 rez on costume or a nice hair style, i know now it hard to do many wons and give them to general store trying to make a 3x10 costume or a hair style in this times when its hard to make tones of wons bcs everything its cheaper , and u cant compare 10rez on costume with 8avg on rarity or 5 skill bcs that rezistence decrease dmg recived from both (hits and skills) or with 10 demi vs on hair style and how everything gone perfectly with them till now i dont think it affects anything in the future . for me its very good how it is now but what i know if stats on costumes will be remuved i will deal much more dmg:D and u know this very good bcs u are a archery too and on pvp many dont have more then 20 dodge arrow bcs u cant have 70 dodge arrow in same time when u have 75 block .
In my opinion costumes balance pvp in mostly at raids/nw .
team name: HuntersBase
time: 19:30gmt