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This is the file that regulates it. It is clearly written everything down, so unless Ymir mistaked the worm for the ball and the ball for the worm, the guide is correct.
It seems your guess about Ymir's mistake is correct. I've fished with 750 rice balls today and finally saw what Bass, Sardine and Crab looks like. I also couldn't manage to catch fishes like Eel, Tilapia, Striped Bass (rice ball, minnow fishes). It might also be translation error since Ymir is korean company afaik.
The guide is correct.
The fish are listed are not exclusively dropped with that bait. That bait is the best one to drop that fish.
So i've used worms for a whole week till my rod becomes +12 and my shopbox inventory filled with grilled lobster, herring and halibut but not a single grilled bass, sardine and crab even though the worms are their preferred bait? i will use rice balls today to make a test then
Bass, Sardine and Crab can only be caught using riceball. The information in the guide is wrong but those fish are not such game changers and don't have any value whatsoever. It is better to fish for points on the pole and don't bother yourself too much with it until the pole is +18.
of course i don't really care about those fishes. i just wanted to make the guide right because it's confusing for newcomers
you need higher rod+ for the worm fishes.
i think you misunderstood what i said. i caught Lobster, Herring and Halibut(fishes that can only be caught by rice balls) with the worms and i couldn't manage to catch Bass, Sardine or Crab (fishes that can only be caught with worms) with the worms.
So i've been fishing for a week and i think rice ball should be replaced with worm in the chart. I caught all riceball only fishes with the worm while not even one worm only fish. It might also be related to fisherman npc in the fishing map since i always buy the worms from there.