Posts by Elspeth

Hey there, welcome to the Metin2.SG forum, here you can find a lot of interesting stuff, why don't you register your account? It only takes a minute! Click on the "Forum Login or forum-register" button on the top-left corner!

    Dear Community,

    hereby i present the Patch notes of 23/06/2022

    • Added a Shining & Sparkle System
    • Added a Minimap into the Orc Maze so players can easier spot left over Monsters
    • Added a crafting recipe to Baek-Go in order to change Green Potion M into Green Potion L
    • Added a crafting recipe to Baek-Go in order to change Purple Potion M into Purple Potion L
    • Since there were multiple variants of Purple Potion M which did the same thing but had different Vnums, one of them will now be called "Dying Purple Potion M" you can trade it at Baek-Go for the correct one which will not expire. After a certain time the Expiring Purple Potion M will be deleted from the game to clean up a little bit and make sure the M to L recipe can be used by everyone properly
    • Increased the level of Ochao Warrior and Ochao Soldier slightly
    • Added Summer Costumes, Metins, Weapon Skins, Mounts, Pets and other stuff for the Event [Will be obtainable once the Event starts]
    • Added Summer Event Battle Pass Quests, they will be available together with the Summer Event itself
    • Blood Pills can now be sold to NPC's for 50.000 Gold
    • Added a confirmation Pop Up before equipping a Special Experience Ring in order to make sure you don't accidentally equip an unequipable ring
    • Added the functionality to now display how many drops you actually got instead of merely stating the item name. For example it will now display "38x Elden Ore" rather than simply stating "Elden Ore"
    • Increased the Polar Predator Movementspeed a bit to match the other Mountskins
    • Increased the Wild Boar Mounts movementspeed a bit to match the other Mountskins
    • Increased the Armoured Panda movementspeed a bit to match the other Mountskins
    • Adjusted the (Battle/Military/Master) Horse Mount skins speed to match the other Mountskins

    For the moment we created a new Discord Server, its invite link can be found in the usual positions. Website, Forum, Patcher.

    Here is the perma link however.

    Kind Regards

    Dear Community,

    • Battlepass June added
    • Added a Petskin System and a bunch of Permanent Pet Skins
    • Fixed an issue with Ship Defense run which caused it to crash.
    • Fixed an Issue with the DSS which made party members unable to collect the Items from the ground under specific conditions
    • Added extra drops to Bagjanamu
    • Added a Skill to Bagjanamu
    • Added three crafting Recipes for "Moonlight Box+" to the Master NPC. This will probably be a temporary Recipe and will be there untill the end of the Month.

    June Premium Battle Pass

    Kind Regards,

    Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the Patch Notes of today, 09/04/2022

    • Added a Cap for Mage "Blessing Spell" on the Ancient Lands Map. They are now only granting a Maximum of 80% on this specific map only. All other maps remain unaffected.
    • Similar to Meley's Lair, we've added a Modifier to the Ancient Lands, which lowers your Block Chance to 33% of its actual Value. [Meaning, if you have 60%, effectively it will be 20%. While 50% would become 16,5%]
    • Increased the damage of "Royal Anubis"
    • Adjusted the Vein spawn of the Ancient Lands, they are not static anymore

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the Patch Notes of Today, 07/04/2022.

    • Created over 100 Weapon Skins. Every normal weapon ingame now also exists as a Skin. Implementation into the gameplay (ways to obtain them) to be determined.
    • Created and added a few Costumes that were requested by players. Implementation into the gameplay (ways to obtain them) to be determined.
    • Added 2 New Bosses to the Game
    • Added 1 New World Boss to the Game
    • Added a bunch of new Monsters to the game
    • Added 3 New Metins to the game
    • Added a Bunch of new Upgrade Materials to the Game
    • Added a new PvM Set to the Game [Helmet, Necklace, Bracelet, Earrings]
    • Added a new PvP Necklace to the Game
    • Added a new high level Farm Map to the Game
    • Added a new Ore-Vein to the Game. It can be found on the New Map and is used for the new Equipment.
    • Added a New Ore and Refined Ore to the game, as explained above it is used for the new Equipment.
    • Added a Function to the Shopsearch which lets you filter by Shop Owner
    • Reduced the EXP of the Monsters on DT 11th Floor
    • Increased the EXP of the Monsters at the end of Heaven's Lair 2
    • Nerfed the Damage of the Monsters in Enchanted Forest
    • Adjusted the "Cube Window" Categories. They are now more clean and properly split.
    • Added the Crafting Recipe for the new Items to the "Master" Npc's Categories "Equip" and "Accessories"
    • Blocked the usage of "Blacksmith's Memo" for Items above level 100
    • Blocked the useage of "War God Blessing Scroll" for Items above level 100
    • Blocked the useage of "Wise Man's Memo" for Items above level 100
    • Added a Battle Pass System to the game which in itself has 3 Categories.
    • "Basic Battle Pass" Which is available for everyone for free.
    • "Premium Battle Pass" Which is available only via the Premium Pass unlock item.
    • "Event Battle Pass" which will be available for everyone during Major Events or whenever the Staff Team sees it fitting to be active.
    • Weakened the "Gnoll" Monsters on Dragonfire Cape
    • Copied the weakened "Gnoll" Monster stats for all other Lv 90 Maps.

