Posts by Elspeth

Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the patch notes of todsay 19/02/2025

    • Added an offline messaging system
    • Improved notifications of the Offline shop system (Notification for receiving an offer, having your offer accepted/rejected)
    • Fixed an instability which could lead to a corecrash

    Kind Regards

    Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    Hereby i want to present todays patch notes of 28/11/2024

    • Went back to original map1 design
    • Reinstated the Milleage Mall Category
    • Added the December Battlepasses

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community

    hereby i present the patch notes of today, 31/10/2024


    • Added 5 new Cosmetic Sets for Halloween
    • Added 3 new Event Themed Wheels of Fortune (Tp, Mp, Token)
    • Added a new spooky design for the villages
    • Added a Basic, Premium and Event Battle Pass
    • Added a bunch of Halloween cosmetics to the Item Mall
    • Added a new category to the item mall "Permanent Pets" with a bunch of halloween related (Non Stated) Permanent Pets


    • Removed our diagnostic Tool to lower the strain on players with worse connection, as it served its purpose and helped us remove all issues it could detect.
    • Fixed multiple issues as mentioned in the point before related to memory corruption or leaks (Which would cause lagg/client crashes)
    • Adjusted the issue some of you reported where mobs lost their aggro a bit too early after the last patch.
    • Fixed an issue where the crafting npc's sometimes would not have their categories and show everything in the generic categories instead

    Kind Regards

    Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the patch notes of today, 24/10/2024

    • Fixed an issue which caused a crash
    • Improved the monsters targeting AI which now allows them to follow you way more directly rather than running to your last known location before retargeting you

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    hereby i present the patch notes of today 14/10/2024

    • Fixed a couple of bugs which could potentially lead to core crashes
    • Added a tool which helps us identifying issues and bugs and their sources in order to better track down the reason of an issue and fix them.

    Kind regards

    Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    We would like to inform you of some important updates to our system.

    Effective immediately, we have decided to fully retire the Lock&Ready system. After thorough evaluation, we believe that our 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) system provides robust security on its own, and maintaining two systems with overlapping functions is unnecessary. We strongly encourage you to enable 2FA if you haven't done so already. You can check and update your settings by logging into your account on our website.

    Additionally, we want to bring to your attention a change regarding email providers. Moving forward, we will no longer support registrations using and email addresses, as these providers have frequently caused issues for our users. If you currently use one of these email providers, we recommend reaching out to us at from your original or email address to request an update. For a smoother experience, we suggest switching to Gmail, as it is our recommended option for seamless service.

    Kind regards,

    The TecInteractive Team

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present todays patch notes of 05/08/2024

    • Added Battlepass + Premium Battlepass
    • Added a Perma Weapon Costume Set to the Item Mall for a limited duration
    • Implemented a fix for a disconnection issue.

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present todays patch notes of 05/07/2024

    • Added Summer Event cosmetics & content
    • Added Summer Event Wheel of Fortune which can be spun using the Summer Coin from the Event's dungeon chests
    • Added 2 new boxes at the Zodiac Merchant [Thunder Spirit Costume/Weapon] which require a lot of Rarity ore, Soul Stones & Zen Beans to craft.

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present todays patch notes of 02/04/2024

    • Metins can no longer be poisoned
    • Metins can no longer be slowed
    • Added both the Basic and Premium BP of April
    • Gave the Mazarif Golem a walking animation

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the patch notes of today 01/04/2024

    • Rework of the Attack speed formula. You will now deal a little bit less damage, but attack speed now works perfectly untill 230 attack speed meaning you connect hits much more frequently and thus your general damage output is the same or higher than before.
    • Added the Easter Event content
    • Added the Mazarif Ruins dungeon as part of the Easter Event
    • Added the Midnight Forest dungeon (Not yet available for players)
    • Added 2 New Wheels of Fortune. One for 4000 Tp, one of an Item-Ticket obtained via the event. The Costume sets obtained from these wheels are also available to drop from their respective dungeons (Mazarif Ruins + Midnight forest) though the Midnight forest is not yet available to be played.
    • Added Easter Item Mall items
    • Fixed a bug in the game that made it impossible for Metins to have more than 2 visual effects active at once. This now allows you to for example see when you poisoned them (Was always possible, just not visible)

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present todays patch notes of 03/03/2024

    • Potential fix for people that had issues with packet drops during loading screens.
    • The Premium Cape now adds +100 Movementspeed to Monsters when lured
    • Added Ramadan Event cosmetics
    • Added Ramadan Event content
    • Fixed an issue with Dungeon entrys

    Kind Regards