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- Invicincibility during the revival of the player, disappear when the invisibility effect wears off or the player attack.
i dont get it, how this is a "update" when is the same of always? Since server started, when u get up atfer dying, u re invisible for 1-2 segs and also when u get up and attack immediately, u lose the invisible so again how this is a update?
can u explain it with simple words please?
There is 1 boss and when you kill it opens a portal, the respawn time of boss is 2 hours but doesnt matter when you kill it respawns specific time which if for example is xx:05 will respawn every xx:05 and every 2 hours so you can kill it 12:04 and respawn again at 12:05 so by telling you that you should understand the sense of 1:30 hours cd
ty so much, i got it now.
Edit: i have 2 question more please. The Portal´s Boss respawn always in the same place or it can respawn in any different place of all forest map? And also, The x4 Bosses of the run which u need to kill for fight against Final Boss spawn always at the same place or u must to look for him in all the maze?
The boss for portal spawns every 2 hours. CD for run is 1h30min.
You have 30 mins to finish the run.
how many "Portal´s bosses" are? more than 1 right? cuz it doesnt have sense if cd of run is 1 min or 1h 30 when the respawn of the portal´s boss is 2h cuz u must always wait 2h for join again to the run. Or, if there are more than x1 portal´s boss, the portal´s boss which u kill, it will respawn in 2h or the respawn of all portal´s boss is always at even number of time means at GMT 00 00, 02, 04, 06 and so ... ??
how many time is the cooldown of the run and how many time u have for complete the run?
Tary also make exp event please, 50% for all kingdoms 
i was expecting 50k TP price. 16k is just gift xd
making a SuperClass dss and using it in every char just for 16k is a nice gift
funny. for a maller like u, ofc is a gift but for the ppl who doesnt use real money for play is not. so first look urself at the mirror and next time dont speak shits.
PD: Fumao already showed all the eq and just ready the PM which said "dont show eq, just armor" in the min 1 58 seg JAJAJAJAJAJA i laugh so hard omg xDDD
why Magic Resistance eq? green tiger makes skill damage so only works in that run fire resistance and skill resistance damage so again, why magic resistance? Skill damage IS NOT THE SAME as magic damage
wtf? pvm king is not the last saturday and sunday of the month?