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present you the patch notes of today, the 11th of February 2022,

    • Removed Fire/Wind/Lightning resist from Items. If the Bonus was in Slot 1-4 You will need to use a Bonus Adder to readd it, if it was in the 5th Slot you will need to use a Blessing Marble to readd it.
    • Fixed a bug which made people unable to divorce
    • Added the "Kingdom Betrayal" Event. When activated you can change from Blue Kingdom to Yellow Kingdom for free at the NPC "Heuk-Young"
    • Dragon Mages built in "vs. Mob" Bonus was slightly reduced
    • Mental Warriors now have a "vs Mob" built in Bonus
    • Weapon Sura's Dark Twister S Skill Bonus "Faint Chance" was removed
    • Weapon Sura's now have a 10% Crit Damage increase on Enchanted Blade S. This is experimental and might be changed in the future.
    • Some of the Valentine Event content has been added.

    Kind Regards,

    The Metin2SG Team

    It is PvP Relevant mostly, but since only 3 of them are rollable on 1-5 Stats and the rest is only rollable on Rarity removing them from the 1-5 Pool evens the playing field.

    On top of that it also makes it easier to roll other, more relevant stats.

    Dear Players,

    hereby i want to present todays Patch notes of 09/02/2022

    • S Skill specific buffs such as "Self. Crit Damage" or "Self. Crit Resist" of Dragon Mage, now only apply to the specific class that can cast it. Meaning a Dragon Mage can't provide such stats to a Healer and a Healer cant provide it to a Dragon Mage.
    • Dragon Roar range reduced
    • If engaged into a PvP Situation, mounts are put on a cooldown, meaning you cant mount up.
    • You are now able to Pay 5kk for 1 Day, 10kk for 2 Days and 15kk for 3 Days extended duration on the Shop, you are not required to close the shop anymore.
    • Removed Wind/Fire/Lightning Resist from the Rollable 1-5 Stats
    • Fly Packets [EXP Orbs, Mana Absorb, HP Absorb etc.] can now be turned on/off

    Kind Regards

    The Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    As mentioned previously already, we now want to confirm the 10th of February as the official day for the Merge of the Season Server and the Main Server.

    This means a few things

    • Both servers will be offline for multiple hours on that specific day, as a merge is a delicate procedure that takes some time. The Exact hour will be announced a few hours before the Merge happens.
    • This Sunday, the 6th of February, the Achievements for "Most Metins/Dungeons" come to an end, which means that whoever is the leader in those categories by the time we close it. [Presumeably 18:00. However, the time will be announced around Sunday Noon time to be confirmed.]
    • Doubled Account Names/Char names will receive a "SG3" at the end of their name in order to ensure that there will not be any doubles.

    Kind Regards,

    The Metin2SG Team

    nice but can you stack em with the chocobo/dragor that you get from the daily ?

    Also is there a plan for the monkey herbs in the future ? i mean atm they are useless since our horses can't die anymore so they lost there only purpose :thinking:

    Its the same item, so yes it can be stacked with them. Thats also the reason why they won't be tradeable.

    As for the Monkey Herbs, maybe, who knows.

    Dear Community,

    hereby i present the Patch Notes of today, 22/01/2022.

    This Patch will be applied to both Servers.

    • Added various herb drops to the Enchanted Forest
    • Made Various Items stackable. [Waterstone, Monkey Herbs, Magic Metal]
    • Changed Lord Gahnasel's drop requirement to Level 75 to match the Dungeons entry requirement.
    • Made Couple's Ring work in Heaven's Lair 1&2
    • Chocobo/Dragor Certificates are now Storeable
    • Dragon Mage Buffs now group the entire Group, as long as they are in 50m Radius. [Roughly the same as the EXP Range]
    • Removed "Town Return Scroll" from the Hexagonal Chest
    • Reduced the chance of obtaining EXP from "Chest of Darkness".
    • Added the DT Ground Floor as a Stand alone farming Map back into the Game. It can be found at the DT Guardian
    • Added an alternative "Meley's Pass" crafting recipe [3x Ice Grail + 1x Flame Key] to make the Dungeon more accessible and Ice grail more valueable

    Kind Regards,

    The Metin2SG Team

    That reason is a joke, first of all, run is now only 1 hour, you have to be in a group as well, that was the best possible place to lvl until at least lvl 105, by making this game easier you are just forcing old school players off the server, was playing this game in 2005/2006, I believe game was released in 2004, last couple of updates makes no sense at all and if you think you gonna have new players because of this approach, you are so god dam wrong.

    You do realise that it is a Run and not actually meant as a Leveling spot?

    There is a reason why we did decrease the EXP of it on the Season Server and in return increased the EXP in Heaven's Lair. Which would cost us 30 seconds and a Reboot at best to do the same on the Main Server.

    Regardless, it was a highly requested change, that is why it happened. Its fine if you personally do not like it though.

    Can I ask what's the reasoning behind the DT update? I actually enjoyed making public DTs and blue runs even for the opposing kingdom, it seems like its always been a nostalgic feeling to do so and its quiet nice, if it has to do with limiting the amount of accs each person has I'm sure there's other ways of limiting it than to completely isolate the runs.

    It is simply for the run to be able to have a rejoin feature, which a lot of people requested. That can't be done without a Group.

    You have been selling less because the server is less populated, no correlation to the shop changes, if you sold before because you undercut prices, you should still be able to sell now because people still manually search.

    That in fact is also just as untrue.

    If you sell less it usually simply means you are still trying to sell stuff like Exorcism Scroll or Hermits advice, which naturally is far less needed by now than it was 2 weeks ago.

    Items like those are highly requested at server start, now everyone can farm them for themselves and has a majority of their skills done, so the demand for those items decreases. That is just one example though. An active Server has a shifting market. Its all about supply and demand. Sell stuff that is required by many and you will sell more. Its as simple as that.

    Dear Community,

    hereby i want to present the Main Server Patch Notes for today, 19th of December 2021

    • X-Mas Event Content added to the Game
    • Added Christmas Designs to the Cities of the Kingdoms
    • Dragor and Chocobo improved. Their HP, EXP, Defense and Monster Versions are now also increased in Value in order for those rolls to feel less like a total waste. The Attack Value versions remain the same as before.
    • the "Magma Dragon" Mount was adjusted. It was slightly faster than it should be which caused it to have a minor bug making players teleport backwards when they dismounted. It was slowed down to the speed of the other mounts which in turn also fixed the teleport issue.

    Kind Regards

    The Metin2SG Team

    Dear Community,

    Here are the Patch Notes of today, 09/12/2021

    • Shopbox History tab reworked. It now displays all sales, purchases and bids.
    • Added an InGame Wiki
    • Orc Maze cooldown Reduced. 60 Minutes -> 10 Minutes

    Kind Regards,


    Dear Community,

    as i've already heared a lot of rumors and confusion about the new Season Server, here's some clearification!

    The Launch date will be the 10th of December. 15:00 GMT!

    You will need to download the new Client from the Season Server website and register a new Account which can already be done!

    In case that you use the same ID / Username as on the Main Server, we will have to add something to the Name once the Merge happens [Like a S2 or similar].

    As a little Christmas Gift we decided to grant everyone a free Month of Premium on our Season Server so make sure to register in time before the Server Launch!



    Registration & Download

    Season Server Specific Changes!

    Dear Community,

    Today we automated the TecPoints, as it was generally heavily requested.

    That means that every 30 Minutes on XX:00 and XX:30 the TecPoint requests are automatically accepted.

    However, this also means that we raised the TecPoint prices by 1% in order to avoid flooding.

    The New Prices are henceforth; 1010, 2020, 3030 and 5050.

    This change could not be disclosed preamtively in order to avoid hoarding and panic selling of TecPoints.

    Kind Regards